1. He obeyed what the prohibitor ordered him,
And became clothed in the garb of the wavering one.
١. أَطاع ما يَأْمُرُهُ النَّاهِي
وصارَ في حِلْيَةِ أَوَّاهِ
2. No matter how many times she was told,
It was with one meaning without any deviation.
٢. لها وكَمْ قِيلَ لها مَرَّةً
فَهْيَ بمعنى واحدٍ لاهِ
3. Busy with youth instead of youthfulness,
And with pretense instead of his passions.
٣. مشتغِلٌ دُونَ الصّبا بالصبا
ودُونَ نيرانٍ بأَمْواهِ
4. So when he pondered over his matter,
You saw in him the state of the oblivious one.
٤. فَهْوَ إِذا فَكَّرَ في أَمْرِهِ
رَأَيْتَ منه حالَةَ السَّاهِي
5. His insides resembled the water of the sea,
And familiarity did not diminish similarities.
٥. أَشْبَهَ ماءَ البَحْرِ أَحْشَاؤُهُ
ولم تَضِعْ أُلْفَةُ أَشْبَاهِ
6. He pours out Taha when he comes to light,
The wave narrating the tale of the wanderer.
٦. يَسْرُدُ طَهَ حِينَ يبدُو له
ذُو المَوْجِ يَحْكِي مِرْجَلَ الطَّاهي
7. Glory is for homelands not lost,
I tied its tent pegs with wealth and glory.
٧. الجاهُ لِلأَوطانِ لا أُبْعِدَتْ
أَوْبَتُه بالمالِ والجاهِ
8. A strong determination required by secretiveness,
Even if it is agitated and wavering.
٨. عزمٌ قويٌّ يقتضيه السُّرَى
ولو على مضطربٍ واهِ
9. He rides in the peel of its unripe dates having flowed,
Even if the logic of the date peel flowed.
٩. يركبُ في قِشْرِ عِضَاهٍ جَرَى
وإِن جَرَى مَنْطِقُ عَضَّاهِ
10. And if the extent of his worries became high,
He tried the lowest rank that it is.
١٠. ولو علا مقدارُ هِمَّاتِه
حاولَ أَدنى رُتْبَةٍ ما هي
11. He attained the space of ease in a place,
That is too narrow for the rank of the king.
١١. نال مجالَ الرُّخِّ في موضِعٍ
يضيقُ عن مَنْزِلَةِ الشَّاهِ
12. O gift of God, his conduct approached,
So what do you see, O gift of God?
١٢. يا هِبَةَ اللِه دَنَا سَيْرُهُ
فما تَرَى يا هِبَةَ اللِه
13. The time has drawn near and the intention has called
Prolonging in coaxing and alluring.
١٣. قد أَزِفَ الوقتُ وداعى النَّوَى
أَطْنَبَ في نَاهٍ ونَهْنَاهِ
14. Your beautiful sight and my poetry together,
So order something third amazing.
١٤. منظَرُكَ الباهي وشِعْرِي معاً
فَأْمُرْ بشيءٍ ثالثٍ باهِ
15. My speaking with mouths and how many groups
Who have spoken of you with mouths.
١٥. نُطْقِي بأَفواهٍ وكم معشرٍ
قد نَطَقوا منك بأَفواهِ
16. And there are mouths that have a taste,
Sweeter than the scent of mouths.
١٦. وَثمَّ أَفواهٌ لها نكهةٌ
أَطْيَبُ من رِيحَةِ أَفْواهِ
17. I came reluctantly but still I came,
Not having come reluctantly.
١٧. أَمضى بإِكراهٍ ولكنَّني
ما جئتُ إِذ جئت بإِكراهِ
18. In the ease of God and enjoyment of intimacy,
Their speech in the ease of God.
١٨. في دَعَةِ الله وحَظِّ الوَرَى
مقالُهُمْ في دَعَةِ اللِه
19. I ransom you from a guide with his pens,
When they flowed in prose or poetry.
١٩. أَفديكَ من هادٍ بأَقْلامِهِ
إِذا جَرَتْ في الطِّرْسِ أَوْداهِ
20. Combining the two descriptions, it departs from,
The face of the beautiful faced radiant forehead.
٢٠. مُجْتَمِعُ الوَصْفَيْنِ ينشَقُّ عن
وجهِ حَيِيِّ الوَجْهِ جَبَّاهِ
21. An eloquence not for one with humiliation,
And dignity not for one wavering.
٢١. طَلاقَةٌ ليستْ لذي ذِلَّةٍ
وعزَّةٌ ليست لتَيَّاهِ
22. With it in both states of his glory,
If you want precedence, then be amazing.
٢٢. باهِ بها في حالَتَيْ مَجْدِهِ
إِن كُنْتَ تبغِي سَبَقاً باهِ
23. He remains steady like a towering mountain,
And bends like a flowering branch.
٢٣. يَثْبُتُ مثلَ الجبلِ المُعْتَلِي
وينثَنِي كالغُصُنِ الزاهي
24. If Egypt were asked as though it is,
The abodes of the supporter of God.
٢٤. لو سُئِلَتْ مِصْرُ على أَنَّها
منازِلُ العاضِدِ للِه
25. Whoever lacked his symbol at the beginning of,
In the name of God and praised the King of Kings.
٢٥. من عَدِمَتْ سَمَّتْهُ في أَوَّلِ ال
بسْمِ وثَنَّتْ بِشَهِنْشَاهِ
26. A branch came to you in the hand of speech,
Where imagination did its amazing work.
٢٦. جاءَتْكَ غُصْناً في يَدَيْ مَنْطِقٍ
أَعملَ فيها الخاطِرُ الماهِي
27. An unspoiled maiden said to you her traits,
Amazing in my beauty the amazing was written.
٢٧. عذراءُ قالَتْ لك أَوْصَافُها
باهِ بِحُسْنِي كُتُبَ الباهِ