1. Without our friendship being enough
Preserve it, O Abu Al-Su'ud the content
١. دونَ ما بَيْنَنَا من الوُدِّ يَكْفِي
فاحْتَفِظْ يا أَبَا السُّعودِ المُكَفِّي
2. What have you seen, O strong of mind
Of my weakness and submission to you
٢. أَيُّ شيءٍ رأَيْتَهُ يا قوىَّ ال
عَقْل من رِكَّتِي إِليكَ وضَعْفِي
3. I'm not one you knew
To gossip about and conceal
٣. لستُ مِمَّنْ عَرَفْتَهُ أَنْتَ بالنَّوْ
كِ فتُبْدِي منه الحديثَ وتُخْفِي
4. Rather, it is the way of honorable men
And your status among them, to be counted by the thousand
٤. إِنَّمَا عادَةُ الكِرامُ وما أَوْ
لاكَ فيهم بأَنْ تُعَدَّ بأَلْفِ
5. They disdain to reject the hand of one who seeks them
Even if he comes to them aggressively
٥. إِنّّهم يُنْكِرون رَدَّ يَدِ الرَّا
غِبِ فيهمْ ولو أَتاهُمْ بعُنْفِ
6. And they welcome him with the blossom of affection
With pure wine of love
٦. ويحيُّونه على زَهَرِ الوُدِّ
بخمرٍ من المَحَبَّة صِرْفِ
7. Not as you acted with me, may God support you
Famous for your weapons, the first line of battle
٧. لا كما قُمْتَ فيه أَيَّدَكَ الَّل
هُ شهيرَ السِّلاحِ أَوَّلَ صَفِّ
8. And you scared off the enemy with your brilliant words
With that clear speech, so eloquent
٨. وأَجلْتَ البنَانَ بالكَلِمِ الفا
ضِحِ من ذلكَ الخطابِ المُعَفِّي
9. And you were creative in your messages between us
In what you sent and suggested
٩. وتَفَنَّنْتَ بينَ كافِيك في التَّسْ
جِيعِ مِمَّا بَعَثْتَه والتَّعَفِّي
10. Looking into your friend's request, differing
Though the gaze of an eye doesn't differ
١٠. نَظَرا في سؤالِ خِلِّكَ يَخْتَلُّ
ولَيْسَ اخْتِلالَ ناظِرِ طَرْفِ
11. And believing it frightened me that I would attribute
To you the belief of a fool's mind
١١. واعتقاداً فيه وحُشِيَت أَنْ أَنْ
سُبَ منكَ اعتقادَ عَقْلِ السُّخْفِ
12. So why did you violate the sanctity of my honor
And why did you take the forbidden liberty of slandering me
١٢. فعَلاَمَ استَبَحْتَ ممنوعَ عِرْضِي
وإِلامَ اسْتَجَزْتَ محظورَ قَذْفي
13. And why did you hide me with insults though
My soul loves no one but you
١٣. ولماذا أَخَفْتَنِي بالقِلَى وَهْ
وَ لِنَفْسِي أَحبّه دُونَ إِلفى
14. And you threw my heart into a fire
Which undoubtedly scorches and extinguishes it
١٤. ورَميْتَ الفؤادَ مِنِّي بنارٍ
أَنتَ لا شَكَّ تصطَلِيِها وتُطْفِي
15. Your traps on difficult terrain will certainly
Make easy plunder between my hands
١٥. إِنَّ أشْرَاكَكَ الصِّعابَ لَتَجْرِي
هَيِّناتِ التَّخْلِيصِ ما بَيْنَ كَفِّي
16. We asked only in proportion to this lowly one
So do not lord yourself above us in your pride
١٦. ما سأَلنا إِلاَّ على قدر ذا الدّه
رِ فلا تَشْمَخَنْ عَلَيْنَا بأَنْفِ
17. I had a tryst sworn on oath that would not be broken
Yet when it came, you broke it
١٧. كان لي مَوْعِدٌ على حَلِفٍ لا
غَرْوَ أَنْ جاءَ فيه عندي بخُلْفِ
18. It was as heavy as an eye's measure
And a mustard seed of it would suffice
١٨. وهْوَ ما قَدْرُهُ من العَيْنِ مثقا
لٌ ومثقالُ ذَرَّةٍ منه يكفي
19. You sent a messenger who returned to me
Mocking me, I ransom him from the mocker
١٩. وبَعَثْتَ الرسولَ فارتَدَّ نحوي
مُسْتَخَفًّا أَفدِيهِ من مُسْتَخَبف
20. Saying "If you accept, I will conceal it"
Seeking to expose me, so I said "I will conceal it"
٢٠. قائلاً لو قَبلْتَ أَخْفَيْتَ هذي النَّ
فْسَ مستقصِيًا فقلتُ سَأُخْفِي
21. And my hand reached out to you
With a covenant - did you not speak a word?
٢١. ويَدِي هذِهِ إِليكَ قد امْتَدَّ
تْ بعهدٍ أَلاَّ نَطَقْتَ بحَرْفِ
22. When you sent me your sublime script
And introduced it to me, though I knew it not
٢٢. أَتُرَى إِذْ بَعَئْتَ لي خَطَّكَ العا
لِي وَعَرَّفْتَنِي به غَيْرَ عُرْفي
23. And I folded the parchment from it
On the scent that lingered until I covered my nose
٢٣. وطوَيْتُ القِرطاسَ منه على ما
فاحَ حتَّى سَدَدْتُ بالرَّاحِ أَنْفِي
24. That had I paused in doubt
Having seen in passion a return backwards
٢٤. أَنَّنِي لَوْ وَقَفْتُ وقْفَةَ شاكٍ
قد رأَى في الهوى الرجوعَ لِخَلْفِ
25. And abandoned reproach, not guiding
My pen in any of this with a letter
٢٥. وتركتُ العتابَ لم أُجْرِ فيه
قَلَمِي من جميع هذا بحَرْفِ
26. And been distracted from promises in which
Betrayal remains the companion of betrayal
٢٦. وتَسلَّيْتُ عن مَوَاعِيدِ فيها
خَلَفٌ لا يزالُ صاحِبَ خُلْفِ