
Any beloved whose cheek has a mole,

أي حبيب في خده شرطه

1. Any beloved whose cheek has a mole,
I would not transgress his wish, no, not by a hair.

١. أيّ حبيب في خده شرْطَهْ
لم أتجاوزْ في حبه شرطَهْ

2. He has a slender waist and graceful swaying gait,
Showing you beauty as if it were a dot.

٢. أحورُ أحوى أغرُّ مختصَرُ ال
خَصْرِ يُريك الجمال كالنقطَه

3. I asked him for a kiss, but he refused
Threatening me with the police officer.

٣. سألته قبلة فغالطني
مهدداً لي بصاحب الشرطَهْ

4. Magic is in his glances and rosy cheeks
On which a tint, like a dot, overlays.

٤. السحرُ في طرفه ووجنته
ورديّةُ اللون فوقها نقطَهْ

5. I ransom the one whose estrangement pained me,
For estrangement after union is like rage.

٥. فديت من هجره على وجلٍ
والهجر بعد الوصال كالسّخْطَه

6. I grew gray-haired in loving him, and here am I now
Entangled in difficulties because of him.

٦. وشِبْتُ في حُبّه فوا سَقَمي
وها أنا الآن منه في ورطَه

7. I say, now that grey hair has appeared
And marked my parting with a line.

٧. أقول لما بدا المشيبُ وقد
خطّ به وسْطَ مَفرِقي خطّهْ

8. O heart, repent and ask the Almighty
To forgive what is past, and say: "It is enough!"

٨. يا قلبُ تُبْ واسألِ المهيمنَ أنْ
يغفرَ ما قد مضى وقُلْ حِطّهْ

9. Take refuge in the Guardian, the Imam whose
Knowledge and excellence have been spread.

٩. والجأ الى الحافظِ الإمام ومَنْ
قد زيد في العلم والعلى بسْطَهْ

10. Honor him, for he is a refined and brilliant man
Who has no faults compared to others.

١٠. أكرِمْ به من مهذّبٍ فطِنٍ
ليس له دون غيره غلطَهْ

11. He is the most remarkable, surpassing all people.
We hope for his pleasure and fear his rage.

١١. أروعُ فاقَ الأنامَ كلهُمُ
نرجو رضاه ونتقي سُخْطَهْ

12. How many blessings has he brought me! How many
Heavy burdens has he removed from me!

١٢. كم نعمةٍ قادها إليّ وكمْ
عبءٍ ثقيلٍ عليّ قد حطّهْ

13. He whose pen ceaselessly cuts off
The heads of his enemies when he swings it.

١٣. ذو قلمٍ لم يزل يقُطُّ به
رؤوسَ أعدائِهِ إذا قطّهْ

14. The ministers and kings esteem him greatly,
As do the princes, and the police officer.

١٤. الوزرا والملوكُ تُكْبِرُه
والأمرا ثمّ صاحبُ الشرطَه

15. O Guardian, Imam whom our Lord
Has honored with his line of descent.

١٥. يا أيها الحافظُ الإمام ومن
قد شرّف الله ربنا خطّهْ

16. Your servant is Nasr, whom you know
Has neither money nor wheat.

١٦. عبدُك نصْرٌ وأنت تعرفُهُ
ما عنده فضّةٌ ولا حِنْطَهْ

17. The oil jar after it was filled
Emptied out, then the jar was sold.

١٧. وبطّةُ الزيتِ بعد ما ملئت
تفرّغَتْ ثم بيعَتِ البطّه

18. The mice have all fled in hunger,
And the cat has run from its hunger.

١٨. هذا وكل الفئرانِ قد نفروا
جوعاً وفرّتْ من جوعِها القطّهْ

19. So do with him as you wish, may you never
Cease to enjoy favor and fortune!

١٩. فخُذْ عليه بما تشاءُ فلا
برِحْتَ في نعمة وفي غِبطَهْ

20. And whoever doubts his love of you
Will get fleas in the upper part of his robe.

٢٠. وكل من شكّ في محبّتِه
حلّت بأعلى سِباله ضرْطَهْ