
Advances in medicine made by Abdelaziz,

تقدم في الطب عبد العزيز

1. Advances in medicine made by Abdelaziz,
The Messiah was almost seen following him.

١. تقدم في الطبِّ عبدُ العزيزِ
فكادَ المسيحُ يُرى تابِعا

2. His views from Naj almost
Attain vast hopes.

٢. تكادُ من النجْعِ آراؤه
ويستقربُ الأملَ الشاسِعا

3. If the path was narrowed by others,
You saw for him a broad methodology.

٣. وإن ضاقَ من غيره مسلكٌ
رأيتَ له منهَجاً واسعا

4. He determined with his penetrating health
To cut out the root of all maladies.

٤. فحكّم في قطْعِ أصلِ السَقامِ
مهنّدُ صحّتِه القاطِعا

5. His look was refreshing for the patient,
So he returned many a withered one to bloom.

٥. ونظرتُه نضرةٌ للمريضِ
فكم ذابلٍ ردّهُ يانِعا

6. If it was conventional to pay the doctor,
His treatment would have been remunerative.

٦. فلو جازَ في العُرفِ دفعُ الحِمامِ
لكان له طبُّهُ دافِعا