
I know not if it is a gift being passed around

لست أدري أتحفة تتهادى

1. I know not if it is a gift being passed around
Or a bride in her finery swaying to and fro

١. لَسْتُ أَدرِي أَتُحْفَةٌ تُتَهادَى
أَم عَروسٌ في حَلْيِها تَتَهَادى

2. Or covenants that time has mocked
With the smile of flowers while still shedding tears

٢. أم عهودٌ قد أَضْحَكَ الدهرُ فيها
مَبْسِمَ الزهرِ حين أَبْكَى العِهادا

3. Or the whiteness of cheeks unfolding like pages
And the blackness of eyelids flowing like ink

٣. أَم بياضُ الخدودِ نَشْرَ طِرْساً
وسوادُ الأَصداغِ سالَ مِدادا

4. Nay, it is an ode from a master who protected me
From the cravings of enemies, strengthening and supporting me

٤. بل قريضٌ من سِّيدٍ سَدَّ عَنِّي
لَهَواتِ العِدَا وشَدَّ وشَادا

5. There diffused from the embers of his genius
A fire of poetry that surpassed all rivals

٥. فاحَ من مِجْمَرِ القريحةِ منه
نَدُّ شعرٍ قد أَعْجَزَ الأَنداد

6. And what the maid of Sicily saw in him
Is true, so rightfully did Baghdad boast

٦. ورأَتْ ما رأَتْ صِقِلِّيَّةٌ من
هُ فَحَقٌّ أَنْ فاخَرَتْ بغدادا

7. Majid, excelling in acquiring virtues
And meanings, exhausting all glories

٧. ماجِدٌ جَدَّ في اكتساب المعالي
والمعانِي فأَتْعَبَ الأَمجادا

8. Surpassing the rank of composer of verse
Though, had he wished, he could have been greater

٨. زادَ عن رُتْبَةِ المُنَظِّمِ للشع
ر ولو شاءَها لكانَ زِيادا

9. Verily time has wronged my eyes
Showing me him as a guiding star

٩. ولقَدْ أَظْلَمَ الزَّمانُ لِعَيْني
وأَرانِيه كوكباً وَقَّادا

10. I thanked the Desired One in the shade of His blessings
And attained my wishes from His grace

١٠. فَحَمِدْتُ المُرادَ ِفي ظِلِّ نُعْما
هُ على بَسْلِهِ ونِلْتُ المُرادا

11. He continued removing adversities from me
Strengthening my powers and guiding me aright

١١. ومضَى يدفَعُ الشَّدائدَ عَنِّي
ويشُدُّ القُوَى ويُولِي الرَّشادا

12. Brandishing the sword of his resolve in the tribulations of my affairs
Not knowing rest or repose

١٢. شاهِراُ سَيْفَ عَزْمِهِ في مُلِمَّا
ت أُموري لا يَعْرِفُ الأَغْمَادا

13. O my pillar, though I was deprived of pillars
And beloved, though I forgot to love

١٣. يا عِمادِي وقد حُرِمْتُ العِمادا
ووِدادي وقد نَسِيتُ الوِدادا

14. He who fills time with flames
In the battles and trials of my life

١٤. والذي يَمْلأُ الزمانَ اتِّقاداً
في دياجِي خطوبهِ وانْتِقادا

15. Who can compare with you in knowledge, when
Merit and perfection are led by you?

١٥. من يُجارِيكَ فِي العلومِ وقد مَلَّ
كَكَ الفضلُ والكمالُ القِيادا

16. So make excuses, for it is the product of a thought
That finds no rest or respite from firing up

١٦. فَابسُطِ العُذْرَ إِنَّها بِنْتُ فِكْرٍ
لَيْسَ يَزْوَى وَلَيْسَ يُورِي زِنادا