1. For whose camels does the convoy set forth at dawn?
They know whom the camels have carried but I do not know
١. لمَنِ الحُمولُ بجدّةٍ تسري
يدرينَ مَن حملَتْ ولا يَدْري
2. In the family, a ship sailing and anchored
The voyage of ships in the swell of the sea
٢. في الآلِ طافيةٌ وراسيةٌ
سيرَ السفينِ بلجّةِ البَحرِ
3. So greetings, my heart, for they have appeared
As you imagined, away from my breast
٣. فعليكَ يا قلبي السلامُ فقد
بانوا كما قد بِنْتَ عن صدري
4. How many veils of litters have concealed
From your eyes the sun and the moon
٤. كم حجبت كلل الهوادج عن
عينيك من شمسٍ ومن بدرِ
5. White and brown, their eyes are magic
Making you forget the work of white and brown
٥. بيضٌ وسمرٌ سحرٌ أعيُنِهم
يُنسيكَ فعل البيضِ والسمرِ
6. And I, devoid of any cheer, for when
Love is mentioned, I am the one made happy
٦. وأنا العديمُ من السّلوّ فإنْ
ذُكِرَ الغرامُ فإنني المُثْري
7. And at dawn, she leaned toward an embrace
With a neck like the shoots of soft green
٧. ولقد أمالَتْ للعناقِ ضُحًى
قدّاً كخوطِ البانةِ النّضْرِ
8. And I wept, and she smiled, so for us
There were two pearls in verse and prose
٨. وبكيْتُ فابتسمَتْ فلاح لنا
دُرّانِ في نَظمٍ وفي نثرِ
9. She persisted in shunning me, but contrary to that
An apparition in the darkness came to reconcile
٩. دأبَتْ على هجري فخالفَها
بالوصل طيفٌ في الدُجى يسري
10. Alas for the prime of youth, for how sweet
Were the features of that time
١٠. واهاً على عصرِ الشبابِ فما
أحلى شمائلَ ذلك العصرِ
11. Days when I cast off all cover
My excuse was clear for all to see
١١. أيامَ أخلعُ غير مستَتِر
عُذُري فأُلفى واضح العُذْرِ
12. And I roamed a barren wilderness, having hurled
My fate into every barren wilderness
١٢. وتنوفةٍ قفرٍ رمَيتُ بها
ولاّجَ كلِّ تنوفةٍ قَفْرِ
13. When its gusts blow, the mirage stirs
With fright, its heart trembling
١٣. يهفو إذا لفحَتْ هواجرُها
قلبُ السراب بها من الذُعْرِ
14. As if the necks of the steeds, when they had
Swum waters flowing above them
١٤. وكأنّ أعناقَ المطيّ وقد
وخدَتْ مياهٌ فوقَ تجري
15. Had I not been a hawk of high ambition I would not
Have become, with its chicks, a resident of its nest
١٥. لو لم أكُن صقْرَ السّباسِبِ لم
أصْبِحْ ومن أكوارِها وكْري
16. And for a noble goal, with inscriptions I gained
Far horizons, of plain and rugged land
١٦. والى الأجلِّ الحَبْرِ جُبْتُ بها ال
آفاقَ من سهل ومن وعْرِ
17. So I came to the prime of praise, to the
Repelling of shameful, monstrous events
١٧. فاتَتْ بأبكارِ المديح الى
دفّاعِ رَيبِ الحادثِ النُّكْرِ
18. I wet my expressions, and so brought them
As ink, to a learned man of ink
١٨. حبّرْتُ ألفاظي فجئتُ بها
حِبَراً الى علاّمةٍ حَبْرِ
19. Embodying all virtues - so whoever
Boasts of him boasts of one worthy of boasting
١٩. جمع المحاسنَ كلّهُنّ فمَن
يفخَرْ به يفخَرْ بذي فخرِ
20. So when he narrates accounts, he expresses them
From an excess of knowledge and experience
٢٠. فإذا روى الأخبارَ أصدرها
عن فرطِ معرفةٍ وعن خُبْرِ
21. And when issues become obscure, to the point
Where the keen minded cannot discern them
٢١. وإذا المسائلُ أشكلَتْ فغدَتْ
لا تستبينُ لصائِب الفكْرِ
22. He clarifies their darknesses with the dawn of
His intelligence, sharp and penetrating
٢٢. جلّى غياهِبَها بصُبْحِ حِجًى
منه وصارم فطنةٍ يَفْري
23. And when a pen flows in his handwriting
For benefit or harm
٢٣. وإذا جرى في طِرسِه قلمٌ
بيمينه للنفعِ والضُرِّ
24. I saw the garden of virtue, greened by
The water of wisdom, appearing as if by magic
٢٤. أبصرْتُ روضَ الفضلِ أخضَلَهُ
ماءُ الذكاءِ فجاءَ كالسّحْر
25. O guardian of the faith, whom
Its gifts have witnessed in desert and town
٢٥. يا حافظَ الدين الذي شهدَتْ
آلاؤهُ في البَدْو والحَضْرِ
26. You have conferred an immense favor - so tell it
O best guardian - thankfulness from me
٢٦. لك منّةٌ عظُمَتْ فقلّ لها
يا خير مولًى منه بالشكرِ
27. You have averted misfortunes from me as
The morning light averts the gloom of dawn
٢٧. لجلوْتَ عنّي الحادثاتِ كما
تجلو الدّياجي غُرّة الفجر
28. And clothed me in the robe of contentment, so it came
Detached from what fate had gathered against me
٢٨. وكسوتَني خِلَعَ الرضا فأتى
متنصِّلاً مما جَنى دَهري
29. And submit to the totality of praise, and take
Uniquely, for you disperse abundance
٢٩. واسلَمْ لجمع الحمدِ واحظَ به
فرداً فأنتَ مفرّقُ الوفرِ