
I have come to hate the date palms around you, though they bear fruit,

وأبغضت فيك النخل والنخل يانع

1. I have come to hate the date palms around you, though they bear fruit,
And for your sake I love the lotus tree and wandering animals.

١. وأَبغضت فيكِ النَّخْلَ والنَّخلُ يانعٌ
ويُعْجِبُنِي من أَجلِكِ السِّدْرُ والضَّالُ

2. I love the softness and tenderness of your land,
Even if its plants are only saltbush and tamarisk.

٢. أُحِبّ لِجَرَّاكِ السماوَةَ والغَضَا
ولو أَنَّ صِنْفَيْهِ وُشاةٌ وعُذَّالُ