
I fell in love with Tursa when I saw his morning

أحبب طرسا رأيت صباحه

1. I fell in love with Tursa when I saw his morning
The morning became bright and I was in darkness

١. أحبِبْ طُرساً رأيتُ صباحَهُ
وضحَ الصباحِ وكنتُ في ظُلَمِ

2. His hand was made dexterous by the One who created it
As a sword blade and as a pen

٢. قد نمّقَتْهُ يدُ امرئ خُلِقَتْ
للسيفِ منصلتاً وللقلم

3. The clouds of his kindness poured down on me
So I was transported from misery to bounty

٣. جادَتْ عليّ سحابُ أنعُمِه
فنُقِلْتُ من بؤسٍ الى نِعَمِ

4. So I will thank the bestower forever
As gardens thank the rain that waters them

٤. فلأشكرنّ نوالَها أبداً
شكر الرياض لهاطِلِ الدِيَمِ