
Perfection split open his robe of darkness,

شق الكمال عليه جيب سواده

1. Perfection split open his robe of darkness,
And the water of glory overflowed from his heart.

١. شقّ الكمالُ عليه جيبَ سوادِه
وأفاضَ طرْفَ المجدِ ماءُ فؤادِهِ

2. The ranks of glories were certain that they
Bowed down though they had raised him on their poles.

٢. وتيقّنَتْ رُتبَ المفاخرِ أنها
خفضت وقد رفعوه في أعوادِه

3. The rain clouds' tears poured down after his affliction,
Grieving for him though he was among their enviers.

٣. وانهلّ دمعُ الغيثِ بعد مُصابِه
أسفاً عليه وكان من حُسّادِه

4. The birds crowded together in their chirping,
Mournfully making evident the grief in their echoes.

٤. واعتاضتِ الأطيارُ من تعريدِها
نوحاً يُبين الحزنَ في تَردادِه

5. Since the night's hand took control of his throne,
It shook off on the dawn the dye of mourning.

٥. ويدُ الدجى منذ استقلّ سريرَه
نفضَتْ على الإصباحِ صِبغَ حِدادِه

6. He put off youth though his days were not yet done,
And the raiment of branches refused their freshness.

٦. خلعَ الشبابَ وما انقضتْ أيامُه
وأبى لباسَ الغصن من أبرادِه

7. I think he shook generosity with his kindness,
Nobly dividing it among the needy.

٧. وأظنّهُ هزّ السماحَ بعطفِه
كرَماً فقسّمَهُ على عُوّادِه

8. A full moon eclipsed though long his authority
Shone in the horizon with its darkness.

٨. بدرٌ تغشّاهُ الكُسوفُ وطالما
ضاءَتْ سيادتُه بأفْقِ سوادِه

9. And a flashing sword - I had not thought before
That dust could come to be among its sheaths.

٩. ومهنّدٌ ما كُنتُ أحسَبُ قبلها
أنّ التُرابَ يكونُ من أغمادِه

10. Time saluted him and did not cease to fold
His swords' straps, grieving for his children.

١٠. صالَتْ عليه يدُ الزمانِ ولم يزَلْ
بنَوالِه يحنو على أولادِه

11. Death judged him and often it had judged
In his brilliant youth over his peers.

١١. وتحكمتْ فيه المنونُ وطالما
حكمتْ ببيضِ ظُباهُ في أضدادِه

12. Yesterday I would say I recite his praise
And move the tunes about in chanting him.

١٢. بالأمس كنت أقولُ أُنشدُ مدحَه
وأرجّع النَغَماتِ في إنشادِه

13. With what word can I lament him
If I do not die, I am muted from repeating it.

١٣. فبأي لفظٍ أستطيعُ رثاءَهُ
إن لم أمُتْ فخرِسْتُ عن إيرادِه

14. As for time, its necklace has been severed
- Say, which of its pearls and which of its solitary gems?

١٤. أما الزمانُ فقد تعطّلَ جيدُه
قُلْ من فرائدِه ومن إفرادِه

15. How many swords thrown to the shoulder of swords -
I fear for him, solace him, and solace his solace.

١٥. كم صارمٍ ملقًى بعاتقِ صارمٍ
بصُعودِه أو دافعٌ بصِعادِه

16. Alas, no obstacle can turn back death
In its rising or ward it off in its attacking.

١٦. كم صارم ملقى بعاتق صارمٍ
أنخشى عليه ونجده ونجاده

17. It tightened the slacking of fate from its bond,
And turned the slackening of the tribe from its wont.

١٧. هيهاتَ أن يَثْني المنيّةَ مانعٌ
بصعوده أو دافع بصعاده

18. A journey which all people are tested by,
And he succeeds in it who has piety as provision.

١٨. شدّتْ فخلِّ الدهرَ عن شُدّادِه
وعدَتْ فخلِّ قبيلةً عن عادِه

19. Strange is one deluded with an abode of frivolity,
From what conveys him to an abode of guidance.

١٩. سفرٌ جميعُ الناسِ ممتحَنٌ به
ويفوزُ فيه من التُقى من زاده

20. Does he see survival when he has seen what was
Of his departed fathers or forefathers?

٢٠. عجباً لمغرورٍ بدارِ سفاهةٍ
عما يبلّغُه لدارِ رشادِه

21. This is Abu Abdillah immortalized -
If a master is immortalized, it is by his rectitude.

٢١. أيرى البقاءَ وقد رأى ما كان منْ
آبائه الماضينَ أو أجدادِه

22. A man may die before his death,
And a man may return before his return.

٢٢. هذا أبو عبد الإلهِ مخلَّدٌ
إنْ كان خُلِّدَ سيّدٌ لسَدادِه

23. Gone is he we would say to the guest,
"A spirit the people's souls from their bodies."

٢٣. ولقد يموتُ المرءُ قبل مماتِه
ولقد يعودُ المرءُ قبل مَعادِه

24. How excellent is the beautiful mention, for it
Is a spirit the people's souls from their bodies.

٢٤. ذهبَ الذي كنا نقولُ لضيفِه
روحٌ نفوسُ الخلقِ من أجسادِه

25. Gone is he we would say when one related
News of the virtuous, "Confirm its authority."

٢٥. ما أحسنَ الذكرَ الجميلَ فإنه
روحٌ نفوسُ الخلقِ من أجسادِه

26. After him, for questions in questions, who has
Familiarity and knowledge of the degree of intention?

٢٦. ذهب الذي كنّا نقولُ لمنْ رَوى
خبرَ الأفاضلِ نُصَّ عن إسنادِه

27. Were it not for hope in hope, the radiance
Of its pillar and its support would not have risen up high for law.

٢٧. من للمُسائلِ في المسائل بعدَه
عُرْفاً ومعرفةً بقدْرِ مُرادِه

28. The mother of glory carried him noble,
The line of leadership innate in him from his birth.

٢٨. لولا رجاءٌ في رجاءٍ ما اعتلى
للشّرْعِ ضوءُ عَمودِ وعِمادِه

29. The eloquent, his age forgot its sorrows,
Diversion and resolution determined his return.

٢٩. حملَتْ به أمُّ السيادةِ ماجداً
رسمةُ الرئاسةِ فيهِ من ميلادِه

30. He lied who casts time as the dregs of virtues
While it is of its glories and its beauties.

٣٠. ومهذّبِ الألفاظِ يُنسي دهرَهُ
سحبانَ وائلِه وقَسَّ إيادِه

31. O you who teach us solace through your knowledge,
Take solace and restrain your echoes.

٣١. كذبَ الذي يرمي الزمانَ بأنّه
نزْرُ الفضائلِ وهو من أمجادِه

32. And know that Mohammad was not worn away by death
While you spread wide his praise.

٣٢. يا من يعلّمنا العزاءَ بعلمِه
خُذْ بالعزاءِ وأَعفِ من تَرْدادِه

33. May God pray on the one who resembled him,
For he is of his elite and of his worshipers.

٣٣. واعْلَمْ بأن محمّداً لم يطْوِه
موتٌ وأنت نشرْتَ من إحمادِه

34. And may a cloud water his burial place with a shower
That smiles at the covenant from the weeping of its time.

٣٤. صلّى الإله على صَداهُ فإنّه
من سِرِّ صفوتِه ومنْ عُبّادِه

٣٥. وسقى ثراهُ من الغمائمِ صيِّبٌ
ضحِكُ المعاهِدِ من بُكاءِ عِهادِه