1. Tell the Imam whose virtues
The least of them cannot be counted
١. قُل للإمامِ الذي فضائلُه
أقلُّها لا يُحدُّ بالعدَدِ
2. O guardian, the oceans become
As foam compared to the benefit of his hands
٢. يا حافظاً تُصبحُ البحارُ إذا
قيسَتْ بجدوى يديهِ كالزّبَدِ
3. The sun has come near you hastily
So walk to the shade without lingering
٣. قد دنتِ الشمسُ منك مسرعةً
فسِرْ الى الظّلِّ غيرَ متّئِدِ
4. And I do not fear any harm upon you
That would weaken the health of the body
٤. ولستُ أخشى عليك من ضررٍ
يوهِنُ بالمسِّ صحّةَ الجسَدِ
5. But I, by Him who perpetuates for you
Success with family and children
٥. لكنني والذي يُديمُ لك الت
وفيقَ منه في الأهلِ والولَدِ
6. I feared for the sun, that it would see you
And quickly become jealous of intense envy
٦. خِفْتُ على الشمسِ أن تراكَ فتسْ
وَدَّ سريعاً من شدّةِ الحسَدِ
7. O highest in rank, highest in support
Near in aid, near in shackles
٧. يا عالي القدْرِ عاليَ السّندِ
وداني الرِّفْدِ دانيَ الصّفَدِ
8. I see your generous palm is stingy
Towards us, while the ocean is abundant
٨. أرى نداك الكريمَ ذا بخَلٍ
فينا ووِرْدَ البحارِ كالثّمَدِ