
It watched over fate with an eye that did not sleep

حرس الدهر بعين لم تنم

1. It watched over fate with an eye that did not sleep
So it benefits a people it reforms

١. حرسَ الدهرَ بعينٍ لم تنمْ
فهي ما تفيدُ قوماً تُصلِحُ

2. It cures me of glory that demolishes
And heals with dew what wounds

٢. يبتني بالمجدِ ما يهدِمُه
ويداوي بالنّدى ما يجرحُ

3. His deeds exhausted his wealth
Like igniting tinder when it kindles

٣. أنهكَتْ أموالَه أفعالُه
كانتهاكِ الزّنْدِ إذ يقتَدَحُ

4. If you were to ask him about himself
It is no more virtuous than he is tolerant

٤. فهو لو ساءَلْتَه في نفسِه
وهيَ لا أفضلُ منها يسمَحُ

5. One like a thousand but they missed it
So it is weightier on the scale than them

٥. واحدٌ كالألْفِ لكنْ فاتَهُم
فهْو في الكفّةِ منهم أرجَحُ

6. It eased the ambiguous among them so they transgressed
A group from it to us is revealed

٦. يسّر المُبهمَ فيهم فاغتدوا
جُملةً منه علينا تشرَحُ

7. The people unanimously agreed upon its sanctification
So it is among the first of what is opened

٧. أجمَعَ الناسُ على تقديسه
فهو في أوّلِ ما يُفتَتَحُ

8. An ignorant person whom it birthed knowledgeable
With it the clearest proof was established

٨. جاهلٌ ولّد فيه عالِماً
عندَه قام الدليلُ الأوضحُ