
The night's sorrows shone with your dawn,

ضاء ليل الخطوب منك بفجره

1. The night's sorrows shone with your dawn,
And the joy of union cried at its separation.

١. ضاءَ ليلُ الخطوبِ منكَ بفَجْرِهْ
ووصالُ السّرورِ صاحَ بَهجْرهْ

2. So take pleasure in bliss - for misery, though
It chafe, is under your control.

٢. فاحتكِمْ في النَّعيم فالبؤسُ قَدْ ما
تَ على رَغْمِ أَنْفِهِ تَحْتَ حِجْرِهْ

3. If my body were laden with all its pains,
I would still profit from its reward.

٣. ودّ جسمِي لو كانَ حُمِّلَ منهُ
ثِقْلَ آلامِهِ وفُزْتُ بأَجْرهْ

4. For fortune but serves you, running
Between the pull of your words and their restraint.

٤. إِنما السعدُ خادِمٌ لك يجري
بين إِغرَاءِ لفظِ فِيك وزَجْرهْ

5. Time, though cruel, is your slave - so forgive it,
And reward it for its beautiful design.

٥. والزمانُ المسيءُ عبدُكَ فاغفِرْ
وعلى رَسْمِهِ الجميلِ فأَجْرِهْ

6. The sickness that struck you is but
A fire whose embers your forbearance has banked.

٦. فالسّقامُ الذي أَنالَكَ ظِلُّ
سُجِّرَتْ نارُهُ بجاحِمِ جَمْرِهْ

7. So perfume the ode, O Keeper of the Faith,
With your graceful acceptance, not crude rejection.

٧. فاحَوِ طِيبَ القريضِ يا حافِظَ الدّي
نِ بمُقْذِعِ هُجْرهْ