
By the one whose cheek is adorned with a blossoming rose

بأبي من زها بخديه ورد

1. By the one whose cheek is adorned with a blossoming rose
Flourishing, while his brow is the sun of daytime

١. بأبي مَنْ زَها بخدّيْهِ وردٌ
ناضرٌ والجبينُ شمسُ نهارِ

2. Beauty is unafraid of slander
While it remains under the shade of chastity

٢. منعَ الحُسْنَ أن يخاف ذُيولاً
وهو قد ظلّ تحت ظلّ العِذارِ

3. I am, from my tears of passion and ardent love
Flowing between water and fire

٣. أنا من مَدمعيّ من حرّ وجدي
ذو انسباكٍ ما بينَ ماءٍ ونارِ

4. Do you think my body will remain
When the piercing iron runs through it

٤. أتُراني يبقى على ذَيْنِ جسمي
والحديدُ الشديدُ منهنّ جاري