1. By my sickly eyelids I implore
Pity this ailing body of mine
١. بأبي سقيم الجَفنِ صح
حَ له ضَنى جسمي السقيمِ
2. And see my passion in love
Sticking to me like a creditor
٢. ورأى غرامي في هوا
هُ مُلازِمي مثل الغريمِ
3. So he sighed and yearned, and maybe
The healthy looked upon the sick
٣. فحَنا وحنّ وربما
نظرَ السّليمُ الى السليمِ
4. Until when he was shielded from
My nearness, though not from the sacred
٤. حتى إذا صانوه عن
قُربي ولا صَوْنَ الحريمِ
5. He gestured to me with his glance
A turning of the compassionate
٥. أومى إليّ بلحظِه
إيماءَ منعطف رَحيمِ
6. While I, miserly with my affection
Except for noble manners
٦. وأنا البخيلُ بمهجتي
إلا على خُلُقٍ كريمِ
7. O full moon that has become
As numerous as the stars
٧. يا بدْرَ تِمٍّ قد غدَتْ
رُقَباؤه عددَ النجومِ
8. What ails your cheek, a heaven
Guarded by the flaming hell
٨. ما بالُ وجهك جنّةٌ
حُرِسَتْ بملتهبِ الجحيمِ
9. How much is this misery while you revel
In the finest pleasures
٩. كم ذا الشّقاءُ وأنت مُشْ
تمِلٌ على طيبِ النّعيمِ
10. My ambitions in love for you
Have become like my worries
١٠. همَمي كبار في هوا
كَ ومثلَها أضحَتْ همومي