1. He tired of his youth as he wished more,
Ask his heart how it yearned and implored,
١. ملّ من صبوتِه ما أمّلا
فسلا عن قلبِه كيفَ سَلا
2. Old age stripped his youth bit by bit,
Though love teased and enticed him a bit,
٢. نزَعَتْ عنه يدُ الشيب صِباً
طالما غازَل فيه الغزَلا
3. Advice deterred him but he turned away,
As others copied him night and day,
٣. ونهى منه النُهى مزدَجِراً
نسخَ الآخرُ عنه الأوّلا
4. Among his companions a branch he was,
Bright like the full moon that lights because,
٤. ولقد كان ومن آرابِه
غُصُنٌ ماسَ وبدر كُمِّلا
5. The rising moon he was fond to see,
Should he not mourn as it starts to flee,
٥. كان يهوى منه بدراً طالعاً
أفلا يندُبُه إذْ أفلا
6. An empty flirt if not for his grace,
Beauty transferred to him its place,
٦. عاطل اللّبّة لولا غَيَدٌ
نقلَ الحسنُ إليه المُقَلا
7. Many a night the buyer in glee,
Conversed with me confidentially,
٧. رُبَّ ليلٍ باتَ فيه المُشتَري
بأحاديثي يناجي زُحَلا
8. When I nurtured fate in its nature,
By Ibn Nukba who cheats fate ever,
٨. حيثُ رُعْتُ الأُجْلَ في أحشائِه
بابْنِ نكْباءَ يفوتُ الأجَلا
9. Whenever he shook his twisting locks,
The milky way he crammed in his frocks.
٩. كلما استرْقَصَ عِطفَيْهِ هوى
ملأ الرّكضُ بجَنبَيْهِ المَلا
10. A thought occurred countered by a thought,
Secured from doubt or fear distraught.
١٠. خاطرٌ جال عليه خاطرٌ
آمنٌ منه الوجا والوجَلا
11. My craving for passion hectored me,
With pores that block off all holes we see.
١١. ولقد تعطِفُني نحو الحمى
خُلَلٌ تسد الخَللا
12. How excellent on his cheeks the mole,
That beauty graced with pretty stoles,
١٢. حبّذا في أبْرَقَيْهِ حِلَلٍ
خلعَ الحُسْنُ عليها حُللا
13. The brown therein bent as a branch,
And the fair flowed as a stream enhanced,
١٣. وانثنى الأسمرُ منها غُصُناً
وجرى الأبيضُ فيها جدولا
14. Long we lived in its ruins I,
Gave it my nights away they fly,
١٤. طالنا حُيّيتُ في أطلالها
بِطِلاً بت أعاطيها طلا
15. My flirty ways he meets and greets,
My joking and amorous treats,
١٥. زُهَريُّ المرتقى والمُلْتَقى
زهَريُّ المُجْتَنى والمجتلى
16. With his charm, strong and warm,
He shook off from his cloak a brown,
١٦. عسكريُّ هزّ من معطِفِه
أسمراً أفتكَ مما اعتقلا
17. More precious than all that he took,
A spear's thrust took a leap it forsook.
١٧. كلَفي منه ببدرٍ رامِح
ينتَحي منه سِماكاً أعزَلا
18. His dimples and curls were such fun,
Dimming the morn eclipsing the sun,
١٨. ضاحَكَتْ غُرّتُهُ طُرّتَهُ
فأقلّ الصُبْحُ ليلا ألْيَلا
19. And when I saw him in a dream,
Beauty shone and glory did beam,
١٩. وإذا روّيْتُ في رؤيته
بدَهَ الحُسنُ بها وارتجَلا
20. I roamed his beauty enchanted in love,
And roamed his Sallouan in dreams thereof,
٢٠. سِرْتُ في الحُسْنِ إليه مَعلماً
والى السّلوانِ عنه مَجْهَلا
21. My heart by him was lost and strayed,
And I seek what can for it be paid.
٢١. ولقد ضاعَ فؤادي عندَه
فأنا أطلبُ عنه بَدَلا
22. To Ahmed Ahmed I wished well,
When I shed my youth bidding farewell,
٢٢. والى أحمدَ أحمَدْتُ السُّرى
حين طارَحْتُ الصِّبا والشّمْألا
23. From him hopes of comfort were born,
Hating inertia loving the morn,
٢٣. أمّت الآمالُ منه راحةً
تُبغِضُ الرّيْثَ وتهوى العَجَلا
24. Truth rose in him single and one,
Falsehood from him shrinks and runs,
٢٤. واستجاشَ الحقُّ منه واحداً
ينظرُ الباطلُ منه جَحْفَلا
25. Climbing high in glory he stands,
Raising his flag's mast with his hands,
٢٥. راقياً حيّةَ خَطْبٍ راقياً
طودَ مجدٍ راقِماً ثوبَ عُلا
26. Poetry swarmed his traits to draw,
As the meadow flows to the creek raw,
٢٦. عكَفَ الشِّعْرُ على أوصافه
فهو الروضُ أصابَ المَنهَلا
27. Life benefitted from his knowledge,
After oppressing itself to acknowledge,
٢٧. واستفادَ الدهرُ من آدابِه
بعدما كان اعتدى فاعْتَدَلا
28. Bearing all burdens if assigned,
Bringing youth days enshrined.
٢٨. ناهضٌ بالعبءِ لو كلّفتهُ
ردّ أيام الصِّبا لاكْتَفلا
29. His views shine an illuminous birth,
Clarifying darkened veils of worth,
٢٩. أسفرَتْ آراؤهُ عن شارِقٍ
كلما أومضَ جَلّى الجُلَلا
30. The arrows he straightened hit hearts,
And every speeches noblesse imparts,
٣٠. فهو ما سدّد منها أسهُماً
رشقَتْ من كلّ خطبٍ مَقْتَلا
31. For too much vigor and such talk,
Inaction in men deemed his walk,
٣١. لانَ عن فرطِ نشاطٍ ولكَمْ
شدّةٍ في القومِ عُدّتْ كسَلا
32. And when serious about a matter,
You say he jokes in happy chatter,
٣٢. وإذا ما جدّ في أكرومةٍ
قُلْتَ من إفراطِه قد هزَلا
33. Dew shook his twisting locks and took,
What the drunkard gave from wine he shook,
٣٣. هزّ عِطفَيْهِ النّدى فانتزعا
ما أعارَتْهُ المُدامُ الثّملا
34. And he bent as praise twists around,
As the Nukba bent its honed lance on ground,
٣٤. وانثنَى والمدحُ يلويه كما
لوتِ النكباءُ رُمحاً خطِلا
35. Musk perfumed it as it was displayed,
And it preferred not replacement in trade,
٣٥. بنَثاً فاوحَهُ الطّيبُ فلم
يرتَضِ المندَلَ عنه بدَلا
36. The birds in the bushes sing for him,
Jubilantly or in soft timbre,
٣٦. يتغنّى ساجعُ الطّيرِ به
هزَجاً في أيْكِهِ أو رمَلا
37. Life congratulated itself for its lord,
Whether weak or strong in its horde,
٣٧. هنئَ الدّهرُ به من سيّدِ
شدّ منه ما وهى أو وَهَلا
38. The month that dressed him in knowledge and deed,
Became splendorous indeed,
٣٨. وازْدَهى الشهر الذي ألبَسَهُ
ذلك العِلْمَ وذاك العمَلا
39. Fasting he was or praying in its days,
Giving or forgiving were his ways.
٣٩. كان فيه صائماً أو قائماً
منعِماً أو مُفضِلاً أو مُجْمِلا
40. His habits he kept night and day,
Draped in piety along the way.
٤٠. لم يزَلْ فيه على عاداتِه
بالتقى مرتدياً مُشتَمِلا
41. Eid was blessed to find at his side, its dress,
As Eid plucked off his cloak's fringes.
٤١. واكْتَسى الفِطْرُ به ثوبَ الصِّبا
مَعْلَماً منسحِباً منسدِلا
42. He remains unparalleled in knowledge,
A proverb they coined him for acknowledge.
٤٢. ورأى العيدُ لديه عيدَه
فثَنى من معطِفيْهِ جَذَلا
٤٣. دامَ للعلمِ بلا مِثْلٍ فقد
ضربوه في المعالي مَثلا