
Does the caravan of Iraq after its generosity

هل لركب العراق بعد نجوده

1. Does the caravan of Iraq after its generosity
Have remorse that calls for keeping its distance?

١. هل لركْبِ العراقِ بعدَ نُجودِه
أوبةٌ تقتضي دنوّ بَعيدِهْ

2. So the envious one returns frustrated
From a loving heart pouring its affection abundantly

٢. فيُردُّ الحسودُ وهو حسيرٌ
عن محبٍّ صبِّ الفؤادِ عميدِهْ

3. You will never see in all of creation one finer
Than the truthful words of one blocked by his envy

٣. لن ترى في جميع ذا الخلقِ أتْلى
قولَ صدقٍ لعائقٍ من حَسودِهْ

4. And a gazelle, more melodious, wandering
On a hill, slender of figure, shooing away anyone rude

٤. وغزالٍ أغنّ أحوى رخيمٍ
أهيفِ القدّ مخطفِ الكشحِ رُودِهْ

5. With a face like the full moon in the sky and with lips like
Scattered pearls that have fascinated me with their smile

٥. مثل بدرِ السماءِ وجهاً ومثلِ الد
رِّ ثغراً قد راعني بصدودِه

6. He breaks his promise to come near and fulfills
His pledge of love to his admirers

٦. يُخلِفُ الوعدَ بالدنوّ ويوفي
لمحبّيه في الهوى بوعيده

7. The enchanter of glances, like a gazelle, delight of the eye
With his cheek and his curling hair

٧. ساحرُ الطرفِ كالغزالِ مَتاعُ ال
عينِ في خدّه وفي توريدِه

8. I sought help from my heart against him
But found my heart to be one of his soldiers

٨. رُمتُ أستنجدُ الفؤادَ عليه
فوجدتُ الفؤادَ بعض جُنودِه

9. He visited me in the darkness as the full
Moon was swiftly rising, radiating its beams

٩. زارني في الدُجى وقد أقبل البدْ
رُ سريعاً ولاح ضوءُ عمودِه

10. Giving the opposite of what you’d expect him to give
While he is wakeful, causing pain with his coldness

١٠. مُعطياً ضد ما لعمرُك يعطى
وهو مستيقظٌ أذًى من صدودِه

11. And I said, when he came visiting, while my heart
Was steadfast in passion and its pledges:

١١. ولقد قلت حين زار وقلبي
ذو ثباتٍ على الهوى وعهودِه

12. "O you who makes the eyelids sick without illness
And who makes hearts sick with your charm

١٢. يا مريضَ الجفونث من غير سُقمٍ
والذي يُمرِضُ القلوبَ بجيدِه

13. Do not torment a pouring heart that tomorrow will be unresponsive
To the blame of the censor or his rebuke

١٣. لا تعذّبْ صبّاً غدا غير مُصغٍ
لملامِ العذولِ أو تفْنيدِه

14. I have crossed a wilderness with a swift steed
The soul folds itself in professing His Oneness

١٤. وفلاةٍ قطعتُها بمطيٍّ
أربُ النفسِ لُفّ في توحيدِه

15. He did not cease to live a blameworthy life but when
He saw good, he remained with praiseworthy ways

١٥. لم يزلْ في مذموم عيشٍ فلما
أن رأى الخيرَ ظلّ في محمودِه

16. Ahmad the venerable, the most glorious, and whoever
Became his slave, all people are slaves of his slaves

١٦. أحمد الحافظُ الأجلُّ ومن أص
بح كلُّ الورى عَبيدَ عَبيدِه

17. The protector of one seeking refuge, God Almighty made him known
Despite the nose of his envious enemies

١٧. سندُ المستجيرِ عرّفهُ الل
ه تعالى برغم أنف حسودِه

18. The blessings of the blessed month in mightiness
And He made him meet its prime with good fortune

١٨. بركاتِ الشهرِ المباركِ في العزّ
ولقّاهُ باكراتِ سُعودِه

19. Knowledge spread to whoever opposed him with harm
Just as it spread to those seeking him in generosity

١٩. علمٌ عمّ مَنْ يُعاديه بأسا
مثل ما عمّ قاصديهِ بجودِه

20. He spends generously out of nobility and essence
Like two rain-clouds, thunderous and flashing lightning

٢٠. يُصدرُ الجودَ عن سماحِ وجودٍ
كالسحابَينِ مُزنِه ورُعودِه

21. His ancestors have raised him and many
Who came to him were lowered due to their lack of ancestors

٢١. رفعَتْهُ جدودُه وكثيرٌ
من أتاهُ انخفاضُه من جُدودِه

22. So if he extends his palm it is higher
Than the highest palm-tree, as if it were its vein

٢٢. فإذا مدّ كفَّه كان أعلى
سؤدُدٍ عنده كحبلِ وريده

23. How many men stood up to gain glories
But did not attain what he attained while seated

٢٣. كم رجالٍ قاموا لكسبِ المعالي
لم ينالوا ما نالَه في قُعودِه

24. So if one day the enemies saw him
They retreated disappointed by his great fortune

٢٤. فإذا ما العُداةُ يوماً رأوهُ
رجعوا خيبةً لفرطِ سعودِه

With blackened faces and hair

٢٥. بوجوهٍ مسودّةٍ وشُعورٍ
عُدْنَ بيضاً هذا حديثُ حسودِه

26. That had been white, such are the words of the envious
He protected his integrity and was generous with what was in

٢٦. صان أعراضَهُ وجادَ بما في
راحتَيْهِ فلن ترى مثلَ جودِه

27. His hands, so you will never see the like of his generosity
A master whom all the creation says

٢٧. سيدٌ أجمعَتْ جميعُ البرايا
قولَ صدقٍ إذاً على تسويدِه

28. Truthful words even if he is criticized
He manifests sublime glory and honor, honor

٢٨. هو مُبدي العلوِّ والمجدِ أكرِمْ
بإمامٍ مُبدي العُلوّ مُعيدِه

29. An imam manifesting the sublime, restoring its pillar
O imam who has spread knowledge in the world after dearth

٢٩. يا إماماً عمّ الورى بعد قحطٍ
عمهم من طريفِه وتليدِه

30. That blinded them from its edges and far reaches
Live long, may souls be sacrificed for you

٣٠. عشْ فداءٌ لك النفوسُ موقًّى
من صروفِ الزمانِ مع تنكيدِه

31. Protected from the vicissitudes of time and its afflictions
Remain and be well in mightiness untroubled

٣١. وابقَ واسلَمْ في العزّ ما أرّقَ الصبّ
حمامٌ في أيكِه بنشيدِه