
He set out to meet his fate, so it met and dismissed him,

راح يوافي طراده طرده

1. He set out to meet his fate, so it met and dismissed him,
Like a fasting camel yearning for its evening drink.

١. راحَ يوافي طِرَادُه طَرَدَهْ
فالسُّمْرُ كالسُّمْرِ تَيَّمَتْ كَبِدَهُ

2. Alas! The deer cannot catch him, for
His valor has aroused in them great fear.

٢. هيهات َيصطادُهُ الظِّباءُ وقَدْ
هَيَّجَ منه إِباؤُه صَيَدَهْ

3. As if from his bright eyes
An emerald shone above his chest.

٣. كأنه من عيونِ رامِقِهِ
ظاهَرَ من فوقِ عِطْفِهِ زَرَدَهْ

4. That spirit disdained, though valor aided it,
To quench its thirst with lowliness.

٤. أَبَتْ له ذاك هِمَّةٌ شُغِفَتْ
بالجُودِ لو ساعَدَتْ عليه جِدَه

5. And honor adorned it, keeping it
From thirsting in vileness for water.

٥. وعزَّةٌ حَلاتْهُ عن آجِن
يظمَأُ بالذُّلِّ فيه من وَرَدَه

6. So let time wonder that he is a child;
If time had a father, he would be his son!

٦. فلْيَعْجَبِ الدَّهْرُ أَنه وَلَدٌ
لو كانَ للدهرِ والِدٌ وَلَدَه

7. I see the changing times delude me
That he knew not his error or his right way.

٧. أَرَى اختلافَ الزَّمانِ يُوهِمُنِي
أَنْ ما دَرَى غَيِّه وَلا رَشَدَه

8. He who craved not praise or wealth
And renewed neither his raiment nor his home,

٨. من لَمْ يَرِدْ ثَمْدَهُ وزاخِرَهُ
ولم يَجُبْ وَعْسَهُ ولا جَدَدَه

9. Gave his soul no rest but wakefulness
That wearied his body to comfort his soul.

٩. بَهْرَجَهُ صَيرف الخطوب إِذا
باشَرَهُ بالمَحَكِّ فَانَتَقَدَه

10. The envious lessen no generosity,
However much its traces multiply their envy.

١٠. والبيت قَفْرٌ بِمَنْ أَبَنَّ ولو
كَثَّر بَيْتِي طُرَّاقُهُ عَمَدَه

11. The sun is a sun, though the dim-sighted
Shun it out of blindness and bleary eyes.

١١. كم مُفْرَدٍ لم يَرِمْ جَمَاعَتُه
وكم غريبٍ لم يَجْتَنِبْ بَلَدَه

12. How often wholesome food is revolting
To one whose stomach is corrupt!

١٢. ولم يُرِحْ نَفْسَهُ سوى يَقِظٍ
أَتعب فيماً يُرِيحُها جَسَده

13. Why do you offer gems to one
Who approves not of generosity nor beauty?

١٣. وما يَحُطُّ الحسودُ من كَرَمٍ
كَثَّرَ منه فَكَثَّرَ الحَسَدَه

14. You forbid him to the yearning souls,
But would you give him to the ascetics?

١٤. الشمسُ شمسٌ وإن تَجَنَّبَهَا
بالرَّغْمِ أَهْلُ النواظرِ الرَّمِده

15. If the noble silence his praise,
God has heard no praise from the praiser.

١٥. رُبَّ طعامٍ مساغُ طَيِّبِهِ
مُمْتَنِعٌ عِند فاسِدِ المَعِدَه

16. How often I said to the loud boaster:
"Your outstretched hands lengthen not your arm!"

١٦. مالَكَ والدُّرَّ تنتقيهِ لمَنْ
لا يَرْتَضِي جَوْدَه ولا جَيِدَه

17. Leave him and his cockleshells, in the early dawn
Blowing froth, casting foam.

١٧. أَنت على الراغِبينَ تَمْنَعُه
فهَلْ تَرَى بَذْلَهُ على الزَّهَدَه

18. He gives you to drink of his plenty and rain,
For the youth's generosity is from what he has found.

١٨. لو حَجَبَ الحَمْدَ عنه ذو شَرَف
ما سَمِعَ اللهُ حَمْدَ مَنْ حَمِده

19. When the preferred one shone forth
From the canopy of theforearm, fulfilling its glories,

١٩. كم مُعْجَبٍ من نداهُ قلتُ له
طولُ أَيادِيه لا يُطِيلُ يَدَه

20. The fertile stream and the blossoming meadow which
The singing maidens beautify and the easy life -

٢٠. دَعْهُ وأَصْدَافَهُ بمُلْتَطِمٍ
أَصْبح بالشَّيْب قاذِفاً زَبَدَه

21. How envied, when yesterday he glanced
At his beauty and extended his hand!

٢١. يسقيكَ من طَلَّه ووابِلِهِ
إِنَّ الفتى جَودُهُ بما وَجَدَه

22. To what high place did he aspire and ascend
Raising to him its ladder though it elevated him not?

٢٢. حتى إِذا أَشْرَق المُفَضَّل مِنْ
سُرادِقِ الدَّسْتِ مالِئاً سُدَدَه

23. In war, like the yellow flash when it closely
Follows in the air its lightning and its roar,

٢٣. فالمَنْهَلُ المستَمَدُّ والروضةُ ال
غنَّاءُ تزوهو والعيشَةُ الرَّغِده

24. He plunged into the depths of the lances and then
The swords made reappear whom they had concealed.

٢٤. مُحَسَّدٌ يَوْمُهُ ثَنَى نَظَرَ ال
أَمْسِ إِلى حُسْنِهِ ومدَّ يَدَه

25. HeCharged on till the jackals howled at him
And charged till thelions roared over him.

٢٥. أَيُّ مَحَلٍّ سمى فمَدَّ له
علاءَه سُلَّماً وما صَعِدَه

26. In the battles novelty which kindled his
Quick wit he made blaze continually.

٢٦. بالجَيْش كالعارِضِ الأَحَمِّ إِذا
أَتْبَعَ في الجَوِّ بَرْقَه بَرَدَه

27. If rest had multiplied his tremors
It would have multiplied from his foe the thunderbolts.

٢٧. غابَ بغابِ القنا فأَطْلَعَهُ
فَتْكُ حسام يغيبُ من شَهِده

28. A star shone high but then hastened to
Put out, through its light, the eyes of the deniers.

٢٨. وراغَ حتَّى دَعَوْهُ ثَعْلَبَهُ
وراعَ حتى دَعَوا بهِ أَسَده

29. The sharp edge of his blade above his saddle
Runs with the water of the firn-land ever-flowing.

٢٩. بَدائِعٌ فِي الحروبِ ولَّدَها
من فِطَنٍ لا تزالُ مُتَّقِدَه

30. He who killed fate and led it by the nose
Made it a bridge for him over his destruction.

٣٠. لو كَثَّر الإِرتياحُ هِزَّتَهُ
لَكَثَّرَتْ من عَدُوِّهِ رِعَدَه

31. Ask of him whom its caprices deluded,
So he died of fear though it unsheathed him not.

٣١. نَجْمٌ علا نورُه فَأَوشَكَ أَنْ
يَفْقَأَ بالضوءِ عَيْنَ من جَحَدَه

32. Did not planets that took counsel
To destroy his deceitful magic stone him?

٣٢. وصارِمُ الحدِّ فوقَ صفحتِهِ
تجرِي مياهُ الفِرِنْدِ مُطَّرِده

33. So make him climb the mountain of punishment for
In it, in his ignorance, he brought down his leap.

٣٣. من قَتَلَ الدهرَ واسْتقادَ به
مَلَّكه من حَيَاتِه قَوَدَه

34. Finally the rule came to its protector
So God prolonged with him its duration,

٣٤. سائِلْ به من نَضَتْه غرّته
فماتَ من خَوْفِهِ وما غَمَدَه

35. And the Imam Saud became, through it,
Its strengthening pillar in a state strengthened.

٣٥. أَلم تَزُرْهُ كواكِبٌ ضَمِنَتْ
رَجْمَ شياطِينِ كَيْدِهِ المَرَدَه

36. And the countenance smiled through the preferred one
At what God had chosen for his seriousness and affection.

٣٦. فابتَزْهُ ذِرْوَةَ العُقابِ وقد
أنْزَلَ فيها بِجَهْلِهِ ردَدَه

37. So he practiced justice in his culture
Until he strengthened and straightened its pegs.

٣٧. حتى انتهى المُلْكُ عندَ ناصِرِه
فطوَّلَ الله عنده أَمدَه

38. And he faced the Feast as was his custom
With the great number, bearing its burdens.

٣٨. وأَصبح العاضِدُ الإِمامُ به
في دولةٍ بالسعودِ مُعْتَضِدَه

39. The air is covered, its sides
With the barking of dogs, and the horsemen ready.

٣٩. واستضحك الثغرُ عن مُفَضَّلهِ
بما ارْتَضَى اللهُ جِدَّهُ ودَدَه

40. And the eggs are opened, their coverings
Removed, and the tied flags unfurled.

٤٠. فاستْعَمَل العَدْلَ فِي ثَقَافتِه
بحيثُ قَوَّتْ وقَوَّمَتْ أَوَدَه

41. He tires eyes with his beauty
While they by his beauty are oppressed.

٤١. واستقبل العِيدَ مِثْلَ عادَتِه
بالعَدَدِ الجَمِّ حامِلاً عُدَدَه

42. Until, when fair praise sprang up and ceased not
To reap new harvests in ears,

٤٢. فالجَوُّ مكسُوَّةٌ جَوانِبُهُ
بالنَّقْعِ والجُرْدُ فيه مُنْجَرِدَه

43. And found the goal of his grandeur
The height of his hopes, so he lost it not,

٤٣. والبِيضُ مُنْحَلَّةٌ أَزِرَّتُها
وخافِقاتُ البُنودِ مُنْعَقِدَه

44. Men fell down before him prostrate even if
You numbered the stars in their prostrations.

٤٤. وهو يَكُدُّ العيونَ منظَرُهُ
وهْيَ بذاكَ الجمالِ مُضْطَهَدَه

45. Slaying of enviers attends his sacrifice even if
He flees from it and worships it.

٤٥. حتى إِذا استَنْبَتَ الثناءَ ولَمْ
يَأُلُ جديداً بالسَّمْعِ أَن حَصَدَه

٤٦. وأَوجَدَ الدِّسْتَ من جلالَتِه
غايَة آمالِهِ فلا فَقَدَهْ

٤٧. خَرَّ له الناسُ ساجِدينَ ولو
شِئْتَ عَدَدْتَ النجومَ في السَّجَدَهْ

٤٨. لا زَايَل النَّحْرُ حاسِدِيه وإِنْ
عدا عنه وإِنْ عَبَدَهْ