1. The cooing of doves in the folds of the branches
Has inclined me to the old way of love once more;
١. غِناءُ حَمَامٍ في معاطِفِ بانِ
إِلى مَذْهَبِ الحُبِّ القديمِ ثَنَانِي
2. It sang, and the boughs swayed graceful movements,
While the meadows' blossoms glanced at me and smiled.
٢. تَغنَّى فأَعطافُ الغصونِ رَوَاقِصٌ
وأَحداقُ أَزهارِ الرِّياضِ رواني
3. It reminded me of my youth's dawn, so I wept,
My breast ever throbbing, my tears raining down.
٣. فَذَكَّرَنِي شَرْخَ الشَّبابِ فمَدْمعِي
سَفوحٌ وقَلْبِي دائِمُ الخَفَقَانِ
4. When the guide called "Load up, we leave on the morrow!"
I raised up my voice when the time came round,
٤. ولمَّا دعَا داعِي النَّوى حَمِّلُوا غَدًا
رفعتُ بصَوْتِي لاتَ حينَ أَوانِ
5. And said to their driver, my tears like the drops
That streamed down my cheek's surface ceaselessly,
٥. وقلتُ لحادِيهِمْ ودَمْعِي كَاَنَّهُ
على صَفْحَتَيْ خَدِّي نَثيرُ جُمَانِ
6. "Rein in the camels, driver, they're leaning away
To the love that has captured and bound them in reins!"
٦. أَمِلْ أَيُّها الحادِي عِنانَ مَطِيِّهمْ
فقد مَيَّلوا نحوَ الغرامِ عِناني
7. "Say the parting has mixed him a cup full of woe,
By the Guide of the Shrine, it has poisoned me!
٧. وقُلْ قد سقاهُ البَيْنُ كَأْساً مَريرةً
فَقَدْ والذي يُدْنِي المَزَارَ سَقَانِي
8. Ask the roe in the meadow, if she might but glance
From the fringe of her lids, then she'll see me again!"
٨. وسَلْ ظَبْيةَ الخِدْرِ المُمَنَّعِ عَلَّها
تَطَلَّعُ من أَحْدَاجِها فَتَرانِي
9. Alas for my sorrow! How long must I dwell
On the love that has shunned me and left me in pain?
٩. فوا حزَنا حتَّى متى أَنا ذاكِرٌ
لِفَرْطِ غَرَامِي مَنْ نَأَى وَجَفَاني
10. Would that I knew if the one that I love
Has been pierced by this parting, as I have been pierced!
١٠. أَلا ليت شِعري هل شجا من أُحِبُّهُ
من البينِ ما قد شَفَّنِي وشجاني
11. Does he think of me still? In my heart he abides,
My tongue cannot help but speak of his name!
١١. وهل ذاكِرِي من لا تزالُ لذكرِهِ
عَلوقٌ بقلبي دائماً ولِساني
12. A marvel I'm living, now he is no more,
For I never was steel, to withstand all these blows!
١٢. ومن عجَب أَنْ عِشْتُ بَعْدَ فِراقِهِ
وما كنتُ جَلْدَ القَلْبِ لِلْحَدَثانِ
13. My passion portrays him to those who look on,
Though our dwellings are far-spread in every clime.
١٣. يُمَثِّلُهُ فَرْطُ الغرامِ لناظِرِي
وإِنْ نَزَحَتْ دارٌ بكُلِّ مكانِ
14. Pause here today, O soft breeze, and receive
The tale of my woes from those not of my time!
١٤. قِفِي يا أُمَيْمَ اليومَ أَشْكُو لكِ الذي
بُلِيتُ به من دونِ أَهْلِ زماني
15. The days have rolled by, and I sigh o'er my fate,
My glances are languid, my soul is in chains.
١٥. تَحَمَّلَتِ الأَيامُ فَيَّ فآهُ مِنْ
تَسَهُّدِ طَرْفي واخْتِفَاقِ جَنَاني
16. No captive so far in a desolate land
Would fail to exchange it for plains and lush rain,
١٦. فما وَجْدُُ ذِي أَسْرٍ بأَرْضٍ قَصِيَّةٍ
يُبَدَّلُها من أَرْبُعِ ومَغَانِ
17. Or kindle hot sighs and bend low in lament,
And weep copious tears in unceasing refrains,
١٧. تُصَعِّدُ أَنْفاساً حِراراً وتنثَنِي
فتُرْسِلُ دَمْعاً دائِمَ الهَمَلانِ
18. No she-camels wand'ring in quest of cool water
Have rested so long by a fresh, verdant stream,
١٨. ولا حائماتٍ طالَ بالماءِ عَهْدُها
إِلى خَصِرٍ عَذْبِ البَرُودِ رَوَاني
19. Spending there night after night in delight,
While the birds gathered round them in joy it would seem!
١٩. أَقامَتْ عليه ليلةً بَعْدَ ليلةٍ
مُحَلاَّةً والطَّيْرُ منه دَوَاني
20. With a passion so strong and a sickness so sore
It cured me of thinking of passions profane,
٢٠. بأَعْظَمَ مني فَرْطَ وَجْدٍ وعِلَّةٍ
لَمَا شَفَّنِي من طارِقِ الحَدَثانِ
21. Al-Hafiz ibn Muhammad dispelled all my fears
And rushed to my aid, though my foes were so fain,
٢١. لَبَدَّلَ خَوْفِي الحافِظُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ
بِرَغْمِ الأَعادِي مُسْرِعاً بِأَمانِ
22. I'm sheltered and safe in the shade of his wing,
I view my existence, but am not seen plain.
٢٢. تغطيْتُ عن دَهْرِي بِظِلِّ جَنَاحِهِ
فَعَيْنِي تَرَى دَهْرِي ولَيْسَ يرَاني
23. A leader made perfect by God from the clay
Of Highness - with him all Creation contends!
٢٣. إِمامٌ براهُ اللُّه من طِينَةِ العُلاَ
فَنَافَسَنِي في مَدْحِهِ الثَّقَلانِ
24. His pen is more piercing than any sword's stroke,
None lived with such glory, apart from disdains!
٢٤. له قَلَمٌ أَمْضَى من السَّيْفِ مَضْرِبًا
به لَمْ يَعِشْ في العِزِّ غَيْرَ مُهانِ
25. A lance, but divided for days of lush pastures
And days of keen spears thrust with anger and pains!
٢٥. هوَ الرُّمْحُ إِلا أَنَّه مُتَقَسَّمٌ
ليومِ نَدًى يُرْجى ويَوْمِ طِعانِ
26. Ask of him wherever you please, east or west,
No two men, I swear, will e'er sound the same strains!
٢٦. فسَلْ عَنْهُ أَنَّى شِئْتَ شرْقًا ومَغْرِبًا
فلا رَجُلانِ الآنَ يَخْتلِفانِ