1. These beauties you've been endowed with
Thus all who've tasted of their charm are doting
١. هذي المَحاسِنُ قد أُوتيتَها هَذِي
فكلُّ شخصٍ تعاطى شَأْوَها هاذِي
2. I swear by bees, bees say
What sweetness can compare to thy sweet doing?
٢. أَقْسَمْتُ بالنَّحْلِ إِنَّ النحلَ قائلةٌ
مَاذِي الحلاوَةُ مِمَّا تُحْسِنُ الماذِي
3. You cast your verse and cast your line, and flowing
Comes love and thanks for casting and providing
٣. أَنْفَذِتَ شِعراً فَأَنْفَذْتَ القُوَى فَجَرى
شَكْوَى وشُكْرٌ لإِنفاذٍ وإِنْفَاذِ
4. You rose when polished friends to me were cruel
With Egypt's grace on Baghdad's grace relying
٤. وقُمْتَ لي في جفاءٍ من صِقِلِّيَةٍ
بلُطْفِ مِصْرَ عليه ظَرْفُ بغْداذِ
5. If your nature is of water and its pliancy
Then that's sheer steel midst ordinary iron lying
٥. إِنْ كان طبْعُكَ من ماءٍ ورقَّتِهِ
فإِنَّ ذاكَ فِرِنْدٌ بَيْنَ فولاذِ
6. If e'er I err 'tis but to show my pupil's mind
For you are known as teacher nones-surpassing
٦. وما وَهَمْتُ ففي التلميذِ مَعْرِفَتي
حقًّا لأَنَّكَ معروفٌ بأُسْتَاذي
7. By God, but for you, my hands would never sunder
The flesh uniting loved-ones intertwining
٧. الله يَعْلَمُ لولا أَنتَ ما جُعِلَتْ
يَدِي على كَبِدٍ للبَيْنِ أَفْلاذِ