
The speeches shake you with tribulations,

تهز بك الخطوب من الخطاب

1. The speeches shake you with tribulations,
And the battalions are defeated by the book.

١. تَهُزُّ بك الْخُطوبُ من الْخِطابِ
وتَنْهَزِمُ الكتائِبُ بالكتابِ

2. They fear the fire of your war when it is ablaze,
So what will happen when the sparks of war fly?

٢. وتخشى نارَ حربِكَ وَهْيَ تَخْبُو
فكيف إِذا ارْتَمَتْ شَرَرُ الحِرابِ

3. Since you girded your resolve, which is a sword,
We awaited whatever would come to pass.

٣. ومذ جَرَّدْتَ عَزْمَكَ وَهْوَ سَيْفٌ
رَقَبْنَا ما يكونُ من الرقابِ

4. You did not even face it before we judged
To be there with the spoils and the returning.

٤. فما وَجَّهْتَهُ حتى حَكَمْنَا
هُنَالك بالغنيمةِ والإِيابِ

5. You thrust the vile mob with setbacks
Upon their heels from the side of punishment,

٥. وَكَزْتَ حَشَا اللَّعِينِ بمُنْكِصَاتٍ
على الأَعقابِ من جِهَةِ العُقَاب

6. Cutting blades that death inaugurates with them,
You'd think they were pieces of clouds.

٦. قطائِعُ تستهلُّ بها المنايا
فتحسَبُ أَنها قِطَعُ السَّحابِ

7. The dust storms battle them and climb upon them
With the most terrifying of dust storms within dust storms,

٧. يصارِعُها العُبابُ فيعتليهِ
بأَهْوَلَ في العُبابِ من العُبابِ

8. Whether they twist upon it or move straight,
Say the clouds sported upon the clouds.

٨. إِذا انْعَطَفَتْ عليه أَو اسْتَقَامَتْ
فقُلْ لَعِبَ الحُبابُ على الحُبابِ

9. And a people whose land the wilderness flowed into a sea,
Is not the sea of the attributes of nomads?

٩. وعُرْبٌ ماجَ منها البَرُّ بحراً
أَليس البحرُ من صِفَةِ العِرابِ

10. When the battle flares up they pass it between them,
Making it lighter than feathers.

١٠. إِذا أُهَبُ القتال تناقَلُوها
أَقَلُّوها أَخَفَّ من الإِهابِ

11. Beware of ill omens, estranged Syrians,
For you have dwelt too long in estrangement.

١١. أَغِرْبَانَ الشّآمِ حَذَارِ شُؤْمًا
لكم مُسْتَوْطَنًا في الاغْتِرابِ

12. Death beckoned you, and you obeyed it
Over the waterholes, to the number of specks of dust.

١٢. هَفَتْ بكمُ المُنَى فأَطَعْتُمُوهَا
على الأَمْواهِ من عَدَدِ التُّرابِ

13. So for you the doubling was a disaster
To the extent of doubling the account.

١٣. فكان لكُمْ من التَّضْعِيفِ فَأْلٌ
على مقدارِ تضعيفِ الحِسابِ

14. And in the view of the birds in the flags, there is an opinion,
No falcon is devoid of claws.

١٤. وعند الطَّيْرِ في الرّاياتِ رأْيٌ
فما يخلو عُقابٌ من عِقابِ