1. Between me and the prince there is an acquaintance
Which resembles in its state complete strangeness
١. بَيْنِي وبينَ الأَميرِ مَعْرِفَةٌ
أَشْبَهُ شيءٍ بحالها النَكِرَهْ
2. I have need of him one day, and he has no need of me
And I have need of him for ten days
٢. عندي لها حاجَةٌ وليسَ لها
يَومٌ ولي حاجَةٌ لها عَشَرَه
3. I wonder for what reason
He put me forward, then made me follow after
٣. فليت شعري لأَيِّما سَبَبٍ
قَدَّمَهُ ثم جاءَ بي أَثَرَه
4. That is only because of one thing
In which his insight examined most keenly
٤. ما ذاك إِلاَّ لأَجْلِ واحِدةٍ
أَدَقَّ فيها لعلْمِهِ نَظَرَه
5. So whoever wants ablution from impurity
Should begin with his back before his face
٥. فمن أَرادَ الوضوءَ عن حَدَثٍ
قَدَّمَ من قبلِ وَجْهِهِ دُبُرَهُ