
As though the praise of the noble one aroused it

وكأنما مدح الأثير أثارها

1. As though the praise of the noble one aroused it
If its words were distinguished by meanings

١. وكأنّما مدْحُ الأثيرِ أثارَها
لو مُيِّزتْ ألفاظُها بمعانِ

2. A judge whose merit in judgment is so great
That both opponents accept the wisdom of his rule

٢. قاضٍ له فضلُ القضاءِ فقد غَدا
يرْضى بحكمةِ حكمهِ الخَصْمانِ

3. Moving through the kingdom among ranks
Arranged first and next in order

٣. مُتنقّلٌ في المُلْكِ بين مراتبٍ
مترتباتٍ أوّلاً في ثانِ

4. It drew him from a coat of religious law
And Destiny's hand placed him in the Diwan's office

٤. نزعَتْهُ من درّاعةٍ دينيةٍ
وحواهُ دسْتُ في يدَيْ دِيوانِ

5. And that is the Caliphate whose bond was made firm
By God's hand, for him the structure of rhetoric

٥. وهي الرئاسةُ كان أحكمَ عقدَها
بيدِ الإله لهُ بنانُ بَيانِ

6. If the palm of virtues did not restrain him
The clouds of kindness would not rain

٦. لو لم يكن ملَكَ الفضائلَ كفُّهُ
ما استَعْبرتْ بسحائبِ الإحسانِ

7. These stars, though the lowest of his words
Are strung in it in order like pearls

٧. هذي الكواكبُ وهي أدْنى لفظِه
قد نُظّمَتْ فيه انتظامَ جُمانِ

8. With fingers that flow and are connected, so he claimed
Their twisting is like tendrils in the garden

٨. بأناملٍ سالتْ وصالتْ فادّعى
في شِبْهِها التهْتانَ بالبَهْتانِ

9. It rises beyond the reach of a pen, like the likeness of its traits
So it swaggered between recognition and mystic knowledge

٩. يعلو مَطاً قلمٍ كشبهِ صفاتِها
فاختالَ بين العَرْفِ والعُرْفانِ

10. A pen that trims the nail of every fault-finder
And restrains the fang of calamitous events

١٠. قلمٌ يقلّمُ ظِفْرَ كلّ ملمّةٍ
ويكفّ نابَ نوائبِ الحدَثانِ

11. Glory that repeats each first matter of pride
Like the repetition of In the Name of God in the Quran

١١. مجدٌ يكرّرُ كلّ أولِ مفخَرٍ
تَكْرارَ بسمِ الله في القرآنِ

12. And a lofty rank which, if its glory were sought
No foot would stand firm as the pillars did

١٢. وعلوّ شأنٍ لو تعاطَى شأوَهُ
كَيوانِ ما ثبتَتْ به القدَمانِ

13. And noble deeds whose rights were usurped
Wer not coined by Hassān among the Ghassān

١٣. ومكارمٌ غُصِبَتْ بواجبِ حقّها
ما صاغَهُ حسانُ في غسانِ

14. And if Bilāl had drawn a trial from them
His praises would be exhausted at Ghailān

١٤. ولو استقَى منها بلالٌ بَلّةً
أعْيَتْ مدائحَهُ على غَيْلانِ

15. So congratulate an era whose like
Returns to you whatever you wish of me and protection

١٥. فاهنأ به عيداً يعودُك مثلُه
ما شئتَ في حالي مني وأمانِ

16. And know that the permanence of your gratitude is eternal
Until the people stand before the Merciful

١٦. واعلَمْ بأن بقاءَ شُكْرِك خالدٌ
حتى يقومَ الناسُ للرحمن

17. And you see the departed and the departing
Grazing at the meadows of Saʿdān and Siʿdān

١٧. وتَرى الفُراقِدَ والفَراقِدُ ترتعي
بمنابتِ السُعْدانِ والسِّعدانِ