1. Say to the pride of the Imams, the scholar, the knowledgeable one,
He is the well-mannered, the hoped for,
١. قُلْ لفخرِ الأَئمّةِ العَلَمِ العا
لِمِ فَهْوَ المُهَدَّبُ المأْمولُ
2. And the one who has no equal, is there an equal for
The rain, the sun, and the sharp sword?
٢. والذي مالَهُ عَدِيلٌ وهَلْ لِلْ
غَيْثِ والشمسِ والحسامِ عديلُ
3. O you who are miserly with your honor and generous
With your generosity, you are the generous and the miserly,
٣. يا بخيلاً بعِرْضِهِ وجوادًا
بِنداهُ أَنت الجوادُ البخيلُ
4. You are the one on whom the crowns
Of glory and pride and supremacy are placed,
٤. أَنتَ الذي عليه من السُّؤ
دُدِ والفخرِ والعُلاَ إِكْلِيلُ
5. And the Imam whose lights of nobility
Throughout the ages have no setting,
٥. والإِمامُ الذي شُموسُ معالي
هِ مَدَى الدهرِ ما لَهُنَّ أُفولُ
6. A pen in your hands, O fountain of literature,
Repelled the sword, yet it is frail,
٦. قَلَمٌ في يَدَيْكَ يا مَعْدِنَ الآ
دابِ رَدَّ الحُسَامَ وَهْوَ كَلِيلُ
7. Bowing, prostrating, deaf yet hearing,
Mute yet speaking, humble yet eminent,
٧. راكعٌ ساجدٌ أَصَمُّ سميعٌ
أَخرسٌ ناطقٌ حقيرٌ جليلُ
8. On foot yet mounted, still yet mobile,
Saying yet doing, short yet tall,
٨. راجلٌ فارسٌ سَكونٌ حَروكٌ
قائلٌ فاعلٌ قصيرٌ طويلُ
9. A pen that restores health to the ailing
With what it exudes, and heals the sick,
٩. قَلمٌ يَسْقُمُ الصَّحِسحَ بما يَنْ
فُثُ من ريقِهِ ويَبْرَا العَلِيلُ
10. It conveys tenderness with its tracings
As musk scents a soft, delicate cheek,
١٠. يُودِعُ الطِّرْسَ منه رمزًا كما خُطَّ
بمسكٍ خَدٌّ رقيقٌ أَسيلُ
11. Its head is like a tooth, but its latter part
Is a sword that makes calamities polished and smooth,
١١. رأْسُهُ كالسِّنانِ لكنَّ أُخْرا
هُ حسامٌ يَفْرِي الخطوبَ صَقيلُ
12. You have no equal, and in God
None is comparable to you, the proof has stood,
١٢. لا شبيهٌ له ومالَكَ في اللَّ
ه شبيهٌ بذاكَ قامَ الدَّليلُ
13. So remain a palm for those visiting you whenever
A bird twitters and makes noise from it.
١٣. فابْقَ كَفًّا لقاصدِيكَ متى غَرَّ
دَ طيرٌ ودامَ منهُ هَدِيلُ