
Say to the pretentious noble in his dishonesty,

قل للشريف على تقوله

1. Say to the pretentious noble in his dishonesty,
You have reached the utmost limit of lying,

١. قُلْ للشريفِ على تَقَوُّلِهِ
لَقَدِ انْتَهَيْتَ بغايةِ الكَذِبِ

2. If you were from Mudar and not one of them,
The chieftain of the Arabs would not be from it.

٢. لو كُنْتَ من مُضَرٍ ولَسْتَ لها
ما كانَ منها سيِّدُ العَرَبِ

3. Do not disparage its Hashimites,
Leaving virtue in Abi Lahab,

٣. لا تَرْمِ هاشِمَها بمنْقَصةٍ
تَدعُ الفضيلَةَ في أَبى لَهَبِ

4. You have borne disgraces that were excused
For the sake of her who bears the firewood.

٤. لقدِ احْتَملْتَ مخازِيًا عُذِرتْ
من أَجْلِها حمَّالَةُ الحَطَبِ

5. A nobility which denied you its sham is noble,
Strutting in the breaths of the plundered one.

٥. شَرفٌ أَبى لك زُورَهُ سَرَفٌ
يختالُ في أَنفاسِ مُنْتَهبِ

6. And the Registry's shame if they scream,
Who will question the thief of lineage?

٦. واخَجْلَةَ الديوانِ إِن صرخُوا
من ذا يحاسِبُ سارِقَ الحَسَبِ

7. That falcon did not cease to inhabit it
Until it became a ruin along with the ruins.

٧. ما زالَ ذاك الصَّقْرُ يعْمُرُهُ
حتى غَدَا خَرِباً مع الخَرَبِ

8. O blind watcher, though the glances
Of the expectant played on his face,

٨. يا ناظِراً أَعمى وإِنْ لَعِبَتْ
في وجْهِهِ أَلحاظُ مُرْتَقِبِ

9. The Caliph turned his gaze from you, his watcher,
So you looted from origin and lineage.

٩. غَضَّ الخليفَةُ عَنْكَ ناظِرَهُ
فَنَهبْتَ من نَشَبٍ ومن نَسَبِ