
My secret has a place within your hearts

لسري في صدوركم مكان

1. My secret has a place within your hearts
Unlike the place your secret has within my heart

١. لسريَ في صدوركُمُ مكانٌ
خلافَ مكانِ سرِّكُمُ بصَدْري

2. For this is wine that filled up a glass
And that a glass filled up with wine

٢. فهذا خَمرة ملأتْ زجاجاً
وذاك زجاجةٌ مُلئت بخمرِ

3. Oh, how strange that this secret is like wine
And how strange that this wine is like a secret

٣. فوا عجباً لذا سِرٌّ كخمرٍ
ووا عجباً لذا خمرٌ كسِرِّ