
I see that the stay has fallen into the hands of weakness

أرى الإقامة أضحت في يد الظعن

1. I see that the stay has fallen into the hands of weakness
O Time, you have shown what you hide of frailty

١. أَرَى الإِقامَةَ أَضْحَتْ في يَدِ الظَّعَنِ
أَبْدَيْتَ يا دَهْرُ ما تُخْفِي مِنَ الضَّعَن

2. Grant them, they have wandered between the sides of nearness with purpose
Did it not become clear to you that affection was not built?

٢. هَبْهُمْ طوَوْا بينَ أَثناءِ الدُّنُوِّ نَوىً
أَلَمْ يَبِنْ لَكَ أَنَّ الودَّ لم يَبِنِ

3. And what hurts if spirits are united?
Their separation physically in love from body to body

٣. وما يَضُرُّ ولِلأَرواحِ مُجْتَمَعٌ
تفريقُهُمْ بَدَناً في الحُبِّ عن بَدَنِ

4. I complain to God a complaint that requires relief
A yearning that repeats between the eye and the ear

٤. أَشكو إِلى اللهِ شكوى تقتضي فَرَجاً
نَوًى تَرَدَّدُ بين العَيْن والأُذُنِ

5. I settled my anxiety in it when I lacked strength
And I did not settle because I won tranquility

٥. سَكَّنْتُ فيه حِراكِي إِذ عَدِمْتُ قُوًى
وما سَكَنْتُ لأَنِّي فُزْتُ بالسَّكَنِ

6. Every day a companion shows me tribulations
Praise be to God, I am not without tribulations

٦. في كلّ يومٍ يُرِيني صاحِبٌ مِحَناً
الحَمْدُ للِه لا أَخْلُو من المِحَنِ

7. Did my heart return with vileness that
The nobility of adversities lend from the vigor of time?

٧. هل عادَ قلبِيَ بِرْجاساً تُقَارِضُه
نَبْلُ النَّوائبِ عن إِنْبَاضَةِ الزَّمَنِ

8. Or have the nights deluded me that they
Pulled me by my bridle, so they saw me compliant to the reins?

٨. أَمْ غَرَّ مِنَّي الليالِي أَنَّها جَذَبَتْ
بِمِقْوَدِي فَرَأَتْنِي طَيَّعَ الرَّسَنِ

9. Never! He is prevented by a will accustomed to
Ride with the spine of the rough ship to gentleness

٩. هيهاتَ يمنعها عزمٌ تَعَوَّدَ أَنْ
يُمْطِي إِلى اللينِ ظهْرَ المَرْكَبِ الخَشِنِ

10. It raves with the star, not the one raised on a goblet
And loves the full moon, not the one raised on a branch

١٠. يهيمُ بالنَّجمِ لا السَّارِي على قَدَحٍ
ويَعْشَقُ البَدْرَ لا السَّارِي على غُصنِ

11. And it collects the ripe fruits of honor
In the planted field of war from the flanks of mildness

١١. ويَجْتَنِي ثمراتِ العِزِّ يانِعَةً
في مَغْرِسِ الحَرْبِ من مُنْآدةِ اللُّدُنِ

12. Sometimes you see it in formidable commotion
And sometimes it gallops at the highest predecessor

١٢. طوراً تراهُ على هَوْجَاءَ ضارمَةٍ
طوراً وَيَعْدُو بأَعلَى سابِقٍ أَرِنِ

13. The state tries to humiliate its side from it
And honor is something it was fed with milk

١٣. تحاولُ الحالُ منهُ ذُلُّ جانِبِهِ
والعِزُّ شَىْءٌ تَغَذَّاهُ مع اللَّبَنِ

14. If it is like the bare spring without fruit
Then its like is a scout over spears

١٤. إِنْ كانَ كالَّنبْعِ عُرْيَاناً بلا ثَمَرٍ
فمثلُهُ هُوَ طَلاَّعٌ عَلَى القُنَنِ

15. And time has wronged it, exerting effort
Until he called, so answer him O Abu Al-Hassan

١٥. وقد أَساءَ إِلَيْهِ الدهرُ مجتهداً
حتى دَعَا فأَجِبْهُ يا أَبا الحَسَنِ

16. Quench his thirst with fresh sweet water from you
And guard him with love from troubling him the burdensome

١٦. أَوْرِدْهُ عندَكَ عّذْبَ الماءِ سَلْسَلَهُ
واحْرُسْهُ بالوُدِّ عن تكديرِهِ الأَسنِ

17. And your Lord has made you a lord without a partner
And I don't think you will incline him to idols

١٧. وقد أَقامَكَ رَبًّا لا شريكَ لَهُ
وما أَظُنُّكَ تثنيهِ إِلى الوَثَنِ

18. May God betray him in hearing and vision
If he betrayed you in secret or openly

١٨. يخونُه اللُّه في سَمْع وفي بَصَرٍ
إِنْ كانَ خانَكَ في سِرٍّ ولا عَلَنِ

19. He inclines you for religion and world, so you are for him
The best one brought near from Eden and from settlements

١٩. يهواكَ للدِّينِ والدنيا فأَنْتَ له
نعم المُقَرِّبُ من عَدْنٍ ومن عَدَنِ

20. You possessed him with your hands that went before
So you weakened him with what you weakened in the price

٢٠. ملكْتَهُ بأَيادِيكَ التي سَلَفَتْ
فأَضْعَفَتْهُ بما أَضْعَفْتَ في الثَّمَنِ

21. So pull him with your palm without rejection
And look at him with your eyes without disgrace

٢١. فاجْذِبْ بكفِّكَ منه غير مُطَّرَحٍ
وانظُرْ بعينيكَ فيه غَيْرَ مُمْتَهَنِ

22. And do not assume about him what he does not know
For your Lord's assumption is raised above assumptions

٢٢. ولا تَظُنَّ به ما لَيْسَ يعرِفُه
فَظَنُّ رَبِّكَ مرفوعٌ عَنِ الظَّنَنِ

23. People in the eye are forms that resemble
And the intellect differentiates between breath and fat

٢٣. الناسُ في العَيْنِ أَشخاصٌ لها شَبَهٌ
والعَقْلُ يَفْرِقُ بين النَّفْخِ والسِّمَنِ

24. My excuse for your glory is that I am not accused
So if you doubted the faith, then test

٢٤. عُذْرِي لمجدِكَ أَني غَيْرُ مُتَّهَمٍ
فإِنْ شَكَكْتَ على الإِيمانِ فامْتَحِنِ

25. I have pledged in you the pledge of a confident conscience
If the fates disputed it, it would not betray

٢٥. عاهَدْتُ فيكَ ضَمِيرِي عَهْدَ ذِي ثِقَةٍ
لو نازَعَتْهُ المَنَايَا فيهِ لم يَخُنِ

26. I raised my palm asking your forgiveness
So allow it O brother of the visiting discord

٢٦. رَفَعْتُ كفِّيَ أَستجديكَ مغفرةً
فاسمَحْ بها يا شقيقَ العارِضِ الهَتنِ

27. And I only shook you after being informed
That my palm shook the spring of Yemen

٢٧. وما هززتُكَ إلا بعد مخبرةٍ
بأَنَّ كفِّيَ هَزَّتْ نَبْعَةَ اليَمَنِ

28. And I don't think you forget every departing woman
Settled, who went west to beauty in the homeland

٢٨. وما أَظُنُّكَ تَنْسَى كّلَّ سائِرَةٍ
مُقِيمَةٍ غَرَّبَتْ لِلْحُسْنِ في الوطَنِ

29. I composed them in you and the words are passionate
So your memory alternated in them from intimacy

٢٩. حَبَّرْتُهَا فيكَ والأَلفَاظُ هاجِعَةٌ
فَنَابَ ذِكْرُكِ لِي فيها عن الْوَسَنِ

30. You clarified their approach when you were their goal
So one who strayed succeeded and took over the ways

٣٠. أَوْضَحْتَ مَنْهَجَها إِذْ كُنْتَ غايَتَهُ
فّضَلَّ مَنْ ضَلَّ واسْتَوْلَتْ عَلَى السُّنَنِ

31. And it continued to pair kindness with recognition
And it never stopped pairing benevolence with beauty

٣١. وقارَنَتْ مِنْكَ معروفًا بمَعْرِفَةٍ
ولم تَزَلْ تقرِنُ الإِحْسانَ بالْحَسَنِ

32. From a skillful, outstanding, eloquent learned man
To a skillful, outstanding, eloquent learned man

٣٢. من ماهر فاضلٍ علاَّمَةٍ لَسِنٍ
في ماهرٍ فاضلٍ علامةٍ لَسِنِ

33. The one who hears them says from what intermingles with him
Who is the one who said them or were they composed for whom?

٣٣. يقولُ سامِعُهَا مِمَّا يُدَاخِلُهُ
مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي قالَها أَو حُبِّرَتْ لِمَنِ