1. My hearing is delighted by mention of the pleasing abode,
And quenching of tears at al-Mustafa.
١. عافَ سمعي ذكرَ المحلِّ العافي
واصطفاءَ البكاءِ بالمُصْطافِ
2. And standing at the nun of Nu'ay once it was recited,
In its recitation the inimitability of the doubling tha's.
٢. ووقوفاً بنونِ نُؤيٍ تلاهُ
في رباهُ إعجامُ ثاءِ أثافي
3. I almost wish to tame a heart with the house,
Preoccupied with a small garden.
٣. آنفٌ أن أروضَ بالدارِ قَلْباً
مستهاماً بروضةٍ مئنافِ
4. The fire of my love has faded at the twisting of sadness,
And my sorrow has turned away with disappointments.
٤. نارُ وجْدي خبَتْ بمُنعرَجِ الخَبْ
تِ وولّى تأسُّفي بأسافِ
5. So peace be upon the unmarried women, the youthful men,
And the fawns, the does, and the young gazelles.
٥. فسلامٌ على العواذلِ والأط
لالِ والعيسِ والسُرى والفَيافي
6. An intoxication from which I have awoken,
And replaced with my intoxication: conversations and drinks.
٦. سكرةٌ قد صحوتُ عنها وبُدِّلْ
تُ بسُكْري سوالف وسلاف
7. So serve it to me before the concurrence of the first scholars,
For I saw them in disagreement.
٧. فاسقنيها قبلَ اتفاقِ أولي العل
مِ فإني رأيتُهم في اختِلافِ
8. A coffee whose description, some of its dissolvement,
I have not described to you except I was intoxicated by the descriptions.
٨. قهوةٌ ما وصَفْتُ بعضَ حُلاها
لكَ إلا سكِرتُ بالأوصافِ
9. The years have weakened its body, so were it not
For its fragrance, it would not have been acknowledged.
٩. أنهكتْ جسمَها السنينُ فلَوْلا
عرْفُها لم تكنْ بهذا اعترافِ
10. So revive in the goblet a Chosroes with a breeze
That sends the spirit through breaths into limbs.
١٠. فأحَيّي في الكأسِ كِسْرى براحٍ
تبعثُ الروحَ منه في الأعطافِ
11. Do you see the dawn, how it has prepared an army?
The night heralded its departure.
١١. ما تَرى الصبحَ كيف جهّزَ جيشاً
آذنَ الليلَ عنه بالإنصِرافِ
12. And the necklaces of stars, tranquility of light
Has scattered them from the rising of the Lion.
١٢. وعقودُ النجومِ قد نثرَتْها
راحةُ النورِ من طِلى الأسْدافِ
13. And the dress of clouds was removed from the horizon,
A pastureland in rolling dunes.
١٣. ونضَتْ حُلّةَ الغَمامِ عن الأفْ
قِ رُبىً في غلائلٍ أفوافِ
14. So accomplish and admit, for there is a generous one,
Who grants accomplishment for admission.
١٤. فاقترفْ واعترفْ فثمّ كريمٌ
يهَبُ الاقترافَ للإعْتِرافِ
15. And praise the preserved, the praised one, wearing
The garb of devotion in his presence and chastity.
١٥. وامدحِ الحافظَ المُمَدَّحَ تلْبَسْ
حُلَلَ النُسْكِ عندَهُ والعَفافِ
16. What ink for the family of Sasan that has become
Like the prophet of guidance for the servant of Manaf?
١٦. أيُّ حَبْرٍ لآل ساسانَ أضحى
كنبيِّ الهُدى لعبدِ مَنافِ
17. Salafi, pretentious of virtue, signs showed
That he is from the remainder of ancestors.
١٧. سَلفيٌّ مُخايلُ الفضْلِ دلّتْ
أنه من بقيةِ الأسْلافِ
18. The examiner hangs on to him alone,
Rising above the discarded thousands.
١٨. يعلَقُ الامتحانُ منهُ بفرْدٍ
يعْتلي عن مطارِحِ الآلافِ
19. Pure of honor, dress, views and manners,
And companionships and friendships.
١٩. طاهرُ العِرْضِ والملابس والآرا
ءِ والمأرباتِ والألاّفِ
20. If the days were to become an image, it would appear
From his ascent the most glorious of peaks.
٢٠. لو غَدا الدهرُ صورةً لتجلّى
من علاهُ بأفخَرِ الأشْنافِ
21. The people altogether agreed that he alone is the summit of
The resolute, there is no doubt.
٢١. أجمعَ الناسُ أنّهُ أوحدُ العَل
ياءِ من مُثْبِتٍ هناكَ ونافِ
22. Its fourth part is the Kaaba which is obligated for prostration,
I performed its pilgrimage and circumambulated its corner.
٢٢. ربْعُهُ الكعبةُ التي افترضَ السُؤ
دَدَ حجّى لركنِها وطَوافي
23. My intention became sincere, and some doubted,
If treated fairly, they would have been brought to justice.
٢٣. أخلصتْ نيتي وشكّ أناسٌ
لو صفَوْا أُنْزِلوا على الإنصافِ
24. So I obtained the garden of intimacy from it,
When they did not achieve the heights.
٢٤. فتبوأتُ جنّةَ العُرْفِ منها
حين لم يحصَلوا على الأعرافِ
25. Congratulations on the deaf month, even if
It was hearing to the rulings of meters.
٢٥. فتهنّ الشهرَ الأصمَّ وإن كا
نَ سميعاً لمُحكَماتِ القَوافي
26. And remain in honor what remains while you continue,
For God will suffice you and He is the greatest Sufficer.
٢٦. وابقَ في العزِّ ما بقِيْتَ فإنّ الل
هَ يكفيكَ وهو أعظمُ كافِ