1. O you who undertook with pretense to help me when I stumbled
Stumbling is not caused by defectiveness in the legs
١. يا من تَكَفَّلَ في النَّقُوعِ تكلُّفاً
ليسَ النقوعُ لِعلَّةٍ بنَفُوع
2. You were not happy when I was flying high
So I say, my falling has saddened him
٢. ما كُنْتُ تفرَحُ حيثُ كَنْتُ مُحَلِّقاً
فَأَقُولَ أَحْزَنَهُ عَلَيَّ وقُوعي
3. Your new friend has distracted you, and perhaps
The old one was abandoned for the reason of being cast off
٣. أَلهاكَ صاحِبُكَ الجديدُ ورُبَّما
تُرِكَ القديمُ لِعِلَّةِ المَرْقُوع