
The chosen one of your Egypt is flooded with gifts

منتاب مصركما بالرفد مغمور

1. The chosen one of your Egypt is flooded with gifts
And the gate of your Egypt is filled with delegations

١. مُنْتَابُ مِصْرِكُمَا بالرِّفْدِ مَغْمورُ
وبابُ مِصْرِكُمَا بالوَفْدِ مَعْمُورُ

2. While you two are in the hands of the king like bracelets
Adorning him, and around him are walls

٢. وَأَنْتُمَا في أَيادِي المُلْكِ أَسْوِرَةٌ
تَزِينُهُ وعلى أَطرافِهِ سُور

3. In the hearts of some people from your qualities is fire
And in the eyes of a group of people is light

٣. وفي قلوبِ أُناسٍ من صَفاتِكُما
نارٌ وفي أَعْيُنٍ من مَعْشَرٍ نُورُ

4. You two have risen, O two moons, to a rank
The moon falls short of, and it is excused

٤. رَقِيتُما أَيها البَدْرَانِ مَنْزِلةً
يُقَصِّرُ البَدْرُ عنها وَهْوَ مَعْذُورُ

5. God is Greatest! I have not spoken an original poem
So the task of one who saw the moons is to glorify

٥. الله أَكبرُ لَمْ أَنْطِقْ بمُبْدَعَةٍ
فشأْنُ مَنْ نَظَرَ الأَقمارَ تكبيرُ

6. There is no excuse for poetry, so let it reach its metaphors
Alas! There is deficiency in it and shortcoming

٦. لا عُذْرَ للشِّعْرِ فَليبلُغْ مبالِغَه
هيهاتَ ذا قِصَرٌ فيه وتقصيرُ

7. These are the glorious deeds of one who has made
His footsteps have an effect on the ether of the celestial spheres

٧. هذي مآثرُ من أَضْحَى لأَخْمَصِهِ
على الأَثيرِ من الأَفلاكِ تأْثيرُ

8. Thanks be to God, every darkness about us is gone
And at dawn the birds start chirping

٨. الحمدُ لله زالَتْ كُلُّ داجِيَةٍ
عَنَّا وبالصُّبحِ تنجابُ الدّياجيرُ

9. Why do I not stop when this length commands me
With what others before me have done

٩. لِمَ لا أَخِرُّ وهذا الطُّولُ يأْمُرُنِي
بما تقدَّمَهُ من غيرِيَ الطُّورُ

10. The command of the two princes in time is carried out
So time is like a slave, forbidden and commanded

١٠. أَمرُ الأَميرَيْنِ عندَ الدهرِ مُمْتَثَلٍ
فالدهرُ كالعبدِ منهيٌّ ومأْمورُ

11. The two arrangers of the gardens of glory above the hills
Its meadows are brightened by the soft breeze of praise

١١. الناظمَيْنِ رياضَ المَجْدِ فوق رُباً
نُوَّارُها بنسيم الحَمْدِ منثورُ

12. And the obstructers of its path, difficult is their way
And who envies it but the deluded?

١٢. والمانعينَ سبيلاً عَزَّ مَسْلَكُها
وهل يغارُ لها إِلا المَغَاويرُ

13. And the releasers of abundant praise in character
Some of the abundant praise is confined in them

١٣. والمطلقينَ الثَّناءَ الجَمَّ في شِيَمٍ
ببعضِهِنَّ الثَّناءُ الجَمُّ مأْسورُ

14. And the possessors in prosperous right hand of states
Were it not for Him, facilitation would not have agreed in them

١٤. والمالكينَ بِيُمْنَى ياسِرٍ دُوَلاً
لولاهُ لَمْ يَتَّفِقْ فيهِنَّ تيسيرُ

15. It is He who untied the knots of the skulls
From the necks' bondage, and the necklace pocket is adorned

١٥. هُوَ الَّذِي حَلَّ أَزرارَ الجماجِمِ عن
عُرَى الرّقابِ وجَيْبُ النَّقْعِ مَزرورُ

16. And He remains erecting the west of the sword in His hand
So it bends, and by it whoever He wills is vanquished

١٦. وباتَ ينصِبُ غَرْبَ السيفِ في يَدِهِ
فَيَنْثَنِي وبه مَنْ شاءَ مَجْرُورُ

17. He circulated above the citadels the cup of annihilation
With its wine intoxicated are all those inside them

١٧. أَدارَ فوقَ الحصونِ الشُمِّ كَأْسَ وغًى
بِخَمْرِها كُلُّ مَنْ فيهِنَّ مخمورُ

18. And the owners of them thought from it a burden for themselves
So the violence of its destruction said: your assumption is false

١٨. وظنَّ أَملاكُها منها لهم وَزَراً
فقال فَتْكُ ظُباهُ ظَنُّكُمْ زورُ

19. And how much He frightens, yet the swords are not loosened
In their sheaths, nor are the lances erected

١٩. وكم أَخافَ وما الصَّمْصامُ مُنْثِلمٌ
في راحَتَيْهِ ولا الخَطِّيُّ مأْطورُ

20. When the sea of that destruction frees its hand
Do not say that it is confined by pardon

٢٠. أَذا سجا بَحْرُ ذاكَ الفَتْكِ من يدِهِ
فلا تقُلْ إِنه بالعفو مسجورُ

21. How many people deluded until they deluded foolishly
And sometimes the deluded one deludes

٢١. كم غُرَّ قومٌ إِلى أَن غَرَّروا سَفَهاً
وربما ركِبَ التَّغْريرَ مَغْرورُ

22. And a battle in which the sanctity of Islam is unveiled
Neither its dresses are covered nor its flanks concealed

٢٢. ومَعْرَكٍ لا حِمَى الإِسلامِ مُنْكَشِفٌ
منه ولا جانبُ المُرَّاقِ مَسْتُورُ

23. He revealed the ignorance of the misguided from his citadels
With glimpses that have in them storing places

٢٣. أَجالَ جَهْمَ المُحَيَّا من قساطِلِهِ
بمُرْهَفَاتٍ لها فيه أَساريرُ

24. And he brought security where the star its watcher
Is prostrated, and the heart of lightning is frightened

٢٤. وجاءَ بالأَمنِ حيثُ النجمُ ناظرُهُ
مُسَهَّدٌ وفؤادُ البرقِ مذعورُ

25. So the news circulates without him as a band
Its talk compared to him in books is transcribed

٢٥. لِتَطْوِ من دونِهِ الأَخبارُ طائِفَةً
حديثُها دونَهُ في الكُتْبِ منشورُ

26. They aspired for his extent but their determination betrayed them
And can a sparrow attain the flight of an eagle?

٢٦. راموا مَدَاهُ وخانَتْهُمْ عزائِمُهُمْ
وهل ينالُ مَطَارَ النَّسْرِ غُصْفُورُ

27. Family of Zureiq, and what do you know of who planted
This garden from the like of that pouring rain?

٢٧. آلُ الزُّرَيْعِ وما أَدراكَ مَنْ زَرَعُوا
ذا الروضُ من مثلِ ذاكَ الغيثِ ممطورُ

28. They are those who for every glory
Have a mention on the tongues of days remembered

٢٨. هُم الذين لهُمْ في كلِّ مَكْرُمةٍ
دِكْرٌ على أَلسُنِ الأَيامِ مذكورُ

29. They are full moons, and in their right hand is a moon
Whatever you wish of the two, say therein dinars

٢٩. هُم البدورُ ومن أَيْمانِهِمْ بِدَرٌ
ما شئتَ مِنْ ذَيْنِ قُلْ فيهِ دَنَانيرُ

30. Praise of them for what their virtues have manifested
Is informing, and praiser of praise is rewarded

٣٠. المَدْحُ منهم بما أَبْدَتْ محاسِنُهُمْ
مُخَبِّرٌ ومُجيدُ المدح مخبورُ

31. They give life to legends of what time has dictated, and for them
Is glory transcribed on the forehead of eternity

٣١. تحيى أَساطيرَ ما أَملَى الوَرَى ولَهُمْ
مَجْدٌ على جِبْهَةِ التخليدِ مسطورُ