
The meadows bloomed, so marvel at a garden that has no flowers,

زهرن فاعجب لروض ماله زهر

1. The meadows bloomed, so marvel at a garden that has no flowers,
Except smiles, glances, and blossoms.

١. زهرن فاعْجَبْ لروض ماله زَهَرُ
إِلا المباسِمُ والأَلحاظُ والطُّرَرُ

2. And say not the flames of passions burn it,
For it has rivers flowing around its edges.

٢. ولا تَقُلْ لَهَبُ الوَجْنَاتِ يُحْرِقُها
فللعذارِ على أَرجائِها نَهَرُ

3. Marvel at its charms inclining,
With the soul praising its like, charms are praised.

٣. أَعْجِبْ بها غُرَراً مالَتْ محاسِنُها
بالنفس يَحْمَدُ في أَمْثَالِهَا الغَرَرُ

4. They traveled at night, time a dark eyelid,
So stars and planets flowed in it.

٤. سَفَرْنَ والليلُ طِرْفٌ أّدْهَمٌ فَجَرَتْ
فيه الحجولُ من الأَنوارِ والغُرَر

5. They rose carrying in their eyelids a slumber,
If they were white we’d say they are full moons.

٥. وقمنَ يحمِلْنَ في الأَجفانِ مَرْهَفَةً
لو كانَتِ البيضَ قلنا إِنَّها البُتُر

6. By their magic they attacked suddenly
With what magic brings at night.

٦. وكان من فِعْلِها بالسحرِ أَن هَجَمَتْ
على العشاءِ بما يأْتي به السَّحَرُ

7. So I did not climb up to the terraces while staying up for them,
Except for seashells, all of them pearls.

٧. فما ارتَقَيْتُ الدَّرَارِي إِذْ سهِرْتُ لها
إِلا لأَصدافِ يَمٍّ كلُّها دُرَر

8. Nor did I wander around horizons looking for trouble,
Except for her whose company the full moon seeks.

٨. ولا اجتلَيْتُ بدورَ الأُفْقِ عن كَلَفٍ
إِلا لِمَنْ أُتْلِفَتْ في صَوْنِهِ البِدَرُ

9. In the courtyard and its corners is an intoxication that grew,
And that growing increased its intoxication.

٩. وفي الحشا والحشايا صَبْوَةٌ كبِرَتْ
فزادَها عُنْفُواناً ذلِكَ الكِبَرُ

10. You see a spark of passion that did not subside for me,
Despite my graying hair, but my tears are embers.

١٠. تورى زنادَ اشتياقٍ ما استطارَ به
لي من مَشِيبي ولكن أَدْمُعِي شَرَرُ

11. And in my heart there is no little nook of love
That poetry did not reveal, if poetry did not create.

١١. وفي فؤادِيَ لا فَوْدِي قَتِيرُ هوًى
لم يُخْفِهِ الشَّعْرُ إِذْ لم يُبْدِهِ الشَّعَرُ

12. Take from my passion what you recite as warnings,
Admonishing you, tested by crises.

١٢. خذ من غرامِيَ ما تتلُو به سُوَراً
مُحَذِّرَاتِكَ ما تَبْلو به الصُّوَرُ

13. As for anxieties, my worries never settled in them
A day, and precaution never walked in my longing.

١٣. أَما الخُدورُ فلم يَسْكُنْ بها قَلَقِي
يوماً ولم يَمْشِ في أَشواقِيَ الحّذَر

14. If my heart refused its tossing and turning,
By my life, my life never ended in passion.

١٤. فإِنْ تَمَنَّعَ قلبي من تَقَلُّبِهِ
فما انْتَهَى بِي لَعَمْرِي في الهَوَى العُمُرُ

15. I am the lover, and I am not what is said to deserve
More rightful from you, blame or excuse?

١٥. أَنا المُحِبُّ وما بي ما يُقالُ لَهُ
أَوْلَى لك العَذْلُ أَم أَولَى لك العُذُرُ

16. If I said it passed, I did not mean a branch,
Or if I said it shone, I did not mean a moon.

١٦. إِن قلتُ ماسَ فما قصدي به غُصُنٌ
أَو استنارَ فما قصدي به قَمَرُ

17. I was created like a spring, except I have fruit,
While the spring is barren, no fruit on its branch.

١٧. خُلِقْتُ كالنَّبْعِ إِلا أَنَّ لي ثَمَراً
والنبعُ عريانُ ما في فرعِهِ ثَمَرُ

18. Wealth, to the rich, is hoarded,
Wealth, to the noble, is disdained.

١٨. المالُ عِنْدَ ذوي الإقْتَارِ مُحْتَقَبٌ
والمالُ عند ذوي الأَقدارِ مُحْتَقَرُ

19. If I missed what they had perished for,
Then I did not become destitute, and I have this poverty.

١٩. فإِنْ عدمْتُ الذي صاروا له عُدُماً
فما افتقَرْتُ وعندي هذه الفِقَرُ

20. I did not shake my feet if an abode prospered,
Or prolonged my expatriation if an abode was remote.

٢٠. ولم أُقَلْقِلْ رِكابي إِنْ نَبَا وطَنٌ
ولا أَطَلْتُ اغترابي إِنْ نَأَى وَطَر

21. But the people of virtue, their virtues
Summoned my resolve, though it was stone that was summoned.

٢١. لكن بَنُو الْحَجَرِ اسْتَدْعَتْ مكارِمُهُمْ
عَزْمِي وقد كانَ يُسْتَدْعَى بِها الحَجَرُ

22. The voice of the caller called from them, so I listened
And stood to cross a sea all crossed before.

٢٢. نادى لسانُ النَّدى منهم فأَسْمَعَنِي
فقمتُ أَعْبُرُ بحراً كلُّهُ عِبَرُ

23. You see the ships sailing in their dockyards
So they sail high in their peaks and descend.

٢٣. ترى المواخِرَ تَجْرِي في زَوَاخِرِهِ
فترتَقِي في أَعالِيها وتَنْحَدِرُ

24. Each dark one carries it like a mole,
With a flash of lightning in which dawn has its rays.

٢٤. من كل سَوْدَاءَ مِثْلِ الخالِ يَحْمِلُها
بِوَجْنَةٍ منه فيها للضُّحى خَفَرُ

25. Until I arrived and they welcomed me,
With a chest whose downpours revive chests.

٢٥. حتى وَرَدْت فأَروانِي وأَحْسَنَ بي
صَدْرٌ موارِدُهُ يَشْجَى بها الصَّدِرُ

26. The merits of my hopes were probed
So now the travel has uncovered their foreheads.

٢٦. كانَتْ مناقِبُ آمالي مُنَقَّبَةً
فالآن أَسْفَرَ عن جَبْهَاتِهِا السَّفَرُ

27. This is Abul Qasim, attaining
What flood, what sea, what rivers, what rain?

٢٧. هذا أَبو القاسِمِ المقسومُ نائِلُه
ما السيلُ ما البَحْرُ ما الأَنهارُ ما المَطَر

28. Virtues, if Abu Bakr preceded them,
No one followed like Othman or Omar.

٢٨. محاسِنٌ إِنْ أَبو بكرٍ تَقَدَّمَها
فما تَأَخَّرَ عُثْمَانٌ ولا عُمَرُ

29. I heard of them and saw them in person,
So reports were best if untouched by reports.

٢٩. سمعتُ عنهُمْ وقد شاهَدْتُهُمْ نَظَراً
فأَحْسَنَ الخُبْرُ ما لَمْ يَجْلُهُ الخَبَرُ

30. Thus they flowed freely, and I found in it praise
That neither limit nor bounds are known.

٣٠. كذاك جادُوا نَدًى فيه أَجَدْتُ ثَناً
فليس يُعْرَفُ لا حَصْرٌ ولا حَصَر

31. And poetry in it is short-lived, its life a flower
That withers, and in it long-lived, its life blossoms.

٣١. والشعرُ فيه قصيرٌ عُمْرُهُ زَهَرٌ
يَذْوَى ومنه طويلٌ عُمْرُهُ زُهُرُ

32. Like advice, easy to cast into wisdom,
And like iron, heavy in its weight.

٣٢. فكالمواعِظِ سَهْلٌ صَوْغُها زُبُرٌ
وكالحديدِ ثقيلٌ وَزْنُهُ زُبَر

33. Or like eyes, some whose lot is a squint
That diminishes, some whose lot are wide-eyed gazelles.

٣٣. أَو كالعيونِ فهذِي حَظُّها حَوَلٌ
يَغُضُّ منها وهذِي حَظُّها حوَرُ

34. O leader, my description of his family guided
What musk bears of its own fragrance.

٣٤. يا قائداً قاد من وَصْفِي لِعِتْرَتِهِ
ما تَحْمِلُ المِسْكَ عن أّنْفِاسِهَا العِتَرُ

35. By God, your restraint, which you regarded as life
Is like a fresh track where the track and vestige lie.

٣٥. للهِ دّرُّ حَيَاءٍ حُزْتَهُ وَحياً
كأَنَّكَ العَضْبُ فيه الأّثْرُ والأَثَر

36. You provoke with words or enrich with companionship
So your utterance is gentle assault and harm.

٣٦. تثيرُ بالقولِ أَو تُثْرِي مُجَانَسَةً
فلفظُكَ الضَّرَبُ المعسولُ والضَّرَرُ

37. In your hand flows however you command it
What does not envy the sword its sharp cutting.

٣٧. وفي يمينِكَ يَجْري كَيْفَ تَأْمُرُهُ
ما يحسُدُ الذِّكْرَ عَنْهُ الصارِمُ الذَّكَر

38. Such composure, from such composure, if
Spears fall short, swords are lengthened.

٣٨. تلك اليراعةُ من تلك اليَرَاعَةِ إِنْ
تُقَصِّر السُّمْرُ عنها طَوَّلَ السَّمَرُ

39. And how many peoples quarreled, so I said to them
Roots are where trees grow from.

٣٩. وكم تشاجَرَ أَقوامٌ فقلتُ لهُمْ
إِن الأَصولَ عليها تنبتُ الشجَرُ

40. In my expatriation, every trouble spot troubled me,
But no flocking to a nonexistent thing, and no fleeing.

٤٠. أَنالَني في اغترابِي كُلَّ مُغْرِبَةٍ
فما النفيرُ بمعدومٍ ولا النَّفَر

41. I gathered my resolve, and did not fret over a tribulation
Whose fangs said, "Alas! There is no escape."

٤١. وشَدَّ أَزْرِي فلم أَحفِلْ بنائبةٍ
تقول أَنيابُها هيهاتَ لاَ وَزَرُ

42. After what battered me, every battering
Its days the reddest of its red days.

٤٢. من بعدِ ما قَرَّعَتْنِي كل قارِعَةٍ
أَيامُها الحُمْرُ من أَعْيَانِها الحُمُر

43. I have been striking a group with poetry
If they were struck by swords, they would not feel it,

٤٣. وبِتُّ أَضرِبُ بالأَشعارِ طائِفَةً
لو أَنَّهُمْ ضُرِبُوا بالسَّيْفِ ما شَعَرُوا

44. When I mint rhymes from their endings,
They say, "You overreached so cows understand us."

٤٤. إِذَا نَحَتُّ القوافِي من مقاطِعِها
قالوا تَكَلَّفْ لنا أَنْ تَفْهَمَ البَقَرُ

45. To you I came with it virgin of purpose
No excuse with you if the excuse is not pierced.

٤٥. إِليكَ جئتُ بها عذراءَ منشِدَةً
لا عُذْرَ عندَكَ إِنْ لَمْ تُفْضَض العُذَر

46. I matched it to you halfway the month, slit open,
It almost ruptured if delayed until the feast.

٤٦. أَنْصَفْتُهَا بكَ نِصْفَ الشهرِ شَيِّقَةً
تكادُ لو أُخِّرَتْ للفِطْرِ تَنْفَطِر

47. It harmonized you, so from it pearls are threaded
As you have seen, and from you pearls are scattered.

٤٧. وطابَقَتْكَ فمنها الدُّرُّ منتظِمٌ
كما رأَيتَ ومنكَ الدُّرُّ منتثِرُ