1. My two friends, stop for a while and look
Towards Yabrin, is it lightning or fire you see?
١. خَليلَيَّ قَوماً في عُطالَةَ فَاِنظُرا
أَناراً تُرى مِن نَحوِ يَبرينَ أَم بَرقا
2. And pitch my tent near the ruins, for they
Were the first ruins where I came to know love.
٢. وَحِطا عَلى الأَطلالِ رَحلي فَإِنَّها
لأَِوَلِ أَطلالٍ عَرَفتُ بِها العِشقا
3. If it is lightning, it is in a pregnant cloud
Leaving behind water in plenty, not a little.
٣. فَإِن يَكُ بَرقاً فَهوَ في مُشمَخِرَّةٍ
يُغادِرُ ماءً لا قَليلاً وَلا طَرقا
4. It moves the forelocks of the clouds as though
It were driving smooth-sided horses at speed.
٤. يَهُبُّ بِرَيعانِ السَحابِ كَأَنَّما
يُقَوِّدُ أَفراساً مُجَنَّبَةً بُلقا
5. And if it is fire, it is a fire where
The wind fans it and makes it blaze and roar
٥. وَإِن تَكُ ناراً فَهيَ نارٌ بِمُلتَقىً
مِنَ الريحِ تَزهاها وَتَعفِقُها عَفقا
6. Umm Ali lit it greedily so it would give
Light to riders seeking their way back.
٦. لأُِمِّ عَليٍّ أَوقَدَتها طِماعَةً
لأَِوبَةِ رُكبانٍ تَكونُ لَها وَفقا
7. When you raise discerning eyes you will know
That death has torn us with many a rent.
٧. مَتى تَرفَعا العَينَ البَصيرَةَ تَعلَما
بِأَنَّ المَنايا قَد قَطَعنَ بِنا خَرقا
8. They fear the lashes of the whips as though
They feared arrows shot and coming straight.
٨. يُحاذِرنَ رَوعاتِ السِياطِ كَأَنَّما
يُحاذرِنَ نُشاباً رُمينَ بِهِ رَشقا
9. And after you cut us off from Tanufa,
The land whose limbs were not severed,
٩. وَكائِن قَطَعنا بَعدَكُم مِن تَنوفَةٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ لَم تُقطَع أَضالِعُها عَزقا
10. The hyenas prowl it when it is empty
And bare, and the passionate man forgets passion.
١٠. تَقومُ بِها الوَجناءُ وَهيَ رَذِيَّةٌ
كَلالاً وَيَنسى ذو المُخالَجَةِ العِشقا
11. When the night changes the day and darkens
We shoot at it until we make a hole in it.
١١. إِذا غَيَّرَ اللَيلُ النَهارَ وَأَظلَمَت
رَمَينا بِها حَتّى تَراءى لَنا فَتقا