
O Abdu'llah, if you're blaming me

أشاعر عبد الله إن كنت لائما

1. O Abdu'llah, if you're blaming me
Then I'm blaming you for what has come to be

١. أَشاعِرَ عَبدَ اللَهِ إِن كُنتَ لائِماً
فَإِنّي لِما تَأَتي مِنَ الأَمرِ لائِمُ

2. You squander mornings with your idle lute
While your honor wanes and nights you sleep right through

٢. تُحَضِّضُ أَفناءَ الرِبابِ سَفاهَةً
وَعِرضُكَ مَوتورٌ وَلَيلُكَ نائِمُ

3. What surprise that fate should overtake its lord
While the noble heart shows patience for the right

٣. وَهَل عَجَبٌ أَن تُدرِكَ السَيدَ وِترَها
وَتَصبِرُ لِلحَقِّ السَراةُ الأَكارِمُ

4. I saw you let Dishiyya have her way
And give in to Yarbou' though your nose was tight

٤. رَأيتُكَ لَم تَمنَع طُهَيَّةَ حُكمَها
وَأَعطَيتَ يَربوعاً وَأَنفُكَ راغِمُ

5. You, a man who spurns peace when offered free
Yet once avenged, is placated and beams bright

٥. وَأَنتَ اِمرؤٌ لا تَقبَلُ الصُلحَ طائِعاً
وَلَكِن مَتى تُظَأَر فَإِنَّكَ رائِمُ

6. I called you to make peace in Darim's affair
But left you warriors, and Darim's fight goes on

٦. دَعَوتُم إِلى أَمرِ النَواكَةِ دارِماً
فَقَد تَركتُكُم وَالنَواكَةَ دارِمُ

7. You were like a rain-pierced tent mended anew
Yet when sorrows pierced you, you came undone

٧. وَكَنتَ كَذاتِ البَوِّ شُرِّمَت اِستُها
فَطابَقَت لَمّا خَرَّمَتكَ الغَمائِمُ

8. Had you been a guardian of dependents pure
No hyena could soil the choice of communal shun

٨. فَلو كُنتَ مَولى مُسلَت ما تَجلَلت
بِهِ ضَبعٌ في مُنتَقى القَومِ واحِمُ

9. Only the slain know the blow that laid them low
Not the vultures who came to pick their bones clean

٩. وَلَم يُدرِك المَقتولُ إِلاّ مَجَرَّهُ
وَما أَسارَت مِنهُ النُسورُ القَشاعِمُ

10. Ibn 'Awf don't leave him be, for it's enough
That our protector brought peace to end this scene

١٠. عَلَيكَ اِبنَ عَوفٍ لا تَدَعهُ فَإِنَّما
كَفاكَ مَوالينا الَّذي جَرَّ سالِمُ

11. Do you recall the allies you saved from plight?
Yet your state persists unless you heal this seam

١١. أَتَذكُرُ أَقواماً كَفَوكَ شُؤونَهُم
وَشَأنُكَ إِلاّ تَركُهُ مُتَفاقِمُ