
If you have captured an elder of ours

لئن ظفرتم بشيخ من مشايخنا

1. If you have captured an elder of ours
Who bears neither spear nor sword

١. لَئِن ظَفِرِتُم بِشَيخٍ مِن مَشايِخِنا
لا يَحمِلُ الرُمحَ وَالصَمصامَةَ الذَكَرا

2. And does not plunge into the thick of battle
Seeing no virtue in havoc, no valor in devastation

٢. وَلا يَخوضُ غِمارَ المَوتِ مُنصَلِتاً
وَلا يَرى لِلرَدى وَرداً وَلا صَدرا

3. How many spirited youths have we killed for your sake
When dawn was still gray and the sun's brow barely showing

٣. فَكَم قَتَلنا لَكُم فِتيانَ مَلحَمَةٍ
رَأدَ الضُحى وَجَبينُ الشَمسِ قَد ظَهَرا