
The daughter of Al-Awfi says: Do you not see

تقول ابنة العوفي ألا ترى

1. The daughter of Al-Awfi says: Do you not see
The son of Kurā' who is always alarmed

١. تَقولُ اِبنَةُ العَوفِيِّ أَلا تَرى
إِلى اِبنِ كُراعٍ لا يَزالُ مُفَزَّعا

2. Fearing these two commanders has robbed
My sleep and clothed me in extensively branched whiteness

٢. مَخافَةُ هَذَينِ الأَميرَينِ سَهَّدَت
رُقادي وَغشَّتني بَياضاً تَفَرَّعا

3. With no fault of mine, an unjust neighbor
Wronged me, so I composed the extensively branched ode

٣. عَلى غَيرِ جُرمٍ أَن جارَ ظالِمٌ
عَليَّ فَجَهَزتُ القَصيدَ المُفرَّعا

4. And the people fled from me when I shot them
With unfeathered arrows, if he dares be courageous

٤. وَقَد هابَني الأَقوامُ لَمّا رَميتُهُم
بِفاقِرَةٍ إِن هَمَّ أَن يَتَشَجَّعا

5. I refused the doors of metrics as if
I were confronting a flock of wild beasts provoked

٥. أَبيتُ بِأَبوابِ القَوافي كَأَنَّما
أُصادي بِها سِرباً مِنَ الوَحشِ نُزَّعا

6. I meet them until I can marry off after
He who woos is either insane or estranged so I disappoint

٦. أُكَالِئُها حَتّى أُعرِّسَ بَعدَما
يَكونُ سُحَيرٌ أَو بُعَيدُ فَأَهجِعا

7. No rebels except I placed before them
A cane stick covering necks and arms

٧. عَواصي إِلاّ ما جَعَلتُ أَمامَها
عَصا مِربَدٍ تَغشى نُحوراً وَأَذرُعا

8. They roamed with the shame of maidens and returned
On a path the odes hoped would bellow

٨. أَهَبَت بِغُرِّ الآبِداتِ فَراجَعَت
طَريقاً أَملَّتهُ القَصائِدُ مَهيَعا

9. Far from glory, hardly approached
By a suitor until he weakens and withers

٩. بَعيدَةَ شَأوٍ لا يَكادُ يَرُدُّها
لَها طالِبٌ حَتّى يَكِلَّ وَيَظلَعا

10. If I fear it may be recited about me I return it
Behind refinement, fearing it may be revealed

١٠. إِذا خِفتُ أَن تُروى عَلَيَّ رَدَدتُها
وَراءَ التَراقي خَشيَةً أَن تَطَلَّعا

11. And fear of the son of Affan made me compose it
So I clothed it in burning, ashen heat

١١. وَجَشَّمَني خَوفُ اِبنِ عَفّانَ رَدَّها
فَثَقَّفتُها حَولاً حَريداً وَمَربَعا

12. The son of Uthman the Imam prohibited me, and yet
The decrees had passed, if cliffs were to crack

١٢. نَهاني اِبنُ عُثمانَ الإِمامِ وَقَد مَضَت
نَوافِذُ لَو تَرَدى الصَفا لَتَصدِعا

13. Ships that would not leave a flesh on its bone
Or a bone on its flesh that they may be torn apart

١٣. عَوارِقُ ما يَترُكنَ لَحماً بِعَظمِهِ
وَلا عَظمَ لَحمٍ أَن يَتَمَزَّعا

14. Is it right that God guided you when an unjust neighbor
Wronged and a wronged one was forbidden to be taken together

١٤. أَحَقاً هَداكَ اللَهُ أَن جارَ ظالِمٌ
فَأَنكَرَ مَظلومٌ بِأَن يُؤخَذا مَعا

15. While you are the son of rulers who established and corrected
Generations and gave to an obtainer without depriving

١٥. وَأَنتَ اِبنَ حُكّامٍ أَقاموا وَقَوَّموا
قُروناً وَأَعطوا نائِلاً غَيرُ أَقطَعا

16. And I had an increase in myself against it
But I did not see except to obey and listen

١٦. وَقَد كانَ في نَفسي عَلَيها زِيادَةٌ
فَلَم أَرَ إِلاّ أَن أُطيعَ وَأَسمَعا

17. So if you two judged against me, then deter
The riffraff who hurt me from the people as infants

١٧. فَإِن أَنتُما أَحكَمتُماني فَاِزجُرا
أراهِطَ تُؤذيني مِنَ الناسِ رُضَّعا

18. So if you deter me O son of Affan, be deterred
And if you leave me, protect a forbidden honor

١٨. فَإِن تَزجُراني يا اِبنَ عَفّان اِنزَجِر
وَإِن تَترُكاني أَحمِ عِرضاً مُمَنَّعا