
I see the tribe of Yarbou' and the estates of Malik

أرى آل يربوع وأفناء مالك

1. I see the tribe of Yarbou' and the estates of Malik
They attack you in war with honed iron

١. أَرى آلَ يُربوعٍ وَأَفناءَ مالِكٍ
أَعضُّوكَ في الحَربِ الحَديدِ المُنَقَّبا

2. They raised the axe of dissolution but your blows
Prevailed over them and left them no drink

٢. هُمُ رَفعوا فَأسَ اللِجامِ فَأَدرَكَت
لِهاتَكَ حَتّى لَم تَدع لَكَ مَشرَبا

3. If you return, they will retaliate in ways
Worse than you can imagine, beyond description

٣. فَإِن عُدتَ عادوا بِالَّتي لَيسَ فَوقَها
مِنَ الشَرِّ إِلاّ أَن تَبيتَ مُحَجَّبا

4. You will wake to find yourself sitting confined
With your splendor stripped bare of its glow

٤. وَتُصبِح تُدري الكُعكَبِيَّةَ قاعِدا
وَيُنتَفَ مِن ليتيكَ ما كانَ أَزغَبا

5. Did they ask us the same that they took for themselves?
Did we give them anything other than wonder and awe?

٥. فَهَل سَأَلوا فينا سَواءَ الَّذي لَهُم
وَهَل نَحنُ أَعطَينا سِواهُ فَتَعجَبا