
You alarmed me, separation, with your mixed-up exile

أراعك بالبين الخليط المهجر

1. You alarmed me, separation, with your mixed-up exile
And no element was far from the separation of the loved ones

١. أَراعَكَ بِالبَينِ الخَليطُ المُهَجِّرُ
وَلَم يَكُ عَن بَينِ الأَحِبَّةِ عُنصُرُ

2. When everyone was deceived by the separation, he had
No recourse but reddened swords that become blunt

٢. إِذا اِغتَرَّهُ بَينُ الجَميعِ فَلَم تَكُن
لَهُ فَزعَةٌ إِلاّ الهَوادِجُ تُخدَرُ

3. You made me stagger, patterns and stripes as if
A wounded beast over the cushions is red

٣. تَرَدَّينَ أَنماطاً وَرَيطاً كَأَنَّهُ
نَجيعُ ضَرا فَوقَ المَراسيلِ أَحمَرُ

4. Can one with white hair be excused for youthfulness
And can he be praised for patience if he is patient?

٤. فَهَل يُعذَرَن ذو شَيبَةٍ بِصَبابَةٍ
وَهَل يُحمَدَن بِالصَبرِ إِن كانَ يَصبِرُ

5. You task my eye and its ties, my heart
When you fear rejection from me, lame

٥. تُكَلِفُني عَيناً فُؤَادي وَحَبلُها
إِذا خَشِيَت مِنكَ الرَزِيَّةَ أَبتَرُ

6. And you knew that its arrows had hit me
And what I feared most came to me from it

٦. وَقَد عَلِمَت أَن قَد أَصابَ سِهامُها
وَأَقصَدَني مِنها الَّذي كُنتُ أَحذَرُ

7. Don't you know that my nature does not last
And I do not seek the affection that fades away

٧. أَلَم تَعلَمَي أَن لا تَدَومَ خَليقَتي
وَلا أَطلُبُ الوِدَّ الَّذي هو مُدبِرُ

8. And if I part from a brother's character
I keep my vow and do not change

٨. وَإِنّي إِذا فارَقتُ عَن خُلُقٍ أَخاً
أَدومُ عَلى عَهدي وَلا أَتَغَيَّرُ

9. By your life, my people are not ill among themselves
When the wind rages among the living like the whistling north wind

٩. لَعَمرُكَ ما قَومي عَلى داءٍ بَينِهِم
إِذا عَصَفَت بِالحَيِّ نَكباءُ صَرصَرُ

10. When the living camp, the herbage cannot be seen
A rod returning the glance is not green

١٠. إِذا الحَيُّ حَلّوا كابِيَ النَبتِ لا يُرى
بِهِ لَونُ عودٍ يَرجِعُ الطَرفَ أَخضَرُ

11. When the camels are resting, their backs humped
And the abodes of the guests were unkempt and prosperous

١١. إِذا الشَولُ راحَت وَهيَ حُدبٌ ظُهورُها
وَكانَ قِرى الأَضيافِ عيصٌ وَمَيسِرُ

12. So the strange neighbor does not tire of our place
And the bright visitor cannot accommodate us

١٢. فَما يَسأَمُ الجارُ الغَريبُ مَحلَّنا
وَلا يَحتَوينا الطارِقُ المُتَنَوِّرُ

13. That is if among us no fool acted badly
Nor an ignorant snarling dog

١٣. وَذلِكَ إِن لَم يَسعَ بِالسوءِ بَينَنا
سَفيهٌ وَلا بِالجَهلِ كَلبٌ مُوَشَّرُ

14. When kinship and affection are among us
We pardon the great sin and forgive

١٤. وَإِذ تَعطِفُ الأَرحامُ وَالوُدُّ بَينَنا
فَنَعفو عَنِ الذَنبِ العَظيمِ وَنَغفِرُ

15. After enmity among us, it became miserable
And it made hatred among us plentiful

١٥. فَقَد نِكدَت بَعدَ العَداوَةِ بَينَنا
وَقَد جَعَلَت فينا الضَغائِنُ تَكثُرُ

16. It cuts off kin, time, and wretchedness
And from the stumbling of ancestors, the ancestor stumbles

١٦. تُقاطِعُ أَرحامٍ وَحَينٌ وَشِقوَةٌ
وَمِن عَثَراتِ الجَدِّ وَالجَدُّ يَعثُرُ

17. Trusts lurk watching as if they were
From the crops, ripe to be harvested when present

١٧. وَتوكِلُ أَعراضٌ تَحينَ كَأَنَّها
مِنَ الزَرعِ مَيسورٌ يُصاعُ فَيَحضُرُ

18. We were cousins so our transgressions
Ran to the likes of which you used to ridicule

١٨. وَكُنا بَني عَمٍّ فَأَجرى غُواتُنا
إِلى غايةٍ مِن مِثلِها كُنتَ أسخَرُ

19. So the rest of our love, we meet with it
When we meet the group of Chosroes and donkeys

١٩. فَأصبَحَ باقي وَدِّنا نَلتَقي بِهِ
إِذا ما اِلتَقَينا رَهطَ كِسرى وَحِميَرُ

20. And I said to all my people when you rushed
To the worst of what rushes, then stop

٢٠. وَقُلتُ لِقَومي كُلِّهِم إِذ جَريتُمُ
إِلى شَرِّ ما يَجري إِلَيه فَأَقصِروا

21. And make me like a resonant cup it cries out for help
And under it a base of yellow bone

٢١. وَكَوني كَآسي شَجَّةٍ يَستَغيثُها
وَما تَحتَها ساسٌ مِنَ العَظمِ أَصفَرُ

22. When I say the illness of my people will heal, they hunch
With a skull that almost detaches from the bone

٢٢. إِذا قُلتُ يَعفو داءُ قَومي تَحدَّبوا
بِجِنِّيَّةٍ كادَت عَنِ العَظمِ تَخزِرُ

23. A raging poet disgraces honors with it
Confusing the rhymes of the defeated and frightening

٢٣. يَشينُ بِها الأَعراضَ عَضبانُ شاعِرٌ
يَطيشُ قَوافي المُفحَمينَ وَيَنفِرُ

24. As if the words of the people were gathered with him
And he takes bits of it to nibble on

٢٤. كَأَنَّ كَلامَ الناسِ جُمِّعَ عِندَهُ
فَيَأخُذُ مِن أَطرافِهِ يَتَحَبَّرُ

25. So he was not content unless with every heavy ruin
That almost drips the blood of the gut at once

٢٥. فَلَم يَرضَ إِلاّ كُلِّ بِكرٍ ثَقيلَةٍ
تَكادُ بِآنٍ مِن دَمِ الجَوفِ تَقطُرُ