
You remembered from your nights what you have not forgotten

تذكرت من ليلاك ما لست ناسيا

1. You remembered from your nights what you have not forgotten
The hand of fate remembers only as long as you remember

١. تذكرتَ من ليلاكَ ما لستَ ناسياً
يدَ الدهر إلاّ ريثَ ما أنت ذاكرهُ

2. A longing was afforded to my heart, but it could not
Be fulfilled with pardon, those are its secrets

٢. وَلوعٌ أتيحتْ للفؤادِ ولم تكنْ
تُنالُ على عفوٍ كذاكَ سرائرهُ

3. It touched the companions of travel, so it showed
With a waft of musk, the most elegant of its merchant

٣. ألمتْ بأصحابِ الرّحال فبينتْ
بنفحةِ مِسكٍ أرّقَ الركبَ تاجرهُ

4. I see distance from your nights as sickness, and its nearness
As life, like the life of rain which you are its helper

٤. أرى النّأي من ليلاكَ سُقماًوقرَبها
حياً كحيا الغيثِ الذي أنت ناصرهُ

5. And if one day it asked the people with its face
The clouds of Pleiades, they would surely pour down their rain

٥. ولو سألتْ للنّاسِ يوماً بوجهها
سحابَ الثريا لا ستهلّتْ مواطُره

6. With a shining whiteness like a dinar from which
No goodness of life appeared except its bliss and secrets

٦. بأبلجَ كالدّينارِ لم تطلّعْ لهُ
من العيشِ إلاّ نعمُهُ وسرائرهُ

7. And whoever keeps property, provisions and hoarding
Neither stinginess keeps it nor fate enriches it

٧. ومَن يُبقِ مالاً عُدّةًوضنانةً
فلا الشُحُ مُبقيهِ ولا الدهرُ وافرهُ

8. And whoever has a branch of salvation, his aspirations
Fate will break the branch, and fate will break him

٨. ومَنْ يكُ ذا عُودٍ صَليبٍ رَجَابهِ
ليكسِرَ عُودَ الدَهرُفالدهرُ كاسرهُ