1. O sons of Tamim, why does not the seat of your kingdom
Settle down, it sways to and fro
١. أَبَني تَميمٍ ما لِمِنبَرِ مُلكِكُم
لا يَستَقِرُّ قَرارُهُ يَتَمَرمَرُ
2. Indeed the pulpits have denied your authority
So call upon Khazima, the pulpit will settle down
٢. إِنَّ المَنابِرَ أَنكَرَت أَستَاهَكُم
فَاِدعوا خُزَيمَةَ يَستَقِرُّ المِنبرُ
3. They deposed the Commander of the Faithful, and pledged allegiance
To Matar, by your life an allegiance that does not appear
٣. خَلَعوا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَبايَعوا
مَطَراً لَعَمرُكَ بَيعَةٌ لا تَظهَرُ
4. And they appointed Matar as successor, so it was as if saying
By your life, a substitute for one-eyed Yazid
٤. وَاِستَخلَفوا مَطَراً فَكانَ كَقائِلٍ
بَدَلٌ لَعَمرُكَ مِن يَزيدٍ أَعوَرُ