1. Tamim ibn Murr, cease your mocking of me,
For I am not one to be humiliated.
١. تَميمُ بنُ مُرٍّ كَفكِفوا عَن تَعَمُّدي
بِذُلٍّ فَإِنّي لَستُ بِالمُتَذَلِّلِ
2. Does this wretched slave mock me, leading me astray?
Yet one like me has aimed at the confused trickster.
٢. أَيَهزَأُ بي العَبدُ الهُجَيمِيُّ ضِلَّةً
وَمِثلي رَمى ذا التُدرَءِ المُتَضَلِّلِ
3. With a clever trick that the schemer cannot accomplish,
Not even the skilled builders of Salma's pillars who weaken.
٣. بِداهِيَةٍ دَهياءَ لا يَستَطيعُها
شَماريخُ مِن أَركانِ سَلمى وَيَذبُلِ
4. By Allah, if it wasn't for my restraint holding me back,
I would leave Tamim a laughingstock at every gathering.
٤. وَبِاللَهِ لَولا أَنَّ حِلمِيَ زَاجِري
تَرَكتُ تَميماً ضُحكَةً كُلَّ مَحفَلِ
5. So cease your throwing of spears, O Lord of Majesty, in disgrace
That will make you hide yourselves in every group and abode.
٥. فَكُفّوا رَماكُم ذو الجَلالِ بِخِزيَةٍ
تُصَبِّحُكُم في كُلِّ جَمعٍ وَمَنزِلِ
6. For you are the scoundrels of people, none can deny it,
And your misfortune was the work of Hurayth ibn Jandal.
٦. فَأَنتُمُ لِئامُ الناسِ لا تُنكِرونَهُ
وَأَلأَمُكُم طُرّاً حُرَيثُ بنُ جَندَلِ