1. Hisham asks me about my prayers
The prayers of Muslims, I said, are five
١. يُسائِلُني هِشامٌ عَن صَلاتي
صَلاةِ المُسلِمينَ فَقُلتُ خَمسُ
2. The afternoon prayer and the first, then three
In succession, in them there is no confusion
٢. صَلاةُ العَصرِ وَالأولى ثَمانٍ
مُواتَرَةً فَما فيهِنَّ لَبسُ
3. And at sunset an odd prayer
And an even one after it, in them there is devotion
٣. وَعِندَ مَغيبِ قَرنِ الشَمسِ وِترٌ
وَشَفعٌ بَعدَها فيهِنَّ حَبسُ
4. And two together in the morning
When the sun appears to those who see
٤. وَغُدوَةً اِثنَتانِ مَعاً جَميعاً
وَلَمّا تَبدُ لِلرائينَ شَمسُ
5. And after them a prayer for their time
For a ritual at midday when it is hot
٥. وَبَعدَهُما لِوَقتِهِما صَلاةٌ
لِنُسكٍ بِالضُحاءِ إِذا نَبُسُ
6. Have you enumerated the prayers, Abu Hisham?
That is what corrupts manners, obstinacy
٦. أَأَحصَيتَ الصَلاةَ أَبا هِشامٍ
فَذاكَ مُكَدِّرُ الأَخلاقِ جِبسُ
7. He is accustomed to being blamed so he is not
A day praising him among the people, friendly
٧. تَعَوَّدَ أَن يُلامَ فَلَيسَ يَوماً
بِحامِدِهِ إِلى الأَقوامِ إِنسُ