
He who has strayed from the spring of revelation has gone astray

لقد ضل من قد حاد عن مورد الكشف

1. He who has strayed from the spring of revelation has gone astray,
And slipped in explaining its hidden secret.

١. لقد ضلَّ من قد حاد عن مورد الكشفِ
وزل عن الإيضاح في سرِّه المخفي

2. He wandered as Abu Al-Ward wandered,
With a morsel that led him astray, then he turned away from that morsel.

٢. وتاه كما قد تاه قدماً أبو الورى
بأكلة خُلْفٍ ثم آبَ عن الخُلْف

3. Yet he left behind for that morsel a state
In which there is death, then resurrection for religion and frailty.

٣. وأبقى لذاك الخلف في الأصل حالةً
بها الموت ثم البعث للدين والزَعف

4. We are led to death by necessity, as though we
Are a sacrifice led forcibly to demise.

٤. نُقاد إلى الموت اضطراراً كأننا
ذبيحٌ يقاد للمنية بالعُنف

5. If we encounter it, we turn to destruction,
And its source shows us the place of doom.

٥. إذا ما وردناهُ صدرنا إلى الردى
ومصدره يبدي لنا موردَ الحتف

6. So its arrival does not become clear through its source,
Nor does its reality become sweet heralding relief.

٦. فلا وردُه يصفو بمصدره ولا
حقيقتُه تحلو فتؤذنَ بالرَشف

7. It's as though I'm in the eye of destruction and it's asleep,
When it stirs to execute the sentence of justice upon the half.

٧. كأني في جفن الردى وهو نائمٌ
إذا هبَّ يقضي حكمَ عدلٍ على النَصف

8. While we see between a promise if we act
And a threat - so judgement is upon a letter.

٨. ونحن نرى ما بين وعدٍ بفعلنا
وبين وعيدٍ فالقضاء على حرف

9. You see us while the strides of life knock at its edge,
So away with a stride, then away from the edge!

٩. ترانا وشَوطُ العمر يَقرَعُ طِرْفَهُ
فبعداً لشوطٍ ثم بعداً من الطِرف

10. Eighty strides, more or less is its limit,
And the steed of life stumbles at the racetrack of pause.

١٠. ثمانون شوطاً قلَّ أو جَلَّ حَدُّهُ
ويكبو جواد العمر في حلْبة الوقف

11. We're not wronged in it, but rather
Our nature inclines toward death due to frailty.

١١. ولسنا بمظلومين فيه وإنما
طبيعتنا تنحو إلى الموت للخُلْف

12. Had it not been fated with death and decay
It would have strayed in what it strayed from the All-Sufficient Creator.

١٢. ولو لم تكن بالموت ملزومةَ البِلى
لضلت بما زلت عن الخالق المُكفي

13. Yet minds still went astray in what they conveyed
And they boasted - and the harm was in that conceit -

١٣. ومع ذلك قد ضلت عقولٌ بما روت
وكَنَّتْ وكان الدَرْزُ في ذلك الكَفِّ

14. Branches of religions from the religion of their Lord,
Dazzled by what they saw of bedazzlement.

١٤. مشعَّبةَ الأديان عن دين ربها
وقد شُدِهَت مما رأته من الوَجف

15. A secret was intimated to them, so they were confused,
And when they disclosed it, they saw the misguidance of the secret.

١٥. أَسرَّت لها سراً خفياً فأَذهلت
ولما أذاعته رأت ضِلَّةَ المخفي

16. The ray of truth shone through their claim,
And the train of the gown of doubt hangs down in tatters.

١٦. وشامت شعاع الحق ضمن اعتلانها
وذيلُ رداء الشك منسدِلُ السَجف

17. So O you who conceal the reality of His religion from us
With the claim that religion is secretly concealed!

١٧. فيا ساتراً عنا حقيقة دينه
بدعواه أن الدين بالسر يستخفي

18. If it were true, it would be more fitting to reveal it,
And if it were falsehood, why would you commit falsehood?

١٨. فإن كان حقّاً فهو أولى بكشفه
وإن كان خُلْفاً ما ارتكابُك للخُلْف

19. Do you fear revealing the one praised in his essence
Openly? Yet the best praise is that which is specially revealed.

١٩. أتخشى على الممدوح تُظهِرُ ذاته
عياناً وخير المدح ما خُصَّ بالكشف

20. Jewels we display so we may enjoy their beauty,
And a defect we cover up, fleeing from vilification.

٢٠. جواهرُ نُبديها لنحظى بحسنها
وعارٌ نواريه فراراً من القذف

21. You supported a religion that is vague, obscured
With some myths that you use to justify yourself -

٢١. وأيَّدتَ ذا ديناً خفيّاً مموَّهاً
ببعض خُرافاتٍ بها أنت تستكفي

22. Geomancy, astrolabe, conjunction, astrolith,
Sorcery and star observations with the planets.

٢٢. برمْلٍ واصطُرلابِ وَفْقٍ ومَنْدَلٍ
وسحرٍ وإرصادات نجمٍ مع الحفِّ

23. That is alchemy with the semiotics of nativities
Which captivates the mind, distracting it from the perfect description.

٢٣. كذا الكيميا مع سيمياء طوالعٍ
بها العقل مفتونٌ عن الكامل الوصف

24. You depicted your questionable doctrine as orthodox
With which a misguided sect went astray from truth and custom.

٢٤. وصيَّرتَ مَذهبْكَ المقولَ مقلَّداً
به شيعةٌ ضلت عن الحق والعُرف

25. Answer me if the religion sneered with laughter,
What then is the merit between truth and lies in the scriptures?

٢٥. أجبني إذا ما قست بالدين ضحكةً
فما الفضل بين الحق والكذب في الصُحْف

26. If it is said the sword is more decisive than the staff,
What then is the merit of the polished sword over straw?

٢٦. إذا قيلَ أن السيفَ أمضى من العصا
فما الفضلُ للسيف الصقيل على السَّعْف

27. If it is said the hoof is swifter in battle
Than the script, what is the merit of the steed over the letter?

٢٧. وإن قيل إن الطِرْف أسرع في الوغى
من الحَرْفِ ما فضل الجواد على الحَرف

28. You claim the truth is enigmatically with you
In a letter concealed by mystery in that letter.

٢٨. وتزعُمُ أن الحق عندك مُلغَزٌ
بحرفٍ طواه السر في ذلك الحرف

29. So if the religion of truth is joined with you,
Why do you claim, fearing its revealing light, that heals?

٢٩. فإن كان دينُ الحق فيك اتصاله
فلِمْ تدَّعي بالخوف من نوره المُشفي

30. You have villainized a people hostile to it due to their ignorance of it
While it is hidden - and that is quite enough from something hidden!

٣٠. وتثلب أقواماً شنَوهُ لجهلهم
به وهو مخفيٌّ وناهيك من مخفي

31. So what is the sin of its critic, while your religion is obscure?
And how can the mind and knowledge be slighted?

٣١. فما ذنبُ شانيه ودينك غامضٌ
وأنَّى يلام العقل والعلمُ مُستَخفِ

32. Far be it for the Lord of Power to destroy one
Who disobeyed His command while it remains concealed without revealing!

٣٢. فحاشا لرب الأمر أن يُهلكَ الذي
عصى أمره والأمر خافٍ بلا كشف

33. And you recited in the secret of the blinding darkness through which
You have concealed the narrations of the epistles gently,

٣٣. وأنشدتَ في سر المُعمَّى الذي به
سترتَ روايات الرسائلِ باللُّطف

34. The symbols of numbers and embodied spirit
And patience, and the fires of life along with doom.

٣٤. إشاراتِ أعدادٍ وروحٍ مُجسَّمٍ
وصبراً ونيرانَ الحياةِ مع الحتف

35. You have rendered our salvation obscure to us, O Abu Baraqish,
And ambiguated it with the noun, verb, and letter.

٣٥. فأعجمتَ يا هذا علينا خلاصَنا
وأبهمتَه بالاسم والفعل والحرف

36. You made it enigmatic in the fold of complex poetry
Whose meanings and words are extremely obscure -

٣٦. وألغزتَه في طيِّ شعرٍ تعقَّدت
معانيه والألفاظُ في غاية الوقف

37. Rhymes and incorrect rhyming, metres and upholding them
Then refraining along with exaggeration.

٣٧. سِنادٌ وإيطاءُ القوافي ولحنُها
وخَزْمٌ وإقواءٌ ثم إكفا مع الزَّحف

38. You enumerated from those who praise you a name and agnomen
And you were ambiguous in your claim over what you conceal.

٣٨. وعدَّدتَ من وصفيك إسماً وكُنيةً
وأبهمتَ في دعواك ما فيه تستخفي

39. So sometimes you show us Al-Khidr embodied in you
And sometimes the philosopher upon true accord.

٣٩. فحيناً تُرينا الخضرَ فيك مُقمَّصاً
وحيناً ترينا الفليسوف على حقف

40. And sometimes you show us Al-Wasil then Al-Fa'il (the achiever),
And sometimes you show us the possessor of might through violence.

٤٠. وحيناً ترينا واصلاً ثم فاعلاً
وحيناً ترينا مالك الكون بالعنف

41. And sometimes you show us that you are sending God
Your book along with the messengers of good news and harmony.

٤١. وحيناً ترينا أنك اللَه مرسلٌ
كتابك مع رسل البشارة والألف

42. So where is a book or messengers of yours among us?
If you came with the truth, you would show with kindness!

٤٢. فأين كتابٌ ثم رُسْلُكَ عندنا
فإن كنتَ أت الحق تَظهرُ بالعطف

43. So you confused us, O Abu Baraqish! Tell us
Your purpose - do not fear revelation along with revealing!

٤٣. فحيَّرتَنا يا اَبا بَراقشَ قل لنا
مرادَك لا تخش العِيانَ مع الكشف

44. You denied us news of your eye, fearing revelation.
But the mind is satisfied with revealing!

٤٤. وورَّيتَ عنا خُبرَ عينك خائفاً
من الكشف إن العقل بالكشف يستكفي

45. You concealed your praised elixir from us
And its praised remedy from pain that heals.

٤٥. وإكسيرك الممدوح عنّا خبأْتَه
ودانِقُهُ المحمودُ من ألمٍ يشفي

46. So produce it if it be true and verifying
That we may be healed from the malady of blasphemy and vilification!

٤٦. فأبرز به إن كان حقّاً مصدقاً
لنَشفَى به من داء كفرٍ ودا قَذف

47. Do not stubbornly substitute truth for lies
Nor reconcile us to that with coarseness and sweetness!

٤٧. ولا تُبدلنَّ الحق بالكذب عنوةً
ولا تُرضِنا عن ذاك بالأفِّ والتُّفِّ

48. You have proposed in the science of mathematics, declaring
It benefits - and the best knowledge is that which is complete in description.

٤٨. وعَرَّضتَ في علم الرياضة مُعلِناً
تُفيدُ وخير العلم ما تمَّ بالوصف

49. So tell me, what is the knowledge of mathematics declaring?
And what is asceticism? What are the limits of purity gently?

٤٩. فقل ليَ ما علم الرياضة مُعلِناً
وما الزهدُ ما حدُّ الطهارة باللطف

50. What is contemplation? Its categories? Its attributes?
And what are the ten perceptions in that circumstance?

٥٠. وما الفكر ما أنواعه ما صفاتُه
وماذا الحواسُ العشر في ذلك الظَرف

51. What is the purpose in defining each major sin,
What is the limit of minor ones in custom?

٥١. وما القصد في تعريف كل كبيرةٍ
من الإثم ما حدُّ الصغيرة في العُرف

52. What is the intellect? What is its comprehension, Master of Creation?
And what is the viewer of the mental in the world of drinking vessels?

٥٢. وما العقلُ ما إدراكُهُ سيِّد الورى
وما الناظر المعقول في عالم السَجف

53. What is the weakness of the innate failing in us and its deficiency?
And what is the cure for every deficiency and weakness?

٥٣. وما ضعف داء الطبع فينا ونقصه
وما هو شفا كلٍّ من النقص والضعف

54. What is conceit? What is discrimination in each case?
And its details in quantity, quality and description?

٥٤. وما العُجب ما الإفرازُ في كل حالةٍ
وتفصيلها بالكم والكيف والوصف

55. What is devotion? What is abstinence from every desire
Through monasticism built upon asceticism and rough garb?

٥٥. وما النسك ما الإمساك في كل شهوةٍ
برهبنةٍ قامت على الزهد والقشف

56. Respond openly, from brilliant acumen,
And delve into the sciences of God, O knowledgeable one, it suffices!

٥٦. أَجِب مسفراً عن فطنةٍ ألمعيةٍ
وخُض في علوم اللَه يا عالماً يكفي

57. A God we have seen through traces of His creation
And origination of the two worlds in the grasp of Power.

٥٧. إلهٌ رأيناه بآثار خلقه
وإبداعِه الكونين في قبضة الكف

58. Transcendent is He in His Essence beyond front or behind,
Nor time that can be counted within a circumstance.

٥٨. ينزَّهُ عن قَبلٍ وبعدٍ بذاته
وعن زمنٍ يحصيه بالحصر في ظَرف

59. His Word is a second hypostasis to the First,
And its third is the Comforting Spirit without contrast.

٥٩. وكِلْمَتُهُ الأقنومُ ثانٍ لأولٍ
وثالثُه الروح المُعَزِّي بلا خُلف

60. But He in Essence, Kingdom and actions is One God
To Him belongs all arrangement in His creation without rival.

٦٠. ولكنه بالذات والملك واحدٌ
إلهٌ له التصريف في خلقه الصِرف

61. We worship Him imagining a delimited person
And transcendent is He above a person that a description would delimit!

٦١. ونعبده بالوهم شخصاً محيَّزاً
وحاشاه من شخصٍ يُحيِّزُه وصفي

62. For His attributes contain meanings of His majesty
And traces of His Power over all the arrogant.

٦٢. فأوصافه تحوي معاني جلاله
وآثار قُدرتْهِ على كل مُستخف

63. He is seen from spiritual armies He may show at His command
With an innate spirit, not of the embodied seed.

٦٣. يُرَى من جنودٍ قد يراهم بأمره
بفطرة روحٍ ليس بالجسم ذي النُطف

64. Of fire they came through the Power of an Able One
Without bodily primal matter, a detachment upon detachment.

٦٤. من النار قد جاءت بقدرة قادرٍ
بغير هيولي الجسم صفّاً على صف

65. Transcending death, food, swiftly moving about,
Not confined to land or heaven.

٦٥. تَنَزَّهُ عن موتٍ وأكلٍ سريعةُ ال
تنقُّل لم تُحجَر بأرضٍ أو السقف

66. Rather, the confines defined their place
To distinguish them from the Creator of beings gently.

٦٦. بلى إنما بالحَصر خُصَّ مكانُها
لِتُفصلَ عن باري البريّة باللُطف

67. Taking shapes and forms of pictured embodiment
Commanded to move and pause.

٦٧. تُخالُ بأشكالٍ وأشخاصِ صورةٍ
مُكلَّفَةٍ أمرَ التحرُّك والوَقف

68. When Satan rebelled while being left to choose,
The God of the Kingdom exiled him from His Kingdom that suffices.

٦٨. ولما طغى إبليس وهو مُخيَّرٌ
نفاه إلهُ المُلكِ عن مُلكه المَكفي

69. He did not return after exile and banishment,
Not to mention the fire that subdued the exiled one.

٦٩. ولم يرجُ بعد النفي والطرد عودةً
وناهيك من نارٍ دهت ذلك المنفي

70. He constructed the heavens, the excellent harmony of them,
A Mighty One transcendent in His Might over weakness!

٧٠. وشاد السماواتِ البديعَ انتظامها
قويٌّ تعالى في قُواه عن الضعف

71. He adorned them among those moving with their motion
While the fixed ones are like pearls in graceful splendor.

٧١. تزيِّنُها في السائرات بسيرها
ثوابتُها كالدرِّ في رَونق الصف

72. He stretched out the earth when He willed, exalted is His Power
Over the water and the waves flowing without pause.

٧٢. دحا الأرضَ لما شاء جلَّ اقتدارُه
على الماء والأمواه تجري بلا وقف

73. He encircled it with surging, turbulent seas
Like the new moon's crescent fallen on the night of mid-month.

٧٣. أحاط بها اليمَّ الثجاجَ كأنه
طفاوةُ بدرٍ خَفَّ في ليلة النصف

74. He ignited in it the two luminescent bodies east and west
And sustained them through decrease, eclipse and concealment.

٧٤. وأذكى بها النَيْرَيْنِ شرقاً ومغرباً
وكادهما بالنقص والخسف والكسف

75. He created Adam from clay, speaking
And adorned him with spirit, intellect and aptitude.

٧٥. برا آدماً من طينة التُرب ناطقاً
وزيَّنه بالنفس والعقل والظرف

76. The strength of his soul is contemplation, comprehension and judgment after which
Comes the will in a steadfast intellect, most gentle kinship.

٧٦. قُوَى نفسِه فكرٌ وفهمٌ وبَعدَه ال
إرادةُ في عقلٍ رصينٍ أخي لطف

77. He first created the body then after a moment
He truly created the soul - thus is our embryonic state.

٧٧. برا الجسم قبلاً ثم بعدَ هنيهةٍ
برا النفس حقّاً هكذا حالُنا النطفي

78. Blessed is the Lord! Nay, the God who specified him -
So honor through him a Master soon perfect in description!

٧٨. تبارك ربٌّ بل إلهٌ أَخَصَّهُ
فأكرِمْ به مولىً غدا كاملَ الوصف

79. He appeared to us truly and delivered Adam
And the Virgin became His mother through whom he was healed.

٧٩. ترَّى بنا حقّاً وخلَّصَ آدماً
وكانت له العذراءُ أمّاً بها استَشْفِ

80. He came to us in a hypostasis, a God in company
To save us from the religion of blasphemy which offers no healing -

٨٠. أتانا بأقنومٍ إلهاً مؤنَّساً
لينقذَنا من دين كفرٍ ولا يشفي

81. Jesus, whose meaning is God the Savior,
As the prophecy made it clear in custom.

٨١. يسوعُ ومعناهُ الإله مُخَلِّصٌ
كما قد أبانته النبوة بالعُرف

82. This then is the wondrous mystery of His manifestation
And eternality openly - far be it for me to conceal!

٨٢. فهذا هو السر البديع اعتلانُه
وأبديته جهراً وحاشايَ أن أُخفي

83. Nor have I concealed it resentfully nor to protect it
From the ignorant and violent world.

٨٣. ولم أُخفه ضنّاً به وصيانةً
عليه من الجهّال والعالم الشَظف

84. So this is what I have disclosed, and you are proven false!
See who turns away headlong with his nose in the ground!

٨٤. فهاك الذي أُبدي وإنَّك مُفحَمٌ
لتبصرَ من يَرتدُّ منجدِعَ الأنف