
As if the tears of the soul were threaded in its throat

كأن دموع النفس في نحرها سلك

1. As if the tears of the soul were threaded in its throat
When parting called it in the morning while it complained

١. كأن دموع النفس في نحرها سِلكُ
غداةَ يناديها الفراقُ وهي تشكو

2. A prisoner of an act made ugly by an evil doer
Who does evil with an object and it has no release

٢. أسيرة فعلٍ ساءه سوء فاعلٍ
يُسيء بمفعولٍ وليس لها فكُّ

3. The eve of a lifetime whose morning had passed
In the prime of nights and enjoyments therein vanished

٣. عشية عمرٍ قد تقضَّى صباحُه
بِكَرِّ الليالي والملاهي به فَتكُ

4. And death bared the decay from its white hairs
So neither youth is good nor disengagement is good

٤. وقد كشَّر الموتُ الردى عن نواجذٍ
فلا حبذا سنٌّ ولا حبذا فكُّ

5. And he wrote the essence of my thoughts in his paper
So human tradition proved it to me with its writ

٥. وقَرطَسَ في قرطاسه كُنهُ خاطري
فآدمُ لي التقليدُ برهانُه الصكُّ

6. I say to myself as it is above its bed
Being generous and the fire of resurrection kindling behind it

٦. أقول لنفسي وهي فوق فراشِها
تجودُ ونارُ الحشر في إثرها تذكو

7. If it did good it succeeds in what it did good
And if it did evil it surely failed so hardship afflicted it

٧. فإن أحسنت فازت بما حسنَت وإن
أساءت فقد خابت فعاجلَها الضنك

8. Grant me success for that which I craved
Then where is pride, and knowledge, and prestige, and possession

٨. هبيني ظفرتُ بالذي قد هويتُه
فأين الحجى والعلم والجاه والملك

9. What I loved is gone since I declined before it
And my death informed me of it that it is a delusion

٩. لقد زال ما أهواه مذ زُلْتُ قبله
وأعلمني موتي به أنه إفك

10. So the last of my pleasures is scandal and shame
And there is no good in pleasures whose end is exposure

١٠. فآخرُ لذّاتي الفضيحةُ والحيا
ولا خير في اللذات آخرها الهتك

11. And the days have not ceased to make me old
Its beginning is affliction and its end is vileness

١١. وما زالت الأيام تُخلِقُ جِدَّتي
فأوَّلها وبلٌ وآخرها ركُّ

12. And it tore from me the mantle of my youth
Like a gazelle stripped of its skin the musk

١٢. وقد مزقت عني شعارَ شبيبتي
كظبيٍ تَفَصَّي عن جوارحه المِسك

13. Leave me be for death is standing at the door
Assailing me until it threw down my brain

١٣. ذريني فإن الموت بالباب واقفٌ
يعاركني حتى وهَى مهجتي العَرك

14. And it took to the tail of my life holding it
And what escape is there for me when the holder has overcome me

١٤. وأضحى بذيل العمر منيَ ماسكاً
وأي مناصٍ لي وقد غالني المَسك