1. I remembered a sweet scent of your praise exhaling
Since my mind was weaving your system
١. أذكرتَ مسكاً من مديحك صائكا
مذ كان فكري في نظامك حائكا
2. And you raised above the horizon homes
In which your determination made you an occupier
٢. ورفعتَ فوق الفرقدين منازلاً
فيها علاك سنىً لعزمِك فاتِكا
3. And you lowered the determination of time until it told me
That it has no path to your might traversing
٣. وحططتَ عزم الدهر حتى قال لي
أن ليس لي نهجٌ لبأسك سالكا
4. So the visions of kings saw you
Fortifying their borders, so they came to you as owners
٤. فرأتكَ آراءُ الملوك مسدِّداً
لثغورهم فأتوكَ فيها مالِكا
5. So you shepherded them, protected them, and preserved them
Rightfully while others in it were being unfaithful
٥. فرعيتها وحميتها وحفظتها
حقّاً وغيرُك كان فيها آفكا
6. The emirate came to you submissively
Willingly while your sword in protecting it was pouring
٦. أتتِ الإمارةُ نحوكم منقادةً
طوعاً وسيفُك في حماها سافكا
7. I congratulated it after the humiliation of others
It was honored here and humiliation was over there
٧. هنَّأتُها من بعد ذلَّة غيركم
عزَّت هنا والذل كان هنالكا
8. I congratulated Allah's religion through you before it
Making up for the believers missed opportunities
٨. هنَّأتُ دينَ اللَه فيكم قبلَها
مستدركاً بالمؤمنين مُداركا
9. I call upon a sublime equal prince
And an outstanding grace that does not show you a partner
٩. أدعو أميراً سامياً متساوياً
ونَميرَ فضلٍ لا يُريكَ مُشاركا
10. You closed the doors of misguidance in the face of deviation
Since you steadied the sincerest paths for the truth
١٠. قد سد في وجه الضلال مغالقاً
مذ شد للحق الصراح مسالكا
11. How many times did the enemies try to betray him
But they feared him when they saw him as a ferocious lion
١١. كم حاول الأعداء منه خيانةً
فخشوه حين رأوه ليثاً فاتكا
12. O you who sacrifice himself with his sword and his teeth
For his people, be to the enemies a destroyer
١٢. يا من يذب بسيفه وسنانه
عن قومه كن للعُداة مَهالكا
13. You have shone in the religion of Christ demonstrating
The paths of guidance since your opinion was insightful
١٣. أشرقتَ في دين المسيح مبرهناً
سبلَ الهدى مذ كان رأيُك باتكا
14. To Allah, the kings have an argument
Through you, the enemy frontier became crumbling
١٤. للَه قَيلٌ في الملوك سَميدعٌ
أضحى بكم ثغرُ العدوِّ دَكادكا
15. You fortified a land, you conquered it, and homes
That rejoiced through you so the frontier in it is smiling
١٥. حصَّنتَ أرضاً حزتَها ومنازلاً
سُرَّت بكم فالثغر فيها ضاحكا
16. Its whistles were prevented so you became fortresses
Through you and victory in it was assisting
١٦. مَنُعَت صياصيها فكُنَّ عواصماً
بكمُ وكان النصر فيها سادكا
17. It was honored through you after being humiliated by others
So their shame became surrendering to you
١٧. عزت بكم مذ ذلَّ فيها غيركم
فلُجَينُهم أضحى لديكم آنُكا
18. To honor came its shepherds and commoners
And its elites, and humiliation became perished
١٨. للعز جاء رعاتُها ورعاعُها
وسُراتُها والذل أمسى هالكا
19. This is God's book in its plains
Being recited so the wicked among it became devout
١٩. هذا كتابُ اللَه في عرصاتها
يتلَى فصار الوَغدُ فيها ناسكا
20. You still are victorious and your luck is rising
And Allah halts for your protection angels
٢٠. لا زلتَ منتصراً وسعدُك صاعدٌ
واللَه يوقف في حِماك ملائكا
21. Sleep turned away from you
So you see the heads of your enemies from you snapped
٢١. نم ها صروفُ الدهر عنك نوائمٌ
فترى رؤوسَ عداك منك سنابكا
22. Until you see in it your suns rising
East, and the sun of your enemies away from you vanished
٢٢. حتى ترى فيها شموسَك طُلَّعاً
شرقاً وشمسَ عِداك عنكم دالِكا