
Between my eyelids and my loved ones is a barzakh

ما بين جفني والأحبة برزخ

1. Between my eyelids and my loved ones is a barzakh
The years of sorrow are like a faraskh

١. ما بين جفني والأحبة برزخُ
سِنةُ الكرى فكأن ذلك فَرسَخُ

2. If I could glimpse it, I would see a houri
A maiden freeing her glance and uncovering

٢. لو حزته لحظيت منه بمقلةٍ
حوراء تخلِسُ لحظهن وتسلخ

3. O heart, trust that the Beloved has chosen
To dwell in you and He cries out for you

٣. يا قلب ثق إن الحبيب مخيَّرٌ
سكناه عندك وهو نحوك يصرخ

4. A Lord has come down from the throne of His kingdom
Condescending, His covenant will not be broken

٤. مولىً نأى عن عرش سدّة ملكه
متنزّلاً ولعهده لا يَفسخ

5. He came to us in an age of our disbelief
Reason confused, transgressors rebuked

٥. قد جاءنا في فترةٍ من كفرنا
والعقل ساهٍ والعداة توبِّخ

6. He is the chosen and hoped-for God
And the humble Son of God does not lord it over others

٦. وهو الإله المرتضَى والمرتجى
وابن الإله تواضعاً لا يشمخ

7. This is Jesus the son of the Most High, whose resolve
Has armed him with a piercing lance

٧. هذا يسوع ابن العليِّ وعزمه
قد قدَّ أعداه برمحٍ يَشدخ

8. He stretched out his right hand from atop the cross
His left hand stained with his blood

٨. قد مدَّ من فوق الصليب يمينه
وشمالُه بدمائه متلطِّخ

9. Until, when he killed the transgressors with his agony
And his side was pierced with the spear

٩. حتى إذا قَتل العداةَ بقلته
ولجنبه بالسمهرية يَزلَخ

10. The new tomb embraced him by his command
For everything an end that cannot be undone

١٠. قد ضمه الجدث الحديث بأمره
ولكل فعلٍ غايةٌ لا تُفسَخ

11. On the third day he rose by his own power
And by his judgment without a trumpet sounding

١١. وبثالث الأيام قام بفعله
وبحكمه من غير قرنٍ ينفخ

12. Victorious, dominant, and triumphing
Over his enemy, he is the firmest conqueror

١٢. متأيداً متسلطاً ومظفّراً
بعدوه فهو الهزبر الأشدخ

13. He descended from the sight of the soil of life
And the sun hides from his brilliance and is unmade

١٣. قد حط عن مرأى محياه الثرى
والشمس تَخنِسُ من ضياه وتُنسَخ

14. The universe shone on the eve of his tomb
Marvel at an occident that became a brilliant orient

١٤. والكون أشرق يوم مغرب قبره
فاعجب لغربٍ صار شرقاً يَنضخ

15. The bringers of good tidings appeared suddenly
Calling, and Adam soiled by tribulation

١٥. نُجُبُ البشارة قد تراءت غارةً
تدعو وآدمُ بالبلاء موسَّخ

16. Adam startled at the tidings they brought
Which he did not expect when they cried out

١٦. فارتاع آدم من بشارته التي
ما ظنها إذ بُحَّ مما يصرخ

17. He called his sons, the prophephets and the saints
For tidings that stirred him to his core

١٧. فدعا بنيه الأنبيا والأوليا
لبشارةٍ منها نهاه يَزمَخ

18. The sun of guidance rose upon them unexpectedly
In a place that had been dark to them

١٨. شمس الهدى بزغت عليهم بغتةً
في بقعةٍ كانت لديهم تَزنَخ

19. God is one Lord in His essence
And in His nature, and creatures bow down before Him

١٩. فاللَه ربٌّ واحدٌ في ذاته
وبطبعه وله الخلائق تَرضخ

20. Father, Son, Holy Spirit from them both
His hypostasis pleasing to those who do not rebel

٢٠. آبٌ وإبنٌ روح قدسٍ منهما
أقنومُه يرضاه من لا يَشمخ

21. The Son fulfilled as savior from Mary
So our salvation from her is pleasing and well-prepared

٢١. فالإبن وافى منقذاً من مريمٍ
فخلاصنا منها يروق ويُطْبَخ

22. The highest heavens were too narrow for Him
Yet Mary's womb was a spacious earth

٢٢. من ضاقت السبع السموات العلا
عنه ومريم فيه أرضٌ سَربَخ

23. She became pregnant with Him by a wondrous mystery
Among mankind, her honor unstained

٢٣. أضحت به حُبلى بسرٍّ مُعجزٍ
بين الأنام وعرضُها لا يُلطَخ

24. Marvel at a fire held by a palm branch
That did not burn and its branches are unharmed

٢٤. فاعجب لنارٍ ضمَّها عُلَّيقَةٌ
لم تحترق وغصونها لا تُفضَخ

25. For God is a fire that dwelt in her womb
And her seal remains unmoved and undefiled

٢٥. فاللَه نارٌ حل في أحشائها
وختومُها تبقى ولا تتوسَّخ

26. Therefore she is distinguished with praise
Surely by her praise Satan is utterly disgraced

٢٦. فلذاك خُصَّت بالمديح وإنما
بمديحها الشيطان حقّاً يُمسَخ

27. Whoever plays with diversions, desiring them
Instead of praising her is deaf and wretched

٢٧. من كان يلهو بالملاهي راغباً
عن مدحها فهو الأصم الأصلخ

28. My love for her inspires the meanings describing her
And casts them into verse, for praising her is the barzakh for me

٢٨. حبي لها يُهدي معاني وصفها
ويصوغها فالمدح عندي البرزخ