
The angels and all people,

إن الملائك والأنام جميعهم

1. The angels and all people,
Even the breeze and every rising star,

١. إن الملائك والأنام جميعهم
حتى النسيم وكل مطلع كوكبِ

2. If they were to praise Mary with their eloquence,
Truthfully with authentic rhetoric,

٢. لو أسهبوا في وصف مريم مدحهم
بفصاحةٍ وبلاغةٍ لم تكذبِ

3. Their praise would still fall short, since God,
The Master, has honored her with His sweet praise.

٣. حقّاً لأعجز مدحُهم مذ خصَّها ال
مولى الإله بمدحه المستعذبِ