
Oh my God, their souls have been afflicted

يا إلهي النفوس قد غالهنه

1. Oh my God, their souls have been afflicted
By the malady of hypocrisy that has destroyed them

١. يا إلهي النفوسُ قد غالهنَّه
اعتلال النفاق واغتالهنَّهْ

2. Renew their emancipation now with forgiveness
And erase their burdens, oh Lord

٢. جدِّدِ الآن عتقَهن بعفوٍ
وامحُ رب عنهن أثقالهنه

3. They have soothed their sorrow with tears
And unloaded their burdens before You

٣. قد رحضن الأسى بماء دموعٍ
وحططنَ لديك أحمالهنه

4. So aid the broken with healing from You
With a remedy that removes their afflictions

٤. فاعضد الكسرَ من لدنك بجبرٍ
بدواءٍ يزيل أوبالهنه

5. Crying out to You from a pained heart
That has revealed their deeds

٥. صارخاتٍ وراكَ من ضمن قلبٍ
موجعٍ قد فضحنَ أعمالهنه

6. Have mercy and be kind to them
Forgiving, pardoning their calamities

٦. فترحَّم وكن بهنَّ شفوقاً
وغفوراً يجيز أهوالهنه

7. Sorrow is just retribution for evil with evil
With vengeance that increases their misdeeds

٧. حُزنَ عدلاً جزاءَ شرٍّ بشرٍّ
بانتقامٍ يزيد أعلالَهنه

8. Where is the beauty that adorns them with grace
That removes the flaws that diminish their glory?

٨. أين حسنٌ يزينهن جمالاً
من عيوبٍ تُزيل إجلالهنه

9. Once they were radiant temples
With light that illuminated their deeds

٩. كُنَّ قَبلاً هياكلاً نيِّراتٍ
بضياءٍ ينير أفعالهنه

10. But the light faded and they became darkness
Intending the impossible so it entrapped them

١٠. فاستَسرَّ الضِيا وصِرنَ ظلاماً
ونوى ألمَحَّال فاحتالهنه

11. If only they had learned from the prison
Of eternal torment that horrified them

١١. لَيتَهنَّ اعتبرنَ مَسكِنَ سجنٍ
أبديٍّ لهنَّ قد هالهنه

12. And they had worshipped vice recklessly
Shaming their hopes

١٢. وتعبدن للرذائل طرّاً
بتوانٍ يعيب آمالهنه

13. They were caught between victory and defeat
With the devil's loyalty swaying them

١٣. وغدَت تجري بين ظُفرٍ ونابٍ
وولاءُ الشيطان قد مالهنه

14. The enemy seized the reins of doomed souls
Permitting their capital to be plundered

١٤. ملَكَ الخصمُ ناصياتِ نفوسٍ
هالكاتٍ أباحَ أسمالهنه

15. They suffer in raging turmoil
And misfortunes that increase their confusion

١٥. يتعذبن باضطرامِ أجيجٍ
وأُوارٍ يزيد بَلبالهنه

16. With errors they committed in ignorance
And the hell of reprisals that destroyed them

١٦. بخَطاءٍ أجزنَه من صَباءٍ
وجحيمِ القصاص إغتالهنه

17. The stillness of despair became their graves
Nay, a hell that claimed their lives

١٧. وغدت وهدةُ الإياس قبوراً
بل جحيماً تضم آجالهنه

18. And they were enslaved by bodily lust
And passion that alters their forms

١٨. وسَبينَ بشهوةِ الجسم شوقاً
وغراماً يُحيلُ أشكالهنه

19. Look now, oh Hope for every weary soul
With difficulties that burden them

١٩. فانظرِ الآن يا رجا كل عانٍ
بنفوس تَحُلُّ إشكالهنه

20. You came to banish misguidance until
The lost are guided and then neglected

٢٠. جئتنا تدحضُ الضلالة حتى
تَنشُدَ الضالَ ثُمَّ إهمالهنه

21. With torment you accepted with whips
And humiliation that reduced their status

٢١. بعذابٍ قَبِلتَه بسياطٍ
وهوانٍ أزال إقلالهنه

22. And a crowned head full of wounds
With myrrh that sweetened their words

٢٢. وبِراسٍ مُكلَّل ذي جراحٍ
مع مُرٍّ يُسيغُ أقوالهنه

23. And a crucifix exalted in humiliation
And doves that kill what is impossible

٢٣. وصليبٍ علوته بامتهانٍ
وحِمامٍ يُميتُ مَحَّالهنه

24. None but You can rescue from the abyss
Oh God who has entered their deepest darkness

٢٤. ليس إلّاك منقذٌ من مساوٍ
يا إلهاً قَفوتَ إيغالهنه

25. To You is the glory, oh Lover of souls
Repentant, removing their shackles

٢٥. فلك المجد يا محبَّ نفوسٍ
تائباتٍ تَفُكُّ أغلالهنه