
You have come Simon in contracted retreat

هاك سمعان وارم بالإنقباض

1. You have come Simon in contracted retreat
And embraced the child for he is pleased with your weeping

١. هاكَ سِمعانُ وارمِ بالإنقباض
واقبَلِ الطفل إنَّه بك راضِ

2. This is a day you were specially prepared for
Since an era whose time is to you past

٢. هذا يومٌ خُصِصتَ فيه مُعَدّاً
منذُ عصرٍ زمانُه بك ماض

3. Yes, what you have recovered from your time in it
There is no person except you distressed with it

٣. نعم ما اعتضتَ من زمانك فيه
ليس شخصٌ سواك بالمعتاض

4. The splendid temple rejoiced in the morning
When they brought in the revered little child

٤. فرح الهيكلُ المنيفُ صباحاً
عند إدخالك العزيزَ التقاض

5. And your saying to my Lord will adorn hearing
Release your servant and fulfill what you are ordaining

٥. ويزين السماعَ قولُك ربي
أطلقِ العبدَ واقضِ ما أنت قاض