
Trust that sorrows are but a narrow shackle,

ثق إنما الأحزان سبك ضيق

1. Trust that sorrows are but a narrow shackle,
And through its shackles the honest appear most truthful.

١. ثق إنما الأحزانُ سبكٌ ضيِّقُ
وبسبكِها يبدو الأمين الأصدقُ

2. Between its sunrise and sunset you see
A fire in which the iron of misfortunes melts.

٢. ما بين مشرقها ومغربها ترى
ناراً بها صَدأُ المآثم يُحرَقُ

3. How many nights have I spent in their plains
Looking around while alone and clinging.

٣. كم ليلةٍ قد بت في عرصاتها
متلفِّتاً وأنا وحيدٌ مُملِق

4. It's as if I'm a target for the causes of evil
And with its arrows each day I shine.

٤. فكأنني هدفٌ لأسباب الردى
وبنبلها في كل يومٍ أرشَق

5. I come in the evening and my heart is the center of afflictions,
The water of decay in its folds drips.

٥. أُمسي وقلبي للبلايا مركزٌ
ماءُ البلى في طيِّه يترقرق

6. It's as if it's the ball of death and misery
And with the arms of its worries it tears.

٦. فكأنه كُرَة المنايا والشقا
وبصولجان همومها يتمزق

7. Wherever I turn I obey in its presence
Not to mention the fire in my heart that stares.

٧. أنَّى توجَّهتُ امتثلتُ حِيالَها
ناهيكَ من نارٍ بقلبي تُحدِق

8. In each limb is a festering wound
And with each beat a torment that pulsates.

٨. في كل جارحةٍ جراحٌ مُثخِنٌ
وبكل خافقةٍ بلاءٌ يَخفِق

9. And in every direction is the misery of my estrangement
And in every hearing a raven that croaks.

٩. وبكل ناحيةٍ لذلِّي غربةٌ
وبكل سامعةٍ غرابٌ يَنعَق

10. They said you were created tormented so I replied
For me torment is grouped and scattered.

١٠. قالوا خُلقتَ معذَّباً فأجبتهم
عندي العذاب مجمَّعٌ ومفرَّق

11. They said you were called to misery so I replied
Whoever denies the frank truth is a fool.

١١. قالوا دُعيتَ إلى الشَقا فاجبتُهم
من يُنكرُ الحقَّ الصراحَ فأحمق

12. I am with my time without my tribesmen
Torn, burnt, and ripped.

١٢. إني بدهري دونَ أهل عشيرتي
متمزقٌ متحرقٌ متغرِّق

13. The enemies have shot their arrows for my blame
While the arrows of loved ones are more precise and radiant.

١٣. راش العداةُ سهامَهم لمذمَّتي
وسهام أحبابي أدقُّ وأرشق

14. The harm of a friend is more bitter then
The harm of a foreign enemy and more burning.

١٤. ضر الصديق أمَرُّ ثم أحَرُّ من
ضُرِّ العدو الأجنبيِّ وأحرَق

15. So look to the arrow of a radiant lover
And wonder at the fire from a scorching friend.

١٥. فانظر لسهمٍ من محبٍّ مُرشَقٍ
واعجب لنارٍ من صديقٍ تَحرِق

16. With each day a tribulation and affliction
And with each day a lesson that flows.

١٦. فبكل يومٍ محنةٌ وبليةٌ
وبكل يومٍ عبرةٌ تتدفَّق

17. With each day the joy of a gloating adversary
And with each day an envious one with no mercy.

١٧. فبكل يومٍ فرحةٌ من شامتٍ
وبكل يومٍ حاسدٌ لا يُشفِق

18. And with each day a blow from an unjust one
As if I am adorned with blood.

١٨. وبكل يومٍ ضربةٌ من ظالمٍ
حتى كأني بالدماء مُخلَّق

19. I complain of sorrow and fate is a stern judge
If you come to it, it is the azure enemy.

١٩. أشكو الأسى والدهر قاضٍ صارمٌ
إن جئتَه فهو العدو الأزرق

20. Its misfortunes show false joy in its folds
And in its folds is a vexing, suppressed cunning.

٢٠. تُبدي نوائبُه البشاشةَ خدعةً
وبِطيِّها مكرٌ مغيظٌ مُحنِق

21. It has scattered the pearls of its dispensation
So it is ripped by its might and plucked.

٢١. نَثرَت بواترُ صرفهِ نظمَ الورى
فمُمزَّقٌ من بأسه ومُحلَّق

22. The mind in it is belated and denied
While ignorance in it is given precedence and believed.

٢٢. فالعقل فيه مؤخرٌ ومكذَّبٌ
والجهل فيه مصدَّر ومصدَّق

23. Its children have multiplied since its rule grew
And the branch blooms from the wind of impurity.

٢٣. كثرت بنوه مذ تكاثر حُكمُه
والغصنُ من ريح النجاسة يورق

24. It has become barren of sane descendants
And the insane children in it have stared.

٢٤. أضحى عقيماً من سليلٍ عاقلٍ
ونمت بنو العِلّات فيه وأحدَقوا

25. Do not be ignorant for the mind recognizes the ignorant
While ignorance is ignorant of it, O dimwit fool.

٢٥. لا تجهلنْ فالعقل يَعرِف جاهلاً
والجهل يجهله الغبيُّ الأحمق

26. I have become wounded at heart and have not ceased to be
Struck by the arrows of your slander each day I shine.

٢٦. أضحيتُ مجروحَ الفؤاد ولم أزل
بسهام ثلبك كل يومٍ أُرشَق

27. No limb remains in my chaste self
Except that in it is one of your shining arrows.

٢٧. لم تَبقَ جارحةٌ بنفسٍ عِفتُها
إلّا وفيها منك سَهمٌ مُرشَق

28. Gently with a disposition created for blame
But for the rope of your affection it does not create.

٢٨. رفقاً بخلٍّ قد خُلِقتَ لذمِّه
لكنْ لحبل ودادِكم لا يُخلِق

29. If you were created in creation for its praise
You would be pleased that you are not created in creation.

٢٩. لو كنت تخلَقُ في الورى لمديحه
لرضيتَ أنك في الورى لا تُخلَق

30. What harm to you if you were pleased with what
Has made you without wealth show kindness?

٣٠. ما كان ضرَّك لو رضيتَ عن الذي
أضحى بكم دون الملا يترفق

31. I spent my devotion to you in the market of loyalty
And I spend my life praising you.

٣١. أنفقت في سوق الوفاء مودتي
فيكم وعمري في مديحك أُنفِق

32. So restrain the tongue and do not obey its ravings
For the tongue is the disturbing enemy.

٣٢. فاعصِ اللسانَ ولا تطع هذيانَهُ
إن اللسانَ هو العدوُّ المُقلق

33. Far between the nightingale and its melody
Not languid, and the croaking raven of separation.

٣٣. شتان بين العندليب وشدوِه ال
مشجي وبين غراب بينٍ يَنعَق

34. The stubborn donkey is recognized among
The fleet steeds when it brays.

٣٤. إن الحمار الغُمرَ يُعرَفُ نوعُهُ
بين الجياد الوُرْدِ لمَّا يَنهَق

35. This is the slandering spy, blameworthy with his lies,
When you trusted him like a sweet fool.

٣٥. هذا هو الواشي المعيبُ بكذبه
لما وثقتَ به كخلٍّ يَصدِق

36. He has overwhelmed you, or rather deceived you, from my love
And from praising me, and he is pleased that you are disturbed.

٣٦. أطغاك بل أغواك عن حبي وعن
مدحي وهوْ يرضيهِ أنك تَقلَق

37. May you be rewarded from me with a love I did not sell
For the cheapness of your blame, and the reward is guaranteed.

٣٧. فجزاكَ عني محبَّةٌ ما بعتُها
برخيص ذمِّك والجزاءُ محقَّق

38. He has turned you from me, the wind of gentle water,
And the breeze of musk has turned me from you, fragrant.

٣٨. فثناكَ عني ريحُ ماءٍ آسنٍ
وثنايَ عنكَ نسيمُ مِسكٍ يَعبَق

39. For God commands, the Messenger confirms it
And the Gospel of Christ affirms it.

٣٩. فاللَه يأمر والرسول مؤكّدٌ
فيه وإنجيلُ المسيحِ يُحقّق

40. Do not repay evil with evil like it
But honor the enemy, be generous, and be kind.

٤٠. ألا تكافوا الشرَّ شرّاً مثلَه
بل أكرموا الأعدا وجودوا وارفُقوا

41. So go for you are the freed slave of a Lord whose law
Has invalidated the raving of blasphemous language that fades.

٤١. فاذهب فأنت طليق ربٍّ شرعُه
قد فل غَربَ لسانِ هجوٍ يَزهَق

42. Their ignorance ruled over my reason
And the sun is veiled by the massing clouds.

٤٢. جهالُه سادت علي عُقّالِه
والشمس يحجبها الغمام المُطبِق

43. Until I was captured by it, so my tears freed
Me from its tyranny, and I am the freed captive.

٤٣. حتى أُسرتُ به فأَطلقَ عبرتي
من جوره فأنا الأسيرُ المُطلَق

44. And I suffered from it and from its children with injustice,
Disturbance, and my heart is disturbed by its hardship.

٤٤. وبليتُ منه ومن بنيه بظالمٍ
قلقٍ وقلبي من عَناه أقلق

45. My heart complained to it above the mountain of its love
Until it turned it, so it fell from it and crashed.

٤٥. ناجاه قلبي فوق طور وداده
حتى ثناه فخرَّ منه يُصعَق

46. Its worries have tired my heart just as
The quiver and its straps tired the archer.

٤٦. أعيت هواجسه فؤادي مثلما
أعيا الرخاخَ وفِرْزَهنَّ البَيذَق

47. It's as if when its thoughts are ambushed
They are struck by the hands of misfortune and scattered.

٤٧. فكأن أفكاري إذا ما اغتالَها
ضَرَبَتهمُ أيدي سبا فتفرقوا

48. It meets me in friendship and its love
Of me sometimes estranges and sometimes shines.

٤٨. أمسى يعاقدني الودادَ وودُّه
عني يغرِّبُ تارةً ويشرِّق

49. O forgetter of my old love and alienator
Of my new company, and oppressive one who shines.

٤٩. يا ناسياً حبي القديمَ وموحشاً
أنسي الحديث وظالماً يتألَّق

50. You have reviled the beauty of my love and its brilliance
Unjustly, like the nature of quicksilver.

٥٠. قد شِنتَ حُسنَ محبتي ونُضورَها
ظلماً كما شان النُضارَ الزيبق

51. It's as if I am a gazelle in the gentleness of its softness
And your nature is solid as cement.

٥١. فكأنني حلبٌ برقَّةِ لينها
وكأن طبعك في الغلاظة جلَّق

52. O, if only my people knew that I
Have come to shed tears for you in the evening and shine.

٥٢. يا ليت قومي يعلمون بأنني
أمسيت فيك بدمع عيني أشرق

53. So enjoy a pleasant, spacious, and ample life
Since I stayed up for you while my living is narrow.

٥٣. فَتهنَّ في عيشٍ رغيدٍ واسعٍ
مذ بِتُّ فيك ورَبعُ عيشي ضيق

54. If not for it, blaming you would be appropriate
And blaming is naturally appropriate for villains.

٥٤. لولاه كان الهجو فيك موفَّقاً
والهجوُ طبعاً في اللئام موفَّق

55. I am convinced when I hear the voice
Of Christ on the cross that fascinates me:

٥٥. إني ليقنعني وسمعي سامعٌ
صوتُ المسيح على الصليب يُشوِّق

56. "Forgive them Father, they know not
What they do, and if they saw they did not believe."

٥٦. اغفر لهم أبتاه هم لم يعلموا
ما يعملون وإن رأوا ما صدَّقوا

57. Enough for me to see him on the cross and his head
Bowed from the pride of the arrogant.

٥٧. حسبي أراه على الصليب ورأسُه
عن كبريا أهل التكبر مُطرق

58. He ordered the bitter nails to rend his garment
And by rending it the wounds of Adam are sealed.

٥٨. أمَرَ السنانَ المُرَّ يفتق جيبَه
وبفتقه لجراح آدم يَرتق

59. He who has made the enemy a friend
And the friend with the blood of an enemy is adorned.

٥٩. هذا الذي جعل العدو صديقه
وصديقه بدم العدو مخلَّق

60. And I have made the tears of my eyes a sunset
From what he has illuminated it with, that sunrise.

٦٠. وجعلتُ فيه دمع عيني مَغرِباً
لما أضاها منه ذاك المشرق

61. And I have lowered the banners of enmity when
I saw the banners of safety fluttering.

٦١. وخفضت رايات العداوة عندما
أبصرت رايات السلامة تَخفُق

62. And I have taken off my virginity's adornment when he became
Refined, though the praise of Mary is more elegant.

٦٢. وخلعت فيه عذار عذري مذ غدا
لَبِقاً ولكن مدحُ مريم ألبق

63. And I have worn in praise of the virgin Mary
The dress of aspiration as if it is silk brocade.

٦٣. ولبست في مدح البتولة مريمٍ
ثوبَ الرجا فكأنه الإستبرق

64. With her my poetic passion and poetry soars in creation
Blossoming as if with her my clear poetry splits.

٦٤. يسمو بها سِعري وشعري في الورى
يزهو كأني بها الفصيح المُفلق

65. And with her I have raised the banner of my open praise
In the two horizons as if my praise is a blazing fire.

٦٥. ورفعت فيها لواءَ مدحي ظاهراً
في الخافقين كأن مدحي سَنجق

66. She has fortified me from a stubborn enemy
In her vicinity as if my fortress is an imposing wall.

٦٦. قد حصَّنتني من عدوٍّ ماردٍ
بجوارها فكأن حصني الجَوسق

67. Until I drowned in praising her and glorifying her
And the drowned in Hell do not drown.

٦٧. حتى غرقتُ بمدحها وبحمدها
وغريقُها بجهنّمٍ لا يغرق

68. You see the enemy yearning for her praise
And for the merits of her superiority they yearn.

٦٨. فترى العدو لمدحها متشوِّقاً
وإلى مناقب فضلها يتشوق

69. The enemies have testified to her high favor
What the enemy has acknowledged and believed.

٦٩. شهدت لها الأعداء والفضلُ العليْ
ما قد أقر به العدوُّ وصدَّقوا

70. Afflictions never reach her servant one day
And seeking what cannot be attained is impossible.

٧٠. لا تلحقُ الآفات يوماً عبدَها
ومن المحال طلاب ما لا يُلحَق

71. It's as if he is in the refuge of her might
And as if she is his protection, an imposing fence.

٧١. فكأنه من بأسها في معقلٍ
وكأنها لحماه سورٌ محدِق

72. I call upon you, O Queen never fought
Except the parties of enemies are torn.

٧٢. أدعوكِ يا سلطانةً ما حوربت
إلا وأحزابُ العداة تمزقوا

73. Rise to my victory, your resolve alone
To the enemies is a formidable mobilizing army.

٧٣. قومي لنصري إن عزمك وحده
عند العدا جيش مخيفٌ فيلق

74. The flags of victory fluttered from you, so when
Your banners saw them, the enemies fled in haste.

٧٤. خفقت بنودُ النصر منك فمذ رأت
أعلامَك الأعداءُ طرّاً أخفقوا

75. Except you, the door of the abundance of its access is closed
But your generosity, its door does not close.

٧٥. فسواكِ يُغلق بابَ جود نوالِه
لكن جودك بابُه لا يغلق

76. And I have stayed up praising you a night when
Morning swore that it will not rise.

٧٦. ولقد سهرت على مديحك ليلةً
حلف الصباحُ بأنه لا يشرق

77. And I was sleepless until my passion for you said
Sleepless upon sleepless, and the like of me stays awake.

٧٧. وأرِقتُ حتى قال شوقي نحوكم
أَرَقٌ على أرقٍ ومثلي يأرق