
She shed her mantle in fever's reckless bout,

خلعت هياكلها بجرعاء الحمى

1. She shed her mantle in fever's reckless bout,
Though time for parting was almost at hand,

١. خلعت هياكلَها بِجَرعاءِ الحمى
كَرهاً وقد أزفت لأن تَتعلَّقا

2. For she recalled the days of grace gone by
And poured for her old song a longing grand,

٢. لكنها ذكرَت عهودَ صفاتِها
وصبت لمغناها القديم تَشوُّقا

3. She glanced around at her abode so fair
That ancient trysting-place that love did bless,

٣. وتلفتت نحو الديار فشاقَها
عهدٌ قديمٌ كان مثواه البقا

4. She yearned with longing love for things familiar there
A place whose ruins muted grief express,

٤. حنَّت حنين الإلف لما راقها
ربعٌ عفت أطلاله فتمزّقا

5. She questioned it then harkened for an answer clear
If tomorrow would bring a hoped-for meeting, nay

٥. وقفت تسائله فرد جوابَها ال
إقرار أنَّ غداً يكونُ الإلتقا

6. Believe him not who saith your goal is far
Echo repeats that you shall not meet today,

٦. لا تفرقي مما يجيب بزعمه
رَجعُ الصدى أن لا سبيل إلى اللقا

7. With tearful eyes she mourned the days of old
The dear familiar days that are no more

٧. فبكت بعين الحال معهد عهدِها ال
مألوفِ ثم سمت بأوج الإرتقا

8. Then proudly did her crest aloft she hold
And grieved for that sweet time forever o'er

٨. سُرَّت بمركزها القديم وأظهرت
أسفاً على زمنٍ مضى فتفرَّقا

9. As lightning in the fever she flashed bright
Enchantment glowing in both east and west

٩. فكأنها برقٌ تألَّق بالحمى
سَحَراً ينير الغرب ثم المشرقا

10. Her rays were scattered over heaven’s height
Then folded as if they had ne’er been blessed.

١٠. نُشرَت أشعتُه بأفق سمائه
ثم انطوى فكأنه ما أبرقا