
We have seen in your covenants

رأينا من عهودِكم

1. We have seen in your covenants
Covenants we have never witnessed

١. رأينا من عهودِكُمُ
عهوداً ما عهدناها

2. Fragments of conversations
Whose meanings have become clear to us

٢. أحاديثٌ ملفَّقةٌ
لدينا لاح معناها

3. I implore you by God, fold away
Suspicions we have folded away

٣. بجاه اللَه أن تَطووا
شكوكاً قد طويناها

4. Neither you spoke nor we spoke
Suffice it to mention discord

٤. فلا قلتم ولا قلنا
كفى الفتنةَ ذكراها

5. And we give you rest, leg
Toward you was its effort

٥. ونحن نُقيلُكم رِجْلاً
إليكم كان مسعاها

6. And we avert our eyes below you
A mirror the self dislikes its sight

٦. ونُغضي دونكم عيناً
يسوء النفسَ مرآها

7. And an ear that was thrilled
By your words we have stifled it

٧. وأُذْنٌ كان يطربها
حديثكمُ كففناها

8. And news we have heard
For your sake we have abandoned it

٨. وأخبارٌ سمعناها
لأجلكمُ تركناها

9. And deeds we have seen
As if we never saw them

٩. وأفعالاً رأيناها
كأنا ما رأيناها

10. So speak not and complain not
For the self suffices its complaints

١٠. فلا تحكوا ولا تشكوا
فيكفي النفسَ شكواها

11. It has seen and distance its valley
And its farthest, so its farthest

١١. رأَت والبعدُ واديها
وأقصاها فأقصاها

12. For the sake of a love that was flawed
To preserve it and tend to it

١٢. لأجل محبةٍ ثُلِمت
لنحفظها ونرعاها